SNAP Library, Developer Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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TZipIn Member List
This is the complete list of members for TZipIn, including all inherited members.
BfTZipIn [private]
BfCTZipIn [private]
BfLTZipIn [private]
CreateZipProcess(const TStr &Cmd, const TStr &ZipFNm)TZipIn [private]
CRefTSBase [protected]
CsTSBase [protected]
CurFPosTZipIn [private]
Eof()TZipIn [inline, virtual]
FExtToCmdHTZipIn [private, static]
FillBf()TZipIn [private]
FillFExtToCmdH()TZipIn [private, static]
FLenTZipIn [private]
GetBf(const void *LBf, const TSize &LBfL)TZipIn [virtual]
GetCh()TZipIn [inline, virtual]
GetCmd(const TStr &ZipFNm)TZipIn [static]
GetCurFPos() const TZipIn [inline]
GetFLen() const TZipIn [inline]
GetFLen(const TStr &ZipFNm)TZipIn [static]
GetNextLn(TStr &LnStr)TSIn
GetNextLn(TChA &LnChA)TSIn
GetSNm() const TSBase [virtual]
IsFastMode() const TSIn [inline]
IsZipExt(const TStr &FNmExt)TZipIn [static]
IsZipFNm(const TStr &FNm)TZipIn [inline, static]
Len() const TZipIn [inline, virtual]
Load(bool &Bool)TSIn [inline]
Load(uchar &UCh)TSIn [inline]
Load(char &Ch)TSIn [inline]
Load(short &Short)TSIn [inline]
Load(ushort &UShort)TSIn [inline]
Load(int &Int)TSIn [inline]
Load(uint &UInt)TSIn [inline]
Load(int64 &Int)TSIn [inline]
Load(uint64 &UInt)TSIn [inline]
Load(double &Flt)TSIn [inline]
Load(sdouble &SFlt)TSIn [inline]
Load(ldouble &LFlt)TSIn [inline]
Load(char *&CStr, const int &MxCStrLen, const int &CStrLen)TSIn [inline]
Load(char *&CStr)TSIn
LoadBf(const void *Bf, const TSize &BfL)TSIn [inline]
LoadNewBf(const int &BfL)TSIn [inline]
MxBfLTZipIn [private, static]
New(const TStr &FNm)TZipIn [static]
New(const TStr &FNm, bool &OpenedP)TZipIn [static]
operator=(const TZipIn &)TZipIn [private]
operator>>(bool &Bool)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(uchar &UCh)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(char &Ch)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(short &Sh)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(ushort &USh)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(int &Int)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(uint &UInt)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(int64 &Int)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(uint64 &UInt)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(float &Flt)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(double &Double)TSIn [inline]
operator>>(long double &LDouble)TSIn [inline]
PeekCh()TZipIn [inline, virtual]
Reset()TSIn [inline, virtual]
SetFastMode(const bool &_FastMode)TSIn [inline]
SNmTSBase [protected]
StdInTSIn [static]
TPt< TSIn > classTSIn [friend]
TSBase(const TSStr &Nm)TSBase [inline]
TSIn()TSIn [inline]
TSIn(const TStr &Str)TSIn
TZipIn()TZipIn [private]
TZipIn(const TZipIn &)TZipIn [private]
TZipIn(const TStr &FNm)TZipIn
TZipIn(const TStr &FNm, bool &OpenedP)TZipIn
ZipStdoutRdTZipIn [private]
ZipStdoutWrTZipIn [private]
~TSBase()TSBase [inline, virtual]
~TSIn()TSIn [inline, virtual]