SNAP Library, Developer Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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00001 // Unicode.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
00002 //
00005 // Includes
00006 //#include "unicode.h"
00008 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 // Private declarations of this module
00010 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00012 namespace {
00014 class TVectorBuilder2
00015 {
00016 public:
00017         TIntV v;
00018         TVectorBuilder2(int i) { v.Add(i); }
00019         operator TIntV() const { return v; }
00020         TVectorBuilder2& operator ,(int i) { v.Add(i); return *this; }
00021 };
00023 class TVectorBuilder
00024 {
00025 public:
00026         operator TIntV() const { return TIntV(); }
00027         TVectorBuilder2 operator ,(int i) { return TVectorBuilder2(i); }
00028 };
00030 TVectorBuilder VB;
00032 TStr CombinePath(const TStr& s, const TStr& t)
00033 {
00034         int n = s.Len(); if (n <= 0) return t;
00035         if (s[n - 1] == '\\' || s[n - 1] == '/' || s[n - 1] == ':') return s + t;
00036         return s + "\\" + t;
00037 }
00039 void AssertEq(const TIntV& v1, const TIntV& v2, const TStr& explanation, FILE *f)
00040 {
00041         const int n = v1.Len();
00042         bool ok = (n == v2.Len());
00043         if (ok) for (int i = 0; i < n && ok; i++) ok = ok && (v1[i] == v2[i]);
00044         if (! ok)
00045         {
00046                 if (! f) f = stderr;
00047                 fprintf(f, "%s: [", explanation.CStr());
00048                 for (int i = 0; i < v1.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, "%s%04x", (i == 0 ? "" : " "), int(v1[i]));
00049                 fprintf(f, "] != [");
00050                 for (int i = 0; i < v2.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, "%s%04x", (i == 0 ? "" : " "), int(v2[i]));
00051                 fprintf(f, "]\n");
00052                 Fail;
00053         }
00054 }
00056 };
00058 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00059 // TUniCodec -- miscellaneous declarations
00060 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00062 uint TUniCodec::GetRndUint(TRnd& rnd)
00063 {
00064         uint u = rnd.GetUniDevUInt(256) & 0xff;
00065         u <<= 8; u |= (rnd.GetUniDevUInt(256) & 0xff);
00066         u <<= 8; u |= (rnd.GetUniDevUInt(256) & 0xff);
00067         u <<= 8; u |= (rnd.GetUniDevUInt(256) & 0xff);
00068         return u;
00069 }
00071 uint TUniCodec::GetRndUint(TRnd& rnd, uint minVal, uint maxVal)
00072 {
00073         if (minVal == TUInt::Mn && maxVal == TUInt::Mx) return GetRndUint(rnd);
00074         uint range = maxVal - minVal + 1;
00075         if (range > (uint(1) << (8 * sizeof(uint) - 1)))
00076                 while (true) { uint u = GetRndUint(rnd); if (u < range) return minVal + u; }
00077         uint mask = 1;
00078         while (mask < range) mask <<= 1;
00079         mask -= 1;
00080         while (true) { uint u = GetRndUint(rnd) & mask; if (u < range) return minVal + u; }
00081 }
00083 bool TUniCodec::IsMachineLittleEndian()
00084 {
00085         static bool isLE, initialized = false;
00086         if (initialized) return isLE;
00087         int i = 0x0201;
00088         char *p = (char *) (&i);
00089         char c1, c2;
00090         memcpy(&c1, p, 1); memcpy(&c2, p + 1, 1);
00091         if (c1 == 1 && c2 == 2) isLE = true;
00092         else if (c1 == 2 && c2 == 1) isLE = false;
00093         else {
00094                 FailR(("TUniCodec::IsMachineLittleEndian: c1 = " + TInt::GetStr(int(uchar(c1)), "%02x") + ", c2 = " + TInt::GetStr(int(uchar(c2)), "%02x") + ".").CStr());
00095                 isLE = true; }
00096         initialized = true; return isLE;
00097 }
00099 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00100 // TUniCodec -- UTF-8 test driver
00101 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00103 void TUniCodec::TestUtf8(bool decode, size_t expectedRetVal, bool expectedThrow, const TIntV& src, const TIntV& expectedDest, FILE *f)
00104 {
00105         TIntV dest;
00106         if (f) {
00107                 fprintf(f, "Settings: %s  %s  %s   replacementChar = %x\n",
00108                         (errorHandling == uehAbort ? "abort" : errorHandling == uehThrow ? "throw" : errorHandling == uehIgnore ? "ignore" : errorHandling == uehReplace ? "replace" : "????"),
00109                         (strict ? "STRICT" : ""), (skipBom ? "skipBom" : ""), uint(replacementChar));
00110                 fprintf(f, "src: "); for (int i = 0; i < src.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, (decode ? " %02x" : " %x"), uint(src[i])); }
00111         try
00112         {
00113                 size_t retVal = (decode ? DecodeUtf8(src, 0, src.Len(), dest, true) : EncodeUtf8(src, 0, src.Len(), dest, true));
00114                 if (f) {
00115                         fprintf(f, "\n -> dest:    "); for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, (decode ? " %x" :  " %02x"), uint(dest[i]));
00116                         fprintf(f, "\n    expDest  "); for (int i = 0; i < expectedDest.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, (decode ? " %x" :  " %02x"), uint(expectedDest[i]));
00117                         fprintf(f, "\n    retVal = %llu (expected %llu)\n", static_cast<long long unsigned int> (retVal), static_cast<long long unsigned int> (expectedRetVal)); }
00118                 if (retVal != expectedRetVal)
00119                         printf("!!!");
00120                 IAssert(retVal == expectedRetVal); IAssert(! expectedThrow);
00121                 if (dest.Len() != expectedDest.Len())
00122                         printf("!!!");
00123                 IAssert(dest.Len() == expectedDest.Len());
00124                 for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) IAssert(dest[i] == expectedDest[i]);
00125         }
00126         catch (TUnicodeException e)
00127         {
00128                 if (f) {
00129                         fprintf(f, "\n -> expDest  "); for (int i = 0; i < expectedDest.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, " %x", uint(expectedDest[i]));
00130                         fprintf(f, "\n    exception \"%s\" at %d (char 0x%02x)\n", e.message.CStr(), int(e.srcIdx), uint(e.srcChar)); }
00131                 IAssert(expectedThrow);
00132         }
00133 }
00135 // Generates a random UTF-8-encoded stream according to the specifications in 'testCaseDesc',
00136 // then calls TestUtf8 to make sure that DecodeUtf8 reacts as expected.
00137 void TUniCodec::TestDecodeUtf8(TRnd& rnd, const TStr& testCaseDesc)
00138 {
00139         TIntV src; TIntV expectedDest; int expectedRetVal = 0;
00140         bool expectedAbort = false;
00141         FILE *f = 0; // stderr
00142         // testCaseDesc should consist of pairs or triples of characters, 'cd[e]', where:
00143         // - 'c' defines the range from which the codepoint should be taken ('A'..'H', 'X'..'Z');
00144         // - 'd' defines how many bytes the codepoint should be encoded with ('1'..'6');
00145         // - 'e' defines how many bytes will be removed from the end of the encoded sequence for this codepoint.
00146         //   (absent = 0, 'a' = 1, 'b' = 2 and so on).
00147         for (int i = 0; i < testCaseDesc.Len(); )
00148         {
00149                 IAssert(i + 2 <= testCaseDesc.Len());
00150                 const char c = testCaseDesc[i], d = testCaseDesc[i + 1]; i += 2;
00151                 uint cp = 0; int nBytes = -1, minBytes = -1; bool eighties = false;
00152                 IAssert('1' <= d && d <= '6'); nBytes = d - '0';
00153                 if (c == 'A') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0u, 0x7fu); minBytes = 1; } // 1 byte
00154                 else if (c == 'B') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0x80u, 0x7ffu); minBytes = 2; } // 2 bytes
00155                 else if (c == 'C') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0x800u, 0xffffu); minBytes = 3; } // 3 bytes
00156                 else if (c == 'D') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0x10000u, 0x10ffffu); minBytes = 4; } // 4 bytes, valid Unicode
00157                 else if (c == 'E') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0x110000u, 0x1fffffu); minBytes = 4; } // 4 bytes, invalid Unicode
00158                 else if (c == 'F') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0x200000u, 0x3ffffffu); minBytes = 5; } // 5 bytes
00159                 else if (c == 'G') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0x4000000u, 0x7fffffffu); minBytes = 6; } // 6 bytes, 31 bits
00160                 else if (c == 'H') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0x80000000u, 0xffffffffu); minBytes = 6; } // 6 bytes, 32 bits
00161                 else if (c == 'X') { cp = 0xfffe; minBytes = 3; }
00162                 else if (c == 'Y') { cp = 0xfeff; minBytes = 3; }
00163                 else if (c == 'Z') { eighties = true; minBytes = 1; } // insert several random 10xxxxxx bytes (= 0x80 | random(0..0x3f))
00164                 else Fail;
00165                 IAssert(nBytes >= minBytes);
00166                 // Process 'e'.
00167                 int nToDel = 0;
00168                 if (i < testCaseDesc.Len()) {
00169                         const char e = testCaseDesc[i];
00170                         if (e >= 'a' && e <= 'e') { i += 1; nToDel = e - 'a' + 1; }}
00171                 IAssert(nToDel < nBytes);
00172                 // Will an error occur during the decoding of this codepoint?
00173                 bool errHere = false;
00174                 if (eighties) errHere = true;
00175                 else if (nToDel > 0) errHere = true;
00176                 else if (strict && (cp >= 0x10ffff || nBytes > minBytes)) errHere = true;
00177                 // Update 'expectedDest' and 'expetedRetVal'.
00178                 if (! expectedAbort) {
00179                         if (! errHere) {
00180                                 if (src.Len() == 0 && (cp == 0xfffe || cp == 0xfeff) && skipBom) { }
00181                                 else { expectedDest.Add(cp); expectedRetVal += 1; } }
00182                         else if (errorHandling == uehReplace) {
00183                                 if (eighties) for (int j = 0; j < nBytes; j++) expectedDest.Add(replacementChar);
00184                                 else expectedDest.Add(replacementChar); }
00185                         if (errHere && (errorHandling == uehAbort || errorHandling == uehThrow)) expectedAbort = true; }
00186                 // Update 'src'.
00187                 if (eighties) for (int j = 0; j < nBytes; j++) src.Add(GetRndUint(rnd, 0x80, 0xff));
00188                 else if (nBytes == 1) src.Add(cp);
00189                 else {
00190                         int mask = (1 << nBytes) - 1; mask <<= (8 - nBytes);
00191                         src.Add(mask | (uint(cp) >> (6 * (nBytes - 1))));
00192                         for (int j = 1; j < nBytes - nToDel; j++) src.Add(0x80 | ((cp >> (6 * (nBytes - j - 1))) & _0011_1111)); }
00193         }
00194         if (f) fprintf(f, "Test case: \"%s\"\n", testCaseDesc.CStr());
00195         TestUtf8(true, expectedRetVal, expectedAbort && (errorHandling == uehThrow), src, expectedDest, f);
00196 }
00198 void TUniCodec::TestUtf8()
00199 {
00200         TIntV utf8ReplCh; EncodeUtf8((TVectorBuilder(), replacementChar).v, 0, 1, utf8ReplCh, true);
00201         for (int skipBom_ = 0; skipBom_ < 2; skipBom_++)
00202         for (int strict_ = 0; strict_ < 2; strict_++)
00203         for (int errMode_ = 0; errMode_ < 4; errMode_++)
00204         {
00205                 strict = (strict_ == 1); errorHandling = TUnicodeErrorHandling(errMode_); skipBom = (skipBom_ == 1);
00206                 TRnd rnd = TRnd(123);
00207                 // Test DecodeUtf8 on various random UTF-8-encoded sequences.
00208                 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
00209                 {
00210                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A1A2A3A4A5A6B2B3B4B5B6C3C4C5C6D4D5D6E5E6F6G6");
00211                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A5dA6d");
00212                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A1B2C3D4E4F5A1G6H6Y3X3A1");
00213                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A1B2C3D4E4F5A2G6H6Y3X3A1");
00214                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "Y3A1B2C3D4E4F5A1G6H6Y3X3A1");
00215                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "A1B2C3D4E4F5A1G6H6Y3X3A1");
00216                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "G6A1A1D4E4A1B2");
00217                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "D4A1A1C3A1B2A1B2");
00218                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "D4A1A1C3A1B2A1B2D4a");
00219                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A1B2C3D5E4F5A1G6H6Y3X3A1");
00220                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A1B2C3D4E5F5A1G6H6Y3X3A1");
00221                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A1B2C3D4aE4F5A1G6H6Y3X3A1");
00222                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A1B2C3D4bE4F5A1G6H6Y3X3A1");
00223                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A2aA3aA4aA5aA6aB2aB3aB4aB5aB6aC3aC4aC5aC6aD4aD5aD6aE5aE6aF6aG6a");
00224                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A3bA4bA5bA6aB3bB4bB5bB6bC3bC4bC5bC6bD4bD5bD6bE5bE6bF6bG6b");
00225                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A4cA5cA6cB4cB5cB6cC4cC5cC6cD4cD5cD6cE5cE6cF6cG6c");
00226                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A5dA6dB5dB6dC5dC6dD5dD6dE5dE6dF6dG6d");
00227                         TestDecodeUtf8(rnd, "X3A6eB6eC6eD6eE6eF6eG6e");
00228                 }
00229                 // Test both DecodeUtf8 and EncodeUtf8 systematically on various characters
00230                 // close to powers of 2.
00231                 TIntV src, expectedDest, src2;
00232                 expectedDest.Gen(1); src.Reserve(6); src2.Gen(1);
00233                 for (int pow = 8; pow <= 32; pow++)
00234                 {
00235                         uint uFrom, uTo;
00236                         if (pow == 8) uFrom = 0, uTo = 1u << pow;
00237                         else if (pow == 32) uFrom = TUInt::Mx - (1u << 8), uTo = TUInt::Mx;
00238                         else uFrom = (1u << pow) - (1u << 8), uTo = (1u << pow) + (1u << 8);
00239                         printf("%u..%u          \r", uFrom, uTo);
00240                         for (uint u = uFrom; ; u++)
00241                         {
00242                                 int nBytes = 0;
00243                                 if (u < (1u << 7)) nBytes = 1;
00244                                 else if (u < (1u << 11)) nBytes = 2;
00245                                 else if (u < (1u << 16)) nBytes = 3;
00246                                 else if (u < (1u << 21)) nBytes = 4;
00247                                 else if (u < (1u << 26)) nBytes = 5;
00248                                 else nBytes = 6;
00249                                 src.Gen(6, nBytes);
00250                                 if (nBytes == 1) src[0] = u;
00251                                 else {
00252                                         src[0] = (((1 << nBytes) - 1) << (8 - nBytes)) | (u >> (6 * (nBytes - 1)));
00253                                         for (int i = 1; i < nBytes; i++) src[i] = 0x80 | ((u >> (6 * (nBytes - i - 1))) & _0011_1111); }
00254                                 bool err = (strict && u > 0x10ffff);
00255                                 expectedDest.Reserve(1, 0);
00256                                 if (err && errorHandling == uehReplace) expectedDest.Add(replacementChar);
00257                                 else if (! err) expectedDest.Add(u);
00258                                 int erv = (err ? 0 : 1);
00259                                 if (skipBom && (u == 0xfeff || u == 0xfffe)) expectedDest.Clr(), erv = 0;
00260                                 TestUtf8(true, erv, (err && errorHandling == uehThrow), src, expectedDest, 0);
00261                                 // We can also test the UTF-8 encoder.
00262                                 src2[0] = u;
00263                                 if (err) {
00264                                         if (errorHandling == uehReplace) src = utf8ReplCh;
00265                                         else src.Clr(false); }
00266                                 TestUtf8(false, (err ? 0 : 1), (err && errorHandling == uehThrow), src2, src, 0);
00267                                 //
00268                                 if (u == uTo) break;
00269                         }
00270                 }
00271         }
00272 }
00274 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00275 // TUniCodec -- UTF-16 test driver
00276 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00278 void TUniCodec::WordsToBytes(const TIntV& src, TIntV& dest)
00279 {
00280         dest.Clr();
00281         bool isLE = IsMachineLittleEndian();
00282         for (int i = 0; i < src.Len(); i++) {
00283                 int c = src[i] & 0xffff;
00284                 if (isLE) { dest.Add(c & 0xff); dest.Add((c >> 8) & 0xff); }
00285                 else { dest.Add((c >> 8) & 0xff); dest.Add(c & 0xff); } }
00286 }
00288 void TUniCodec::TestUtf16(bool decode, size_t expectedRetVal, bool expectedThrow, const TIntV& src, const TIntV& expectedDest,
00289         const TUtf16BomHandling bomHandling, const TUniByteOrder defaultByteOrder, const bool insertBom,
00290         FILE *f)
00291 {
00292         TIntV srcBytes, expectedDestBytes;
00293         WordsToBytes(src, srcBytes); WordsToBytes(expectedDest, expectedDestBytes);
00294         TIntV dest;
00295         if (f) {
00296                 fprintf(f, "Settings: %s  %s  %s  %s  %s replacementChar = %x  \n",
00297                         (errorHandling == uehAbort ? "abort" : errorHandling == uehThrow ? "throw" : errorHandling == uehIgnore ? "ignore" : errorHandling == uehReplace ? "replace" : "????"),
00298                         (strict ? "STRICT" : ""), (decode ? (skipBom ? "skipBom" : "") : (insertBom ? "insrtBom" : "")),
00299                         (bomHandling == bomAllowed ? "bomAllowed" : bomHandling == bomRequired ? "bomRequired" : "bomIgnored"),
00300                         (defaultByteOrder == boBigEndian ? "boBigEndian" : defaultByteOrder == boLittleEndian ? "boLittleEndian" : "boMachineEndian"),
00301                         uint(replacementChar));
00302                 fprintf(f, "src: "); for (int i = 0; i < src.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, (decode ? " %04x" : " %x"), uint(src[i])); }
00303         for (int useBytes = 0; useBytes < 2; useBytes++)
00304         {
00305                 const char *fmt = (useBytes ? " %02x" : " %04x");
00306                 try
00307                 {
00308                         dest.Clr();
00309                         size_t retVal;
00310                         if (! useBytes) {
00311                                 if (decode) retVal = DecodeUtf16FromWords(src, 0, src.Len(), dest, true, bomHandling, defaultByteOrder);
00312                                 else retVal = EncodeUtf16ToWords(src, 0, src.Len(), dest, true, insertBom, defaultByteOrder); }
00313                         else {
00314                                 if (decode) retVal = DecodeUtf16FromBytes(srcBytes, 0, srcBytes.Len(), dest, true, bomHandling, defaultByteOrder);
00315                                 else retVal = EncodeUtf16ToBytes(src, 0, src.Len(), dest, true, insertBom, defaultByteOrder); }
00316                         const TIntV& ed = (useBytes && ! decode ? expectedDestBytes : expectedDest);
00317                         if (f) {
00318                                 fprintf(f, "\n -> dest:    "); for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, (decode ? " %x" :  fmt), uint(dest[i]));
00319                                 fprintf(f, "\n    expDest  "); for (int i = 0; i < ed.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, (decode ? " %x" :  fmt), uint(ed[i]));
00320                                 fprintf(f, "\n    retVal = %llu (expected %llu)\n", static_cast<long long unsigned int> (retVal), static_cast<long long unsigned int> (expectedRetVal)); }
00321                         bool ok = true;
00322                         if (retVal != expectedRetVal) ok = false;
00323                         if (dest.Len() != ed.Len()) ok = false;
00324                         if (ok) for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) if (dest[i] != ed[i]) ok = false;
00325                         if (! ok)
00326                         {
00327                                 printf("!!!\n");
00328                         }
00329                         IAssert(retVal == expectedRetVal); IAssert(! expectedThrow);
00330                         IAssert(dest.Len() == ed.Len());
00331                         for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) IAssert(dest[i] == ed[i]);
00332                 }
00333                 catch (TUnicodeException e)
00334                 {
00335                         if (f) {
00336                                 fprintf(f, "\n -> expDest  "); for (int i = 0; i < expectedDest.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, (decode ? " %x" : fmt), uint(expectedDest[i]));
00337                                 fprintf(f, "\n    exception \"%s\" at %d (char 0x%02x)\n", e.message.CStr(), int(e.srcIdx), uint(e.srcChar)); }
00338                         IAssert(expectedThrow);
00339                 }
00340         }
00341 }
00343 // Generates a random UTF-16-encoded stream according to the specifications in 'testCaseDesc',
00344 // then calls TestUtf16 to make sure that DecodeUtf16 reacts as expected.
00345 void TUniCodec::TestDecodeUtf16(TRnd& rnd, const TStr& testCaseDesc,
00346         const TUtf16BomHandling bomHandling,
00347         const TUniByteOrder defaultByteOrder,
00348         const bool insertBom)
00349 {
00350         TIntV src; TIntV expectedDest; int expectedRetVal = 0;
00351         bool expectedAbort = false;
00352         FILE *f = 0;
00353         bool isMachineLe = IsMachineLittleEndian();
00354         bool isDefaultLe = (defaultByteOrder == boLittleEndian || (defaultByteOrder == boMachineEndian && isMachineLe));
00355         bool swap = (isMachineLe != isDefaultLe);
00356         if (insertBom) {
00357                 src.Add(swap ? 0xfffe : 0xfeff);
00358                 if (! skipBom) { expectedRetVal += 1; expectedDest.Add(0xfeff); } }
00359         else if (bomHandling == bomRequired) {
00360                 expectedAbort = true; expectedRetVal = -1; }
00361         // testCaseDesc should consist single characters or pairs of characters, 'c[e]', where:
00362         // - 'c' defines the range from which the codepoint should be taken ('A'..'E', 'X'..'Y');
00363         // - 'e' defines how many words will be removed from the end of the encoded sequence for this codepoint.
00364         //   (absent = 0, 'a' = 1).
00365         for (int i = 0; i < testCaseDesc.Len(); )
00366         {
00367                 const char c = testCaseDesc[i++];
00368                 uint cp = 0; int nWords = -1;
00369                 if (c == 'X' || c == 'Y') IAssert(i > 1); // if you want a BOM at the beginning of your data, use insertBom -- if we permit X and Y here, predicting the expectedDest and expectedRetVal gets more complicated
00370                 if (c == 'A') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0u, Utf16FirstSurrogate - 1); nWords = 1; } // characters below the first surrogate range
00371                 else if (c == 'B') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, Utf16FirstSurrogate, Utf16FirstSurrogate + 1023); nWords = 1; } // the first surrogate range
00372                 else if (c == 'C') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, Utf16SecondSurrogate, Utf16SecondSurrogate + 1023); nWords = 1; } // the second surrogate range
00373                 else if (c == 'D') { do { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, Utf16SecondSurrogate + 1024, 0xffffu); } while (cp == 0xfffe || cp == 0xfeff); nWords = 1; } // above the second surrogate range, but still in the BMP
00374                 else if (c == 'E') { cp = GetRndUint(rnd, 0x10000u, 0x10ffffu); nWords = 2; } // above the BMP, but still within the range for UTF-16
00375                 else if (c == 'X') { cp = 0xfffe; nWords = 1; }
00376                 else if (c == 'Y') { cp = 0xfeff; nWords = 1; }
00377                 else Fail;
00378                 if (c == 'B' && i < testCaseDesc.Len()) IAssert(testCaseDesc[i] != 'C');
00379                 // Process 'e'.
00380                 int nToDel = 0;
00381                 if (i < testCaseDesc.Len()) {
00382                         const char e = testCaseDesc[i];
00383                         if (e >= 'a') { i += 1; nToDel = 1; }}
00384                 IAssert((nWords == 1 && nToDel == 0) || (nWords == 2 && (nToDel == 0 || nToDel == 1)));
00385                 if (nWords == 2 && nToDel == 1 && i < testCaseDesc.Len()) IAssert(testCaseDesc[i] != 'C');
00386                 // Will an error occur during the decoding of this codepoint?
00387                 bool errHere = false;
00388                 if (Utf16FirstSurrogate <= cp && cp <= Utf16FirstSurrogate + 1023) errHere = true;
00389                 else if (cp > 0x10ffff) { Fail; errHere = true; }
00390                 else if (nToDel > 0) errHere = true;
00391                 else if (strict && (Utf16SecondSurrogate <= cp && cp <= Utf16SecondSurrogate + 1023)) errHere = true;
00392                 // Update 'expectedDest' and 'expectedRetVal'.
00393                 if (! expectedAbort) {
00394                         if (! errHere) {
00395                                 if (src.Len() == 0 && (cp == 0xfffe || cp == 0xfeff) && skipBom) { }
00396                                 else { expectedDest.Add(cp); expectedRetVal += 1; } }
00397                         else if (errorHandling == uehReplace) {
00398                                 expectedDest.Add(replacementChar); }
00399                         if (errHere && (errorHandling == uehAbort || errorHandling == uehThrow)) expectedAbort = true; }
00400                 // Update 'src'.
00401                 if (nWords == 1) src.Add(swap ? SwapBytes(cp) : cp);
00402                 else {
00403                         int c1 = ((cp - 0x10000) >> 10) & 1023; c1 += Utf16FirstSurrogate;
00404                         int c2 = (cp - 0x10000) & 1023; c2 += Utf16SecondSurrogate;
00405                         src.Add(swap ? SwapBytes(c1) : c1);
00406                         if (nToDel == 0) src.Add(swap ? SwapBytes(c2) : c2); }
00407         }
00408         if (f) fprintf(f, "Test case: \"%s\"\n", testCaseDesc.CStr());
00409         TestUtf16(true, expectedRetVal, expectedAbort && (errorHandling == uehThrow), src, expectedDest, bomHandling, defaultByteOrder, false, f);
00410 }
00412 void TUniCodec::TestUtf16()
00413 {
00414         TIntV utf16ReplCh; utf16ReplCh.Add(replacementChar);
00415         for (int skipBom_ = 0; skipBom_ < 2; skipBom_++)
00416         for (int strict_ = 0; strict_ < 2; strict_++)
00417         for (int errMode_ = 0; errMode_ < 4; errMode_++)
00418         for (int bomHandling_ = 0; bomHandling_ < 3; bomHandling_++)
00419         for (int byteOrder_ = 0; byteOrder_ < 3; byteOrder_++)
00420         for (int insertBom_ = 0; insertBom_ < 2; insertBom_++)
00421         {
00422                 strict = (strict_ == 1); errorHandling = TUnicodeErrorHandling(errMode_); skipBom = (skipBom_ == 1);
00423                 bool insertBom = (insertBom_ == 1);
00424                 TUniByteOrder byteOrder = (TUniByteOrder) byteOrder_;
00425                 TUtf16BomHandling bomHandling = (TUtf16BomHandling) bomHandling_;
00426                 TRnd rnd = TRnd(123);
00427                 // Test DecodeUtf16 on various random UTF-16-encoded sequences.
00428                 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
00429                 {
00430                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "A", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00431                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "AAA", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00432                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "B", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00433                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "DDAADADAAADDDAA", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00434                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "DEEEDAAEEDADEEAAEEADEEDDAA", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00435                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "DEaEaEDAAEaEDADEaEAAEEADEEDDAA", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00436                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "CABDEBACCEaB", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00437                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "EaEEEEaBBACABXABYXXEaYDDXBDCEA", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00438                         TestDecodeUtf16(rnd, "EaEEEEaBDCAAXADYXXEaYDDXDCEA", bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom);
00439                 }
00440                 //continue;
00441                 // Test both DecodeUtf16 and EncodeUtf16 systematically on various characters
00442                 // close to powers of 2.
00443                 TIntV src, expectedDest, src2;
00444                 expectedDest.Gen(1); src.Reserve(6); src2.Gen(1);
00445                 for (int pow = 8; pow <= 32; pow++)
00446                 {
00447                         uint uFrom, uTo;
00448                         if (pow == 8) uFrom = 0, uTo = 1u << pow;
00449                         else if (pow == 32) uFrom = TUInt::Mx - (1u << 8), uTo = TUInt::Mx;
00450                         else uFrom = (1u << pow) - (1u << 8), uTo = (1u << pow) + (1u << 8);
00451                         printf("%u..%u          \r", uFrom, uTo);
00452                         for (uint u = uFrom; ; u++)
00453                         {
00454                                 int nWords = 0;
00455                                 if (u < 0x10000) nWords = 1;
00456                                 else nWords = 2;
00457                                 bool isMachineLe = IsMachineLittleEndian(), isDestLe = (byteOrder == boLittleEndian || (byteOrder == boMachineEndian && isMachineLe));
00458                                 bool swap = (isMachineLe != isDestLe);
00459                                 bool err = (u > 0x10ffff) || (Utf16FirstSurrogate <= u && u <= Utf16FirstSurrogate + 1023) || (strict && Utf16SecondSurrogate <= u && u <= Utf16SecondSurrogate + 1023);
00460                                 src.Gen(3, (err ? 0 : nWords) + (insertBom ? 1 : 0));
00461                                 if (insertBom) src[0] = (swap ? 0xfffe : 0xfeff);
00462                                 if (! ((u > 0x10ffff) || (Utf16FirstSurrogate <= u && u <= Utf16FirstSurrogate + 1023)))
00463                                 {
00464                                         // Try to encode 'u' and see if it gets decoded correctly.
00465                                         if (nWords == 1) src[insertBom ? 1 : 0] = (swap ? SwapBytes(u) : u);
00466                                         else {
00467                                                 int u1 = Utf16FirstSurrogate + (((u - 0x10000) >> 10) & 1023);
00468                                                 int u2 = Utf16SecondSurrogate + ((u - 0x10000) & 1023);
00469                                                 src[insertBom ? 1 : 0] = (swap ? SwapBytes(u1) : u1);
00470                                                 src[insertBom ? 2 : 1] = (swap ? SwapBytes(u2) : u2); }
00471                                         if (! ((u == 0xfffe || u == 0xfeff) && bomHandling == bomAllowed && ! insertBom)) // this will just create a mess when decoding
00472                                         {
00473                                                 expectedDest.Reserve(2, 0);
00474                                                 if (insertBom && ! skipBom) expectedDest.Add(0xfeff);
00475                                                 if (err && errorHandling == uehReplace) expectedDest.Add(replacementChar);
00476                                                 else if (! err) expectedDest.Add(u);
00477                                                 int erv = (err ? 0 : expectedDest.Len());
00478                                                 if (skipBom && (u == 0xfeff || u == 0xfffe) && ! insertBom) expectedDest.Clr(), erv = 0;
00479                                                 bool errD = err;
00480                                                 if (bomHandling == bomRequired && ! insertBom) {
00481                                                         expectedDest.Clr(false);
00482                                                         if (u == 0xfeff || u == 0xfffe) { erv = (skipBom ? 0 : 1); if (! skipBom) expectedDest.Add(0xfeff); }
00483                                                         else { erv = -1; errD = true;
00484                                                                 /*if (errorHandling == uehReplace) expectedDest.Add(replacementChar);*/ }}
00485                                                 TestUtf16(true, erv, (errD && errorHandling == uehThrow), src, expectedDest, bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom, 0);
00486                                         }
00487                                 }
00488                                 // We can also test the UTF-16 encoder.
00489                                 src2[0] = u;
00490                                 if (err) {
00491                                         src.Clr(false); if (insertBom) src.Add(swap ? 0xfffe : 0xfeff);
00492                                         if (errorHandling == uehReplace) {
00493                                                 src.Add(swap ? SwapBytes(replacementChar) : replacementChar);
00494                                                 /*if (byteOrder == boBigEndian || (byteOrder == boMachineEndian && ! TUniCodec::IsMachineLittleEndian())) { src.Add((replacementChar >> 8) & 0xff); src.Add(replacementChar & 0xff); }
00495                                                 else { src.Add(replacementChar & 0xff); src.Add((replacementChar >> 8) & 0xff); } */
00496                                         }}
00497                                 TestUtf16(false, (err ? 0 : 1) + (insertBom ? 1 : 0), (err && errorHandling == uehThrow), src2, src, bomHandling, byteOrder, insertBom, 0);
00498                                 //
00499                                 if (u == uTo) break;
00500                         }
00501                 }
00502         }
00503 }
00505 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00506 // TUniCaseFolding
00507 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00509 void TUniCaseFolding::LoadTxt(const TStr& fileName)
00510 {
00511         Clr();
00512         TUniChDb::TUcdFileReader reader; reader.Open(fileName);
00513         TStrV fields;
00514         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
00515         {
00516                 int cp = reader.ParseCodePoint(fields[0]);
00517                 const TStr status = fields[1], mapsTo = fields[2];
00518                 if (status == "C" || status == "S" || status == "T") {
00519                         TIntH &dest = (status == "C" ? cfCommon : status == "S" ? cfSimple : cfTurkic);
00520                         IAssert(! dest.IsKey(cp));
00521                         int cp2 = reader.ParseCodePoint(mapsTo);
00522                         dest.AddDat(cp, cp2); }
00523                 else if (status == "F") {
00524                         TIntIntVH &dest = cfFull;
00525                         IAssert(! dest.IsKey(cp));
00526                         TIntV cps; reader.ParseCodePointList(mapsTo, cps); IAssert(cps.Len() > 0);
00527                         dest.AddDat(cp, cps); }
00528                 else
00529                         FailR(status.CStr());
00530         }
00531         printf("TUniCaseFolding(\"%s\"): %d common, %d simple, %d full, %d Turkic.\n",
00532                 fileName.CStr(), cfCommon.Len(), cfSimple.Len(), cfFull.Len(), cfTurkic.Len());
00533 }
00535 void TUniCaseFolding::Test(const TIntV& src, const TIntV& expectedDest, const bool full, const bool turkic, FILE *f)
00536 {
00537         fprintf(f, "TUniCaseFolding(%s%s): ", (full ? "full" : "simple"), (turkic ? ", turkic" : ""));
00538         for (int i = 0; i < src.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, " %04x", int(src[i]));
00539         TIntV dest; Fold(src, 0, src.Len(), dest, true, full, turkic);
00540         fprintf(f, "\n  -> ");
00541         for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, " %04x", int(dest[i]));
00542         fprintf(f, "\n");
00543         IAssert(dest.Len() == expectedDest.Len());
00544         for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) IAssert(dest[i] == expectedDest[i]);
00545 }
00547 /*
00548 void TUniCaseFolding::Test(const TIntV& src, FILE *f) {
00549         Test(src, false, false, f); Test(src, false, true, f);
00550         Test(src, true, false, f); Test(src, true, true, f); }
00551 */
00553 void TUniCaseFolding::Test()
00554 {
00555         FILE *f = stderr;
00556         TVectorBuilder VB;
00557         // simple
00558         Test((VB, 0x41, 0x62, 0x49, 0x43, 0xdf), (VB, 0x61, 0x62, 0x69, 0x63, 0xdf), false, false, f);
00559         // simple + turkic
00560         Test((VB, 0x41, 0x62, 0x49, 0x43, 0xdf), (VB, 0x61, 0x62, 0x131, 0x63, 0xdf), false, true, f);
00561         // full
00562         Test((VB, 0x41, 0x62, 0x49, 0x43, 0xdf), (VB, 0x61, 0x62, 0x69, 0x63, 0x73, 0x73), true, false, f);
00563         // full + turkic
00564         Test((VB, 0x41, 0x62, 0x49, 0x43, 0xdf), (VB, 0x61, 0x62, 0x131, 0x63, 0x73, 0x73), true, true, f);
00565 }
00567 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00568 // TUniChInfo
00569 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00571 // UAX #14
00572 const ushort TUniChInfo::LineBreak_Unknown = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('X', 'X');
00573 const ushort TUniChInfo::LineBreak_ComplexContext = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('S', 'A');
00574 const ushort TUniChInfo::LineBreak_Numeric = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('N', 'U');
00575 const ushort TUniChInfo::LineBreak_InfixNumeric = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('I', 'S');
00576 const ushort TUniChInfo::LineBreak_Quotation = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('Q', 'U');
00578 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00579 // TUniChDb -- word breaking
00580 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00582 // Test driver for WbFind*NonIgnored.
00583 void TUniChDb::TestWbFindNonIgnored(const TIntV& src) const
00584 {
00585         int n = src.Len();
00586         TBoolV isIgnored; isIgnored.Gen(n);
00587         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) isIgnored[i] = IsWbIgnored(src[i]);
00588         TIntV prevNonIgnored, nextNonIgnored, curOrNextNonIgnored;
00589         prevNonIgnored.Gen(n); nextNonIgnored.Gen(n); curOrNextNonIgnored.Gen(n);
00590         FILE *f = 0; // stderr;
00591         for (int srcIdx = 0; srcIdx < n; srcIdx++) for (int srcLen = 1; srcLen < n - srcIdx; srcLen++)
00592         {
00593                 int prev = -1;
00594                 for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) {
00595                         prevNonIgnored[i] = prev;
00596                         if (! isIgnored[srcIdx + i]) prev = srcIdx + i; }
00597                 int next = srcIdx + srcLen;
00598                 for (int i = srcLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
00599                         nextNonIgnored[i] = next;
00600                         if (! isIgnored[srcIdx + i]) next = srcIdx + i;
00601                         curOrNextNonIgnored[i] = next; }
00602                 if (f) {
00603                         fprintf(f, "\nIndex:     "); for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) fprintf(f, " %2d", srcIdx + i);
00604                         fprintf(f, "\nNonIgn:    "); for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) fprintf(f, " %s", (isIgnored[srcIdx + i] ? " ." : " Y"));
00605                         fprintf(f, "\nPrevNI:    "); for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) fprintf(f, " %2d", int(prevNonIgnored[i]));
00606                         fprintf(f, "\nNextNI:    "); for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) fprintf(f, " %2d", int(nextNonIgnored[i]));
00607                         fprintf(f, "\nCurNextNI: "); for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++) fprintf(f, " %2d", int(curOrNextNonIgnored[i]));
00608                         fprintf(f, "\n"); }
00609                 for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++)
00610                 {
00611                         size_t s;
00612                         s = size_t(srcIdx + i); WbFindNextNonIgnored(src, s, size_t(srcIdx + srcLen));
00613                         IAssert(s == size_t(nextNonIgnored[i]));
00614                         s = size_t(srcIdx + i); WbFindCurOrNextNonIgnored(src, s, size_t(srcIdx + srcLen));
00615                         IAssert(s == size_t(curOrNextNonIgnored[i]));
00616                         s = size_t(srcIdx + i); bool ok = WbFindPrevNonIgnored(src, size_t(srcIdx), s);
00617                         if (prevNonIgnored[i] < 0) { IAssert(! ok); IAssert(s == size_t(srcIdx)); }
00618                         else { IAssert(ok); IAssert(s == size_t(prevNonIgnored[i])); }
00619                 }
00620         }
00621 }
00623 void TUniChDb::TestWbFindNonIgnored() const
00624 {
00625         TIntV chIgnored, chNonIgnored;
00626         FILE *f = 0; // stderr;
00627         for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00628                 const int cp = h.GetKey(i); const TUniChInfo& ci = h[i];
00629                 if (f) fprintf(f, "%04x: flags %08x props %08x %08x script \"%s\"\n", cp,
00630                         ci.flags,, ci.propertiesX, GetScriptName(ci.script).CStr());
00631                 (IsWbIgnored(h[i]) ? chIgnored : chNonIgnored).Add(h.GetKey(i));
00632         }
00633         chIgnored.Sort(); chNonIgnored.Sort();
00634         printf("TUniChDb::TestWbNonIgnored: %d ignored, %d nonignored chars.\n", chIgnored.Len(), chNonIgnored.Len());
00635         TRnd rnd = TRnd(123);
00636         for (int iter = 0; iter <= 50; iter++)
00637         {
00638                 int percIgnored = 2 * iter;
00639                 for (int n = 0; n <= 20; n++)
00640                 {
00641                         // Prepare a random sequence of 'n' codepoints.
00642                         TIntV v; v.Gen(n);
00643                         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00644                                 TIntV& chars = (rnd.GetUniDevInt(100) < percIgnored) ? chIgnored : chNonIgnored;
00645                                 int j = rnd.GetUniDevInt(chars.Len());
00646                                 v.Add(chars[j]); }
00647                         // Run the tests with this sequence.
00648                         TestWbFindNonIgnored(v);
00649                 }
00650         }
00651 }
00653 void TUniChDb::TestFindNextWordOrSentenceBoundary(const TStr& basePath, bool sentence)
00654 {
00655         TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields;
00656         reader.Open(CombinePath(CombinePath(basePath, GetAuxiliaryDir()), (sentence ? GetSentenceBreakTestFn() : GetWordBreakTestFn())));
00657         int nLines = 0; TRnd rnd = TRnd(123);
00658         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
00659         {
00660                 nLines += 1;
00661                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 1);
00662                 TStrV parts; fields[0].SplitOnWs(parts);
00663                 const int n = parts.Len(); IAssert((n % 2) == 1);
00664                 TIntV chars; TBoolV isBreak, isPredicted, isPredicted2;
00665                 // Each line is a sequence of codepoints, with a \times or \div in between each
00666                 // pair of codepoints (as well as at the beginning and the end of the sequence) to
00667                 // indicate whether a boundary exists there or not.
00668                 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
00669                 {
00670                         const TStr& s = parts[i];
00671                         if ((i % 2) == 0) {
00672                                 if (s == "\xc3\x97") // multiplication sign (U+00D7) in UTF-8
00673                                         isBreak.Add(false);
00674                                 else if (s == "\xc3\xb7") // division sign (U+00F7) in UTF-8
00675                                         isBreak.Add(true);
00676                                 else FailR(s.CStr()); }
00677                         else chars.Add(reader.ParseCodePoint(s));
00678                 }
00679                 const int m = n / 2; IAssert(chars.Len() == m); IAssert(isBreak.Len() == m + 1);
00680                 IAssert(isBreak[0]); IAssert(isBreak[m]);
00681                 isPredicted.Gen(m + 1); isPredicted.PutAll(false);
00682                 if (AlwaysFalse()) { printf("%3d", nLines); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) printf(" %04x", int(chars[i])); printf("\n"); }
00683                 // We'll insert a few random characters at the beginning of the sequence
00684                 // so that srcPos doesn't always begin at 0.
00685                 for (int nBefore = 0; nBefore < 5; nBefore++)
00686                 {
00687                         TIntV chars2; for (int i = 0; i < nBefore; i++) chars2.Add(0, rnd.GetUniDevInt(0x10ffff + 1));
00688                         chars2.AddV(chars);
00689                         // Use FindNextBoundary to find all the word boundaries.
00690                         size_t position = (nBefore > 0 ? nBefore - 1 : nBefore); size_t prevPosition = position;
00691                         while (sentence ? FindNextSentenceBoundary(chars2, nBefore, m, position) : FindNextWordBoundary(chars2, nBefore, m, position))
00692                         {
00693                                 IAssert(prevPosition < position);
00694                                 IAssert(position <= size_t(nBefore + m));
00695                                 isPredicted[int(position) - nBefore] = true;
00696                                 prevPosition = position;
00697                         }
00698                         IAssert(position == size_t(nBefore + m));
00699                         if (sentence) FindSentenceBoundaries(chars2, nBefore, m, isPredicted2);
00700                         else FindWordBoundaries(chars2, nBefore, m, isPredicted2);
00701                         IAssert(isPredicted2.Len() == m + 1);
00702                         bool ok = true;
00703                         // If we start at 0, the word boundary at the beginning of the sequence was
00704                         // not found explicitly, so we'll add it now.
00705                         if (nBefore == 0) isPredicted[0] = true;
00706                         // Compare the predicted and the true boundaries.
00707                         for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
00708                                 if (isBreak[i] != isPredicted[i]) ok = false;
00709                                 IAssert(isPredicted2[i] == isPredicted[i]); }
00710                         FILE *f = stderr;
00711                         if (! ok)
00712                         {
00713                                 fprintf(f, "\nError in line %d:\n", nLines);
00714                                 fprintf(f, "True:      ");
00715                                 for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
00716                                         fprintf(f, "%s ", (isBreak[i] ? "|" : "."));
00717                                         if (i < m) fprintf(f, "%04x ", int(chars[i + nBefore])); }
00718                                 fprintf(f, "\nPredicted: ");
00719                                 for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
00720                                         fprintf(f, "%s ", (isPredicted[i] ? "|" : "."));
00721                                         if (i < m) {
00722                                                 const int cp = chars[i + nBefore];
00723                                                 TStr s = sentence ? TUniChInfo::GetSbFlagsStr(GetSbFlags(cp)) : TUniChInfo::GetWbFlagsStr(GetWbFlags(cp));
00724                                                 if (IsWbIgnored(cp)) s = "*" + s;
00725                                                 fprintf(f, "%4s ", s.CStr()); }}
00726                                 fprintf(f, "\n");
00727                                 Fail;
00728                         }
00729                         // Test FindNextBoundary if we start in the middle of the sequence,
00730                         // i.e. not at an existing boundary.
00731                         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
00732                                 position = i + nBefore; bool ok = sentence ? FindNextSentenceBoundary(chars2, nBefore, m, position) : FindNextWordBoundary(chars2, nBefore, m, position);
00733                                 IAssert(ok); // at the very least, there should be the 'boundary' at nBefore + m
00734                                 IAssert(size_t(i + nBefore) < position); IAssert(position <= size_t(nBefore + m));
00735                                 position -= nBefore;
00736                                 for (int j = i + 1; j < int(position); j++)
00737                                         IAssert(! isBreak[j]);
00738                                 IAssert(isBreak[int(position)]); }
00739                 }
00740         }
00741         reader.Close();
00742         printf("TUniChDb::TestFindNext%sBoundary: %d lines processed.\n", (sentence ? "Sentence" : "Word"), nLines);
00743 }
00745 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00746 // TUniChDb -- composition and decomposition
00747 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00749 void TUniChDb::TestComposition(const TStr& basePath)
00750 {
00751         TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields; int nLines = 0;
00752         reader.Open(CombinePath(basePath, GetNormalizationTestFn()));
00753         bool inPart1 = false; TIntH testedInPart1;
00754         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
00755         {
00756                 nLines += 1;
00757                 if (fields.Len() == 1) {
00758                         IAssert(fields[0].IsPrefix("@Part"));
00759                         inPart1 = (fields[0] == "@Part1"); continue; }
00760                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 6);
00761                 IAssert(fields[5].Len() == 0);
00762                 TIntV c1, c2, c3, c4, c5;
00763                 reader.ParseCodePointList(fields[0], c1);
00764                 reader.ParseCodePointList(fields[1], c2);
00765                 reader.ParseCodePointList(fields[2], c3);
00766                 reader.ParseCodePointList(fields[3], c4);
00767                 reader.ParseCodePointList(fields[4], c5);
00768                 TIntV v;
00769 #define AssE_(v1, v2, expl) AssertEq(v1, v2, TStr(expl) + " (line " + TInt::GetStr(nLines) + ")", 0)
00770 #define NFC_(cmpWith, operand) DecomposeAndCompose(operand, 0, operand.Len(), v, false); AssE_(cmpWith, v, #cmpWith " == NFC(" #operand ")")
00771 #define NFD_(cmpWith, operand) Decompose(operand, 0, operand.Len(), v, false); AssE_(cmpWith, v, #cmpWith " == NFD(" #operand ")")
00772 #define NFKC_(cmpWith, operand) DecomposeAndCompose(operand, 0, operand.Len(), v, true); AssE_(cmpWith, v, #cmpWith " == NFKC(" #operand ")")
00773 #define NFKD_(cmpWith, operand) Decompose(operand, 0, operand.Len(), v, true); AssE_(cmpWith, v, #cmpWith " == NFKD(" #operand ")")
00774                 // NFD:
00775                 NFD_(c3, c1);   // c3 == NFD(c1)
00776                 NFD_(c3, c2);   // c3 == NFD(c2)
00777                 NFD_(c3, c3);   // c3 == NFD(c3)
00778                 NFD_(c5, c4);   // c5 == NFD(c4)
00779                 NFD_(c5, c5);   // c5 == NFD(c5)
00780                 // NFC:
00781                 NFC_(c2, c1);   // c2 == NFC(c1)
00782                 NFC_(c2, c2);   // c2 == NFC(c2)
00783                 NFC_(c2, c3);   // c2 == NFC(c3)
00784                 NFC_(c4, c4);   // c4 == NFC(c4)
00785                 NFC_(c4, c5);   // c4 == NFC(c5)
00786                 // NFKD:
00787                 NFKD_(c5, c1);   // c5 == NFKD(c1)
00788                 NFKD_(c5, c2);   // c5 == NFKD(c2)
00789                 NFKD_(c5, c3);   // c5 == NFKD(c3)
00790                 NFKD_(c5, c4);   // c5 == NFKD(c4)
00791                 NFKD_(c5, c5);   // c5 == NFKD(c5)
00792                 // NFKC:
00793                 NFKC_(c4, c1);   // c4 == NFKC(c1)
00794                 NFKC_(c4, c2);   // c4 == NFKC(c2)
00795                 NFKC_(c4, c3);   // c4 == NFKC(c3)
00796                 NFKC_(c4, c4);   // c4 == NFKC(c4)
00797                 NFKC_(c4, c5);   // c4 == NFKC(c5)
00798                 //
00799                 if (inPart1) {
00800                         IAssert(c1.Len() == 1);
00801                         testedInPart1.AddKey(c1[0]); }
00802         }
00803         reader.Close();
00804         // Test other individual codepoints that were not mentioned in part 1.
00805         int nOther = 0;
00806         for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); )
00807         {
00808                 const int cp = h.GetKey(i), nLines = -1;
00809                 if (testedInPart1.IsKey(cp)) continue;
00810                 TIntV x, v; x.Add(cp);
00811                 NFC_(x, x);    // x == NFC(x)
00812                 NFD_(x, x);    // x == NFD(x)
00813                 NFKC_(x, x);   // x == NFKC(x)
00814                 NFKD_(x, x);   // x == NFKD(x)
00815                 nOther += 1;
00816         }
00817 #undef AssE_
00818 #undef NFC_
00819 #undef NFD_
00820 #undef NFKC_
00821 #undef NFKD_
00822         printf("TUniChDb::TestComposition: %d lines processed + %d other individual codepoints.\n", nLines, nOther);
00823 }
00825 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00826 // TUniChDb -- case conversion tests
00827 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00829 void TUniChDb::TestCaseConversion(const TStr& source, const TStr& trueLc,
00830                                                                   const TStr& trueTc, const TStr& trueUc,
00831                                                                   bool turkic, bool lithuanian)
00832 {
00833         TIntV src;
00834         TUcdFileReader::ParseCodePointList(source, src);
00835         FILE *f = stderr;
00836         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
00837         {
00838                 TCaseConversion how = (i == 0) ? ccLower : (i == 1) ? ccTitle : ccUpper;
00839                 const TStr &trueDestS = (how == ccLower ? trueLc : how == ccTitle ? trueTc : trueUc);
00840                 TIntV trueDest; TUcdFileReader::ParseCodePointList(trueDestS, trueDest);
00841                 TIntV dest;
00842                 GetCaseConverted(src, 0, src.Len(), dest, true, how, turkic, lithuanian);
00843                 bool ok = (dest.Len() == trueDest.Len());
00844                 if (ok) for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len() && ok; i++) ok = ok && (dest[i] == trueDest[i]);
00845                 if (ok) continue;
00846                 fprintf(f, "%s(", (how == ccLower ? "toLowercase" : how == ccTitle ? "toTitlecase" : "toUppercase"));
00847                 for (int i = 0; i < src.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, "%s%04x", (i == 0 ? "" : " "), int(src[i]));
00848                 fprintf(f, ")\nCorrect:   (");
00849                 for (int i = 0; i < trueDest.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, "%s%04x", (i == 0 ? "" : " "), int(trueDest[i]));
00850                 fprintf(f, ")\nOur output:(");
00851                 for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) fprintf(f, "%s%04x", (i == 0 ? "" : " "), int(dest[i]));
00852                 fprintf(f, ")\n");
00853                 IAssert(ok);
00854         }
00855 }
00857 void TUniChDb::TestCaseConversions()
00858 {
00859         // Because no thorough case-conversion test files have been provided as part
00860         // of the Unicode standard, we'll have to test things on a few test cases of our own.
00861         // - First, test some unconditional special mappings, such as 'ss', 'ffl', 'dz', etc.
00862         const TStr F = "0046 ", L = "004C ", S = "0053 ", T = "0054 ", W = "0057 ";
00863         const TStr f = "0066 ", l = "006c ", s = "0073 ", t = "0074 ", w = "0077 ";
00864         const TStr ss = "00df ", ffl = "fb04 ", longs = "017f ", longst = "fb05 ", wRing = "1e98 ", Ring = "030a ";
00865         const TStr DZ = "01c4 ", Dz = "01c5 ", dz = "01c6 ";
00866         const TStr space = "0020 ", Grave = "0300 ";
00867         TestCaseConversion(
00868                 F + L + s + t + space + Dz + w + T + ss + wRing + space + longs + DZ + space + dz + longst,  // source
00869                 f + l + s + t + space + dz + w + t + ss + wRing + space + longs + dz + space + dz + longst,  // lowercase
00870                 F + l + s + t + space + Dz + w + t + ss + wRing + space + S + dz + space + Dz + longst,      // titlecase
00871                 F + L + S + T + space + DZ + W + T + S + S + W + Ring + space + S + DZ + space + DZ + S + T, // uppercase
00872                 false, false);
00873         // - Dotted I, dotless i, etc., but with turkic == false.
00874         const TStr I = "0049 ", J = "004a ", i = "0069 ", j = "006a ", iDotless = "0131 ", IDot = "0130 ", DotA = "0307 ";
00875         TestCaseConversion(
00876                 s + I + t + i + w + iDotless + f + IDot + l + space + iDotless + DotA + f + I + DotA + s, // source
00877                 s + i + t + i + w + iDotless + f + i + DotA + l + space + iDotless + DotA + f + i + DotA + s, // lowercase
00878                 S + i + t + i + w + iDotless + f + i + DotA + l + space + I + DotA + f + i + DotA + s, // titlecase
00879                 S + I + T + I + W + I + F + IDot + L + space + I + DotA + F + I + DotA + S, // uppercase
00880                 false, false);
00881         // - Sigma (final vs. non-final forms).
00882         const TStr Sigma = "03a3 ", sigma = "03c3 ", fsigma = "03c2 ";
00883         TestCaseConversion(
00884                 Sigma + s + space + s + Sigma  + space + s + Sigma + s + space + Sigma + S + Sigma  + space + Sigma, // source
00885                 sigma + s + space + s + fsigma + space + s + sigma + s + space + sigma + s + fsigma + space + sigma, // lowercase
00886                 Sigma + s + space + S + fsigma + space + S + sigma + s + space + Sigma + s + fsigma + space + Sigma, // titlecase
00887                 Sigma + S + space + S + Sigma  + space + S + Sigma + S + space + Sigma + S + Sigma  + space + Sigma, // uppercase
00888                 false, false);
00889         TestCaseConversion(
00890                 sigma + s + space + s + sigma  + space + s + sigma + s + space + sigma + S + sigma  + space + sigma, // source
00891                 sigma + s + space + s + sigma  + space + s + sigma + s + space + sigma + s + sigma  + space + sigma, // lowercase
00892                 Sigma + s + space + S + sigma  + space + S + sigma + s + space + Sigma + s + sigma  + space + Sigma, // titlecase
00893                 Sigma + S + space + S + Sigma  + space + S + Sigma + S + space + Sigma + S + Sigma  + space + Sigma, // uppercase
00894                 false, false);
00895         TestCaseConversion(
00896                 fsigma + s + space + s + fsigma + space + s + fsigma + s + space + fsigma + S + fsigma  + space + fsigma, // source
00897                 fsigma + s + space + s + fsigma + space + s + fsigma + s + space + fsigma + s + fsigma  + space + fsigma, // lowercase
00898                 Sigma  + s + space + S + fsigma + space + S + fsigma + s + space + Sigma  + s + fsigma  + space + Sigma, // titlecase
00899                 Sigma  + S + space + S + Sigma  + space + S + Sigma  + S + space + Sigma  + S + Sigma   + space + Sigma, // uppercase
00900                 false, false);
00901         const TStr nonSA = "0315 0321 0322 "; // characters that are neither ccStarter nor ccAbove
00902         // Special case mappings for Turkic languages:
00903         // - After_I
00904         TestCaseConversion(
00905                 s + I + t + i + w + iDotless + f + IDot + l + space + iDotless + DotA + f + I + DotA + J + DotA + I + Grave + DotA + I + DotA + DotA + I + nonSA + DotA + s, // source
00906                 s + iDotless + t + i + w + iDotless + f + i + l + space + iDotless + DotA + f + i + j + DotA + iDotless + Grave + DotA + i + DotA + i + nonSA + s, // lowercase
00907                 S + iDotless + t + i + w + iDotless + f + i + l + space + I + DotA + f + i + j + DotA + iDotless + Grave + DotA + i + DotA + i + nonSA + s, // titlecase
00908                 S + I + T + IDot + W + I + F + IDot + L + space + I + DotA + F + I + DotA + J + DotA + I + Grave + DotA + I + DotA + DotA + I + nonSA + DotA + S, // uppercase
00909                 true, false); // turkic
00910         // - Not_Before_Dot
00911         TestCaseConversion(
00912                 I + Grave + t + I + DotA + f + I + nonSA + DotA + j + space + I + nonSA + DotA + space + I + Grave + t, // source
00913                 iDotless + Grave + t + i + f + i + nonSA + j + space + i + nonSA + space + iDotless + Grave + t, // lowercase
00914                 I + Grave + t + i + f + i + nonSA + j + space + I + nonSA + DotA + space + I + Grave + t, // titlecase
00915                 I + Grave + T + I + DotA + F + I + nonSA + DotA + J + space + I + nonSA + DotA + space + I + Grave + T, // uppercase
00916                 true, false); // turkic
00917         // Special case mappings for Lithuanian:
00918         // - After_Soft_Dotted  [note: I + DotA turns into i + DotA + DotA when lowercasing due to More_Above]
00919         TestCaseConversion(
00920                 i + DotA + t + i + Grave + DotA + f + i + DotA + DotA + f + i + nonSA + DotA + I + DotA + t + DotA + i + DotA + Grave, // source
00921                 i + DotA + t + i + Grave + DotA + f + i + DotA + DotA + f + i + nonSA + DotA + i + DotA + DotA + t + DotA + i + DotA + Grave, // lowercase
00922                 I + t + i + Grave + DotA + f + i + DotA + DotA + f + i + nonSA + DotA + i + DotA + DotA + t + DotA + i + DotA + Grave, // titlecase
00923                 I + T + I + Grave + DotA + F + I + DotA + F + I + nonSA + I + DotA + T + DotA + I + Grave, // uppercase
00924                 false, true); // lithuanian
00925         // - More_Above  [note: j + DotA turns into just J when uppercasing due to After_Soft_Dotted]
00926         TestCaseConversion(
00927                 J +        Grave + space + J +        nonSA + DotA + space + j + Grave + space + j + DotA + space + J + nonSA + J +        nonSA + Grave + space + j + nonSA, // source
00928                 j + DotA + Grave + space + j + DotA + nonSA + DotA + space + j + Grave + space + j + DotA + space + j + nonSA + j + DotA + nonSA + Grave + space + j + nonSA, // lowercase
00929                 J +        Grave + space + J +        nonSA + DotA + space + J + Grave + space + J +        space + J + nonSA + j + DotA + nonSA + Grave + space + J + nonSA, // titlecase
00930                 J +        Grave + space + J +        nonSA + DotA + space + J + Grave + space + J +        space + J + nonSA + J +        nonSA + Grave + space + J + nonSA, // uppercase
00931                 false, true); // lithuanian
00932         // SoftDotted [^ Starter Above]* 0307   --(uc,tc)-->  brez 0307
00933         // SoftDotted [^ Starter Above]* 0307   --(
00934         //TestCaseConversion("", "", "", "", false, false);
00935 }
00937 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00938 // TUniChDb -- initialization from the text files
00939 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00941 void TUniChDb::LoadTxt_ProcessDecomposition(TUniChInfo& ci, TStr s)
00942 {
00943         if (s.Empty()) return;
00944         if (s[0] == '<') {
00945                 int i = s.SearchCh('>'); IAssert(i > 0);
00946                 ci.flags |= ucfCompatibilityDecomposition;
00947                 s = s.GetSubStr(i + 1, s.Len() - 1); s.ToTrunc(); }
00948         TIntV dec; TUcdFileReader::ParseCodePointList(s, dec);
00949         IAssert(dec.Len() > 0);
00950         ci.decompOffset = decompositions.Len();
00951         decompositions.AddV(dec); decompositions.Add(-1);
00952 }
00954 void TUniChDb::InitPropList(const TStr& basePath)
00955 {
00956         TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields; int nCps = 0, nLines = 0;
00957         reader.Open(CombinePath(basePath, GetPropListFn()));
00958         TSubcatHelper helper(*this);
00959         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
00960         {
00961                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 2);
00962                 int from, to; reader.ParseCodePointRange(fields[0], from, to);
00963                 TStr s = fields[1];
00964                 TUniChProperties prop = TUniChProperties(0); TUniChPropertiesX propx = TUniChPropertiesX(0);
00965                 if (s == "White_Space") prop = ucfPrWhiteSpace;
00966                 else if (s == "Bidi_Control") prop = ucfPrBidiControl;
00967                 else if (s == "Join_Control") prop = ucfPrJoinControl;
00968                 else if (s == "Dash") prop = ucfPrDash;
00969                 else if (s == "Hyphen") prop = ucfPrHyphen;
00970                 else if (s == "Quotation_Mark") prop = ucfPrQuotationMark;
00971                 else if (s == "Terminal_Punctuation") prop = ucfPrTerminalPunctuation;
00972                 else if (s == "Other_Math") propx = ucfPxOtherMath;
00973                 else if (s == "Hex_Digit") prop = ucfPrHexDigit;
00974                 else if (s == "ASCII_Hex_Digit") prop = ucfPrAsciiHexDigit;
00975                 else if (s == "Other_Alphabetic") propx = ucfPxOtherAlphabetic;
00976                 else if (s == "Ideographic") prop = ucfPrIdeographic;
00977                 else if (s == "Diacritic") prop = ucfPrDiacritic;
00978                 else if (s == "Extender") prop = ucfPrExtender;
00979                 else if (s == "Other_Lowercase") propx = ucfPxOtherLowercase;
00980                 else if (s == "Other_Uppercase") propx = ucfPxOtherUppercase;
00981                 else if (s == "Noncharacter_Code_Point") prop = ucfPrNoncharacterCodePoint;
00982                 else if (s == "Other_Grapheme_Extend") propx = ucfPxOtherGraphemeExtend;
00983                 else if (s == "IDS_Binary_Operator") propx = ucfPxIdsBinaryOperator;
00984                 else if (s == "IDS_Trinary_Operator") propx = ucfPxIdsTrinaryOperator;
00985                 else if (s == "Radical") propx = ucfPxRadical;
00986                 else if (s == "Unified_Ideograph") propx = ucfPxUnifiedIdeograph;
00987                 else if (s == "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point") propx = ucfPxOtherDefaultIgnorableCodePoint;
00988                 else if (s == "Deprecated") prop = ucfPrDeprecated;
00989                 else if (s == "Soft_Dotted") prop = ucfPrSoftDotted;
00990                 else if (s == "Logical_Order_Exception") prop = ucfPrLogicalOrderException;
00991                 else if (s == "Other_ID_Start") propx = ucfPxOtherIdStart;
00992                 else if (s == "Other_ID_Continue") propx = ucfPxOtherIdContinue;
00993                 else if (s == "STerm") prop = ucfPrSTerm;
00994                 else if (s == "Variation_Selector") prop = ucfPrVariationSelector;
00995                 else if (s == "Pattern_White_Space") prop = ucfPrPatternWhiteSpace;
00996                 else if (s == "Pattern_Syntax") prop = ucfPrPatternSyntax;
00997                 else FailR(s.CStr());
00998                 helper.ProcessComment(reader);
00999                 for (int cp = from; cp <= to; cp++) {
01000                         int i = h.GetKeyId(cp); if (i < 0) { i = h.AddKey(cp); helper.SetCat(cp); }
01001                         TUniChInfo &ci = h[i]; helper.TestCat(cp);
01002                         if (prop) { IAssert(! ci.IsProperty(prop)); ci.SetProperty(prop); }
01003                         if (propx) { IAssert(! ci.IsPropertyX(propx)); ci.SetPropertyX(propx); }
01004                         nCps++; }
01005                 nLines++;
01006         }
01007         reader.Close();
01008         printf("TUniChDb::InitPropList: %d lines, %d code points.\n", nLines, nCps);
01009 }
01011 void TUniChDb::InitDerivedCoreProperties(const TStr& basePath)
01012 {
01013         TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields; int nCps = 0, nLines = 0;
01014         reader.Open(CombinePath(basePath, GetDerivedCorePropsFn()));
01015         TSubcatHelper helper(*this);
01016         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
01017         {
01018                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 2);
01019                 int from, to; reader.ParseCodePointRange(fields[0], from, to);
01020                 TStr s = fields[1];
01021                 TUniChFlags flag = ucfCompatibilityDecomposition;
01022                 if (s == "Math") flag = ucfDcpMath;
01023                 else if (s == "Alphabetic") flag = ucfDcpAlphabetic;
01024                 else if (s == "Lowercase") flag = ucfDcpLowercase;
01025                 else if (s == "Uppercase") flag = ucfDcpUppercase;
01026                 else if (s == "ID_Start") flag = ucfDcpIdStart;
01027                 else if (s == "ID_Continue") flag = ucfDcpIdContinue;
01028                 else if (s == "XID_Start") flag = ucfDcpXidStart;
01029                 else if (s == "XID_Continue") flag = ucfDcpXidContinue;
01030                 else if (s == "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point") flag = ucfDcpDefaultIgnorableCodePoint;
01031                 else if (s == "Grapheme_Extend") flag = ucfDcpGraphemeExtend;
01032                 else if (s == "Grapheme_Base") flag = ucfDcpGraphemeBase;
01033                 else if (s == "Grapheme_Link") continue; // this flag is deprecated; test for combClass == Virama instead
01034                 else FailR(s.CStr());
01035                 // If we add new codepoints to the hash table, we should also set their category.
01036                 // This is supposed to be provided in the comment, e.g. "# Cf       SOFT HYPHEN".
01037                 helper.ProcessComment(reader);
01038                 //
01039                 for (int cp = from; cp <= to; cp++) {
01040                         int i = h.GetKeyId(cp); if (i < 0) { i = h.AddKey(cp); helper.SetCat(cp); }
01041                         helper.TestCat(cp);
01042                         TUniChInfo &ci = h[i]; IAssert(! ci.IsDcpFlag(flag));
01043                         ci.SetDcpFlag(flag); nCps++; }
01044                 nLines++;
01045         }
01046         reader.Close();
01047         printf("TUniChDb::InitDerivedCoreProperties: %d lines, %d code points.\n", nLines, nCps);
01048 }
01050 void TUniChDb::InitLineBreaks(const TStr& basePath)
01051 {
01052         // Clear old linebreak values.
01053         ushort xx = TUniChInfo::LineBreak_Unknown;
01054         for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); ) h[i].lineBreak = xx;
01055         // Read LineBreak.txt.
01056         TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields;
01057         reader.Open(CombinePath(basePath, GetLineBreakFn()));
01058         int nLines = 0, nCps = 0;
01059         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
01060         {
01061                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 2);
01062                 int from, to; reader.ParseCodePointRange(fields[0], from, to);
01063                 TStr s = fields[1]; IAssert(s.Len() == 2);
01064                 ushort us = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode(s[0], s[1]);
01065                 if (us == xx) continue;
01066                 for (int cp = from; cp <= to; cp++) {
01067                         int i = h.GetKeyId(cp); if (i < 0) { i = h.AddKey(cp);
01068                                 printf("TUniChDb::InitLineBreaks: warning, adding codepoint %d, its category will remain unknown.\n", cp); }
01069                         IAssert(h[i].lineBreak == xx);
01070                         h[i].lineBreak = us; nCps++; }
01071                 nLines++;
01072         }
01073         reader.Close();
01074         printf("TUniChDb::InitLineBreaks: %d lines, %d codepoints processed (excluding \'xx\' values).\n", nLines, nCps);
01075 }
01077 void TUniChDb::InitScripts(const TStr& basePath)
01078 {
01079         TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields;
01080         reader.Open(CombinePath(basePath, GetScriptsFn()));
01081         TSubcatHelper helper(*this);
01082         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
01083         {
01084                 int from, to; reader.ParseCodePointRange(fields[0], from, to);
01085                 TStr scriptName = fields[1];
01086                 int scriptNo = scripts.GetKeyId(scriptName);
01087                 if (scriptNo < 0) { scriptNo = scripts.AddKey(scriptName); scripts[scriptNo] = 0; }
01088                 IAssert(scriptNo >= 0 && scriptNo < SCHAR_MAX); // because TUniChInfo.script is a signed char
01089                 scripts[scriptNo] += 1;
01090                 helper.ProcessComment(reader);
01091                 for (int cp = from; cp <= to; cp++) {
01092                         int i = h.GetKeyId(cp); if (i < 0) { i = h.AddKey(cp); helper.SetCat(cp); }
01093                         helper.TestCat(cp);
01094                         TUniChInfo &ci = h[i]; ci.script = scriptNo; }
01095         }
01096         reader.Close();
01097         scripts.AddDat(GetScriptNameUnknown()) = 0;
01098         printf("TUniChDb::InitScripts: %d scripts: ", scripts.Len());
01099         if (AlwaysFalse()) for (int i = scripts.FFirstKeyId(); scripts.FNextKeyId(i); )
01100                 printf("  %d:%s (%d)", i, scripts.GetKey(i).CStr(), int(scripts[i]));
01101         printf("\n");
01102 }
01104 void TUniChDb::InitWordAndSentenceBoundaryFlags(const TStr& basePath)
01105 {
01106         // UAX #29, sec. 4.1 and 5.1.
01107         // Note: these flags can also be initialized from auxiliary\\WordBreakProperty.txt.
01108         int katakana = GetScriptByName(GetScriptNameKatakana()); IAssert(katakana >= 0);
01109         int hiragana = GetScriptByName(GetScriptNameHiragana()); IAssert(hiragana >= 0);
01110         // Clear any existing word-boundary flags and initialize them again.
01111         for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); )
01112         {
01113                 const int cp = h.GetKey(i); TUniChInfo& ci = h[i];
01114                 ci.ClrWbAndSbFlags();
01115                 // Word-boundary flags.
01116                 if (ci.subCat  == ucOtherFormat && cp != 0x200c && cp != 0x200d) ci.SetWbFlag(ucfWbFormat);
01117                 if (ci.script == katakana) ci.SetWbFlag(ucfWbKatakana);
01118                 if (ci.lineBreak == TUniChInfo::LineBreak_InfixNumeric && cp != 0x3a) ci.SetWbFlag(ucfWbMidNum);
01119                 if (ci.lineBreak == TUniChInfo::LineBreak_Numeric) ci.SetWbFlag(ucfWbNumeric);
01120                 if (ci.subCat == ucPunctuationConnector) ci.SetWbFlag(ucfWbExtendNumLet);
01121                 // Sentence-boundary flags.  Some are identical to some word-boundary flags.
01122                 if (cp == 0xa || cp == 0xd || cp == 0x85 || cp == 0x2028 || cp == 0x2029) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbSep);
01123                 if (ci.subCat == ucOtherFormat && cp != 0x200c && cp != 0x200d) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbFormat);
01124                 if (ci.IsWhiteSpace() && ! ci.IsSbFlag(ucfSbSep) && cp != 0xa0) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbSp);
01125                 if (ci.IsLowercase() && ! ci.IsGraphemeExtend()) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbLower);
01126                 if (ci.IsUppercase() || ci.subCat == ucLetterTitlecase) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbUpper);
01127                 if ((ci.IsAlphabetic() || cp == 0xa0 || cp == 0x5f3) && ! ci.IsSbFlag(ucfSbLower) && ! ci.IsSbFlag(ucfSbUpper) && ! ci.IsGraphemeExtend()) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbOLetter);
01128                 if (ci.lineBreak == TUniChInfo::LineBreak_Numeric) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbNumeric);
01129                 if (cp == 0x2e) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbATerm);
01130                 // Note: UAX #29 says that if the property STerm = true, then the character should belong to the STerm class for
01131                 // the purposes of sentence-boundary detection.  Now in PropList.txt there is no doubt that 002E has the STerm
01132                 // property; thus, it should also belong to the STerm sentence-boundary class.  However, in
01133                 // SentenceBreakProperty.txt, 002E is only listed in the ATerm class, but not in the STerm class.
01134                 if (ci.IsSTerminal() && cp != 0x2e) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbSTerm);
01135                 if ((ci.subCat == ucPunctuationOpen || ci.subCat == ucPunctuationClose || ci.lineBreak == TUniChInfo::LineBreak_Quotation) && cp != 0x5f3 && ! ci.IsSbFlag(ucfSbATerm) && ! ci.IsSbFlag(ucfSbSTerm)) ci.SetSbFlag(ucfSbClose);
01136         }
01137         // Some additional characters for Katakana and MidLetter.
01138         TIntV v = (VB, 0x3031, 0x3032, 0x3033, 0x3034, 0x3035, 0x309b, 0x309c, 0x30a0, 0x30fc, 0xff70, 0xff9e, 0xff9f);
01139         for (int i = 0; i < v.Len(); i++) h.GetDat(v[i]).SetWbFlag(ucfWbKatakana);
01140         v = (VB, 0x27, 0xb7, 0x5f4, 0x2019, 0x2027, 0x3a);
01141         for (int i = 0; i < v.Len(); i++) h.GetDat(v[i]).SetWbFlag(ucfWbMidLetter);
01142         // WbALetter depends on Katakana, so it cannot be initialized earlier.
01143         for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); )
01144         {
01145                 const int cp = h.GetKey(i); TUniChInfo& ci = h[i];
01146                 if ((ci.IsAlphabetic() || cp == 0x5f3) && ! ci.IsIdeographic() && ! ci.IsWbFlag(ucfWbKatakana) && ci.lineBreak != TUniChInfo::LineBreak_ComplexContext && ci.script != hiragana && ! ci.IsGraphemeExtend())
01147                         ci.SetWbFlag(ucfWbALetter);
01148         }
01149         // An alternative is to extract the flags from WordBreakProperty.txt.
01150         // The results should be the same.
01151         {TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields;
01152         reader.Open(CombinePath(CombinePath(basePath, GetAuxiliaryDir()), GetWordBreakPropertyFn()));
01153         THash<TInt, TInt> hh;
01154         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
01155         {
01156                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 2);
01157                 int from, to; reader.ParseCodePointRange(fields[0], from, to);
01158                 TStr s = fields[1];
01159      TUniChFlags flag = ucfCompatibilityDecomposition;
01160                 if (s == "Format") flag = ucfWbFormat;
01161                 else if (s == "Katakana") flag = ucfWbKatakana;
01162                 else if (s == "ALetter") flag = ucfWbALetter;
01163                 else if (s == "MidLetter") flag = ucfWbMidLetter;
01164                 else if (s == "MidNum") flag = ucfWbMidNum;
01165                 else if (s == "Numeric") flag = ucfWbNumeric;
01166                 else if (s == "ExtendNumLet") flag = ucfWbExtendNumLet;
01167                 else FailR(s.CStr());
01168                 for (int c = from; c <= to; c++) {
01169                         int i = hh.GetKeyId(c); if (i < 0) hh.AddDat(c, flag);
01170                         else hh[i].Val |= flag; }
01171         }
01172         reader.Close();
01173         TIntV cps; for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); ) cps.Add(h.GetKey(i));
01174         for (int i = hh.FFirstKeyId(); hh.FNextKeyId(i); ) cps.Add(hh.GetKey(i));
01175         cps.Sort(); cps.Merge();
01176         for (int i = 0; i < cps.Len(); i++)
01177         {
01178                 int cp = cps[i];
01179                 int flags1 = 0; if (h.IsKey(cp)) flags1 = h.GetDat(cp).GetWbFlags();
01180                 int flags2 = 0; if (hh.IsKey(cp)) flags2 = hh.GetDat(cp);
01181                 flags1 &= ~ucfSbSep; flags2 &= ~ucfSbSep;
01182                 if (flags1 != flags2) {
01183                         printf("cp = %04x: flags1 = %08x flags2 = %08x xor = %08x\n", cp, flags1, flags2, flags1 ^ flags2);
01184                         Fail; }
01185         }}
01186         // Likewise, for sentence boundary flags we have SentenceBreakProperty.txt.
01187         {TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields;
01188         reader.Open(CombinePath(CombinePath(basePath, GetAuxiliaryDir()), GetSentenceBreakPropertyFn()));
01189         THash<TInt, TInt> hh;
01190         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
01191         {
01192                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 2);
01193                 int from, to; reader.ParseCodePointRange(fields[0], from, to);
01194                 TStr s = fields[1];
01195     TUniChFlags flag = ucfCompatibilityDecomposition;
01196                 if (s == "Sep") flag = ucfSbSep;
01197                 else if (s == "Format") flag = ucfSbFormat;
01198                 else if (s == "Sp") flag = ucfSbSp;
01199                 else if (s == "Lower") flag = ucfSbLower;
01200                 else if (s == "Upper") flag = ucfSbUpper;
01201                 else if (s == "OLetter") flag = ucfSbOLetter;
01202                 else if (s == "Numeric") flag = ucfSbNumeric;
01203                 else if (s == "ATerm") flag = ucfSbATerm;
01204                 else if (s == "STerm") flag = ucfSbSTerm;
01205                 else if (s == "Close") flag = ucfSbClose;
01206                 else FailR(s.CStr());
01207                 for (int c = from; c <= to; c++) {
01208                         int i = hh.GetKeyId(c); if (i < 0) hh.AddDat(c, flag);
01209                         else hh[i].Val |= flag; }
01210         }
01211         reader.Close();
01212         TIntV cps; for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); ) cps.Add(h.GetKey(i));
01213         for (int i = hh.FFirstKeyId(); hh.FNextKeyId(i); ) cps.Add(hh.GetKey(i));
01214         cps.Sort(); cps.Merge();
01215         for (int i = 0; i < cps.Len(); i++)
01216         {
01217                 int cp = cps[i];
01218                 int flags1 = 0; if (h.IsKey(cp)) flags1 = h.GetDat(cp).GetSbFlags();
01219                 int flags2 = 0; if (hh.IsKey(cp)) flags2 = hh.GetDat(cp);
01220                 if (flags1 != flags2) {
01221                         printf("cp = %04x: flags1 = %08x [%s] flags2 = %08x [%s] xor = %08x\n", cp,
01222                                 flags1, TUniChInfo::GetSbFlagsStr(flags1).CStr(),
01223                                 flags2, TUniChInfo::GetSbFlagsStr(flags2).CStr(),
01224                                 flags1 ^ flags2);
01225                         Fail; }
01226         }}
01227 }
01229 void TUniChDb::InitSpecialCasing(const TStr& basePath)
01230 {
01231         TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields;
01232         reader.Open(CombinePath(basePath, GetSpecialCasingFn()));
01233         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
01234         {
01235                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 5 || fields.Len() == 6);
01236                 IAssert(fields.Last().Empty());
01237                 // Skip conditional mappings -- they will be hardcoded in the GetCaseConverted method.
01238                 TStr conditions = "";
01239                 if (fields.Len() == 6) conditions = fields[4];
01240                 conditions.ToTrunc(); if (! conditions.Empty()) continue;
01241                 // Keep the other mappings.
01242                 const int cp = reader.ParseCodePoint(fields[0]);
01243                 TIntV v; reader.ParseCodePointList(fields[1], v);
01244                 specialCasingLower.AddDat(cp, v);
01245                 reader.ParseCodePointList(fields[2], v);
01246                 specialCasingTitle.AddDat(cp, v);
01247                 reader.ParseCodePointList(fields[3], v);
01248                 specialCasingUpper.AddDat(cp, v);
01249         }
01250         reader.Close();
01251 }
01253 void TUniChDb::LoadTxt(const TStr& basePath)
01254 {
01255         Clr();
01256         // Set up a hash table with enough ports that there will be more or less no chains longer than 1 element.
01257         h = THash<TInt, TUniChInfo>(196613, true);
01258         //
01259         caseFolding.LoadTxt(CombinePath(basePath, GetCaseFoldingFn()));
01260         //
01261         TUcdFileReader reader; TStrV fields; TIntH seen;
01262         reader.Open(CombinePath(basePath, GetUnicodeDataFn()));
01263         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
01264         {
01265                 // Codepoint.
01266                 int cp = reader.ParseCodePoint(fields[0]);
01267                 IAssert(! seen.IsKey(cp)); seen.AddKey(cp);
01268                 TUniChInfo& ci = h.AddDat(cp);
01269                 // Name.
01270                 ci.nameOffset = charNames.AddStr(fields[1]);
01271                 // Category.
01272                 TStr& s = fields[2]; IAssert(s.Len() == 2);
01273                 ci.chCat = s[0]; ci.chSubCat = s[1];
01274                 // Canonical combining class.
01275                 s = fields[3]; IAssert(s.Len() > 0);
01276                 int i; bool ok = s.IsInt(true, TUCh::Mn, TUCh::Mx, i); IAssertR(ok, s);
01277                 ci.combClass = (uchar) i;
01278                 // Decomposition type and mapping.
01279                 LoadTxt_ProcessDecomposition(ci, fields[5]);
01280                 // Simple case mappings.
01281                 s = fields[12]; ci.simpleUpperCaseMapping = (! s.Empty() ? reader.ParseCodePoint(s) : -1);
01282                 s = fields[13]; ci.simpleLowerCaseMapping = (! s.Empty() ? reader.ParseCodePoint(s) : -1);
01283                 s = fields[14]; ci.simpleTitleCaseMapping = (! s.Empty() ? reader.ParseCodePoint(s) : -1);
01284                 //
01285                 ci.InitAfterLoad(); // initializes, ci.subCat
01286         }
01287         reader.Close();
01288         //
01289         InitScripts(basePath);
01290         //
01291         InitPropList(basePath);
01292         InitDerivedCoreProperties(basePath);
01293         InitLineBreaks(basePath);
01294         InitSpecialCasing(basePath);
01295         // Process the composition exclusions (UAX #15, sec. 6).
01296         for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); )
01297         {
01298                 TUniChInfo& ci = h[i];
01299                 int ofs = ci.decompOffset; if (ofs < 0) continue;
01300                 int n = 0; while (decompositions[ofs + n] >= 0) n++;
01301                 IAssert(n > 0);
01302                 // Singleton decompositions.
01303                 if (n == 1) { ci.flags |= ucfCompositionExclusion; continue; }
01304                 // Non-starter decompositions.
01305                 int cp1 = decompositions[ofs];
01306                 IAssert(h.IsKey(cp1));
01307                 uchar ccc = h.GetDat(cp1).combClass;
01308                 if (ccc != TUniChInfo::ccStarter) { ci.flags |= ucfCompositionExclusion; continue; }
01309         }
01310         // Process the composition exclusion table.
01311         reader.Open(CombinePath(basePath, GetCompositionExclusionsFn()));
01312         int nExclusionTable = 0;
01313         while (reader.GetNextLine(fields))
01314         {
01315                 IAssert(fields.Len() == 1);
01316                 int cp = reader.ParseCodePoint(fields[0]);
01317                 int i = h.GetKeyId(cp); IAssert(i >= 0);
01318                 h[i].flags |= ucfCompositionExclusion;
01319                 nExclusionTable++;
01320         }
01321         reader.Close();
01322         // Prepare the inverted index for composition pairs.
01323         for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); )
01324         {
01325                 int cp = h.GetKey(i);
01326                 TUniChInfo& ci = h[i];
01327                 int ofs = ci.decompOffset; if (ofs < 0) continue;
01328                 if (ci.IsCompositionExclusion()) continue;
01329                 if (ci.IsCompatibilityDecomposition()) continue;
01330                 int n = 0; while (decompositions[ofs + n] >= 0) n++;
01331                 if (n != 2) continue;
01332                 TIntPr pr = TIntPr(decompositions[ofs], decompositions[ofs + 1]);
01333                 IAssert(! inverseDec.IsKey(pr));
01334                 IAssert(ci.combClass == TUniChInfo::ccStarter);
01335                 inverseDec.AddDat(pr, cp);
01336         }
01337         printf("TUniChDb(%s): %d chars in h, %d in decomp inverse index; %d in decomp vector; %d in exclusion table\n",
01338                 basePath.CStr(), h.Len(), inverseDec.Len(), decompositions.Len(), nExclusionTable);
01339         // Before calling InitWordBoundaryFlags(), scripts must have been initialized, as well as
01340         // flags such as Alphabetic, Word_Break, and Grapheme_Extend.
01341         InitWordAndSentenceBoundaryFlags(basePath); // Note: scripts must have been initialized by this point.
01342         // Make sure that Hangul combined characters are treated as stareters.
01343         for (int cp = HangulSBase; cp < HangulSBase + HangulSCount; cp++)
01344         {
01345                 int j = h.GetKeyId(cp); if (j < 0) continue;
01346                 TUniChInfo& ci = h[j];
01347                 if (ci.combClass == TUniChInfo::ccInvalid) ci.combClass = TUniChInfo::ccStarter;
01348                 IAssert(ci.combClass == TUniChInfo::ccStarter);
01349         }
01350         // There should be no more additions to 'h' beyond this point.
01351         const int oldHLen = h.Len();
01352         // Provide default (identity) case mappings if any were missing from UnicodeData.txt
01353         // (or if any entirely new characters were added later, e.g. while reading LineBreaks.txt).
01354         int scriptUnknown = GetScriptByName(GetScriptNameUnknown());
01355         for (int i = h.FFirstKeyId(); h.FNextKeyId(i); )
01356         {
01357                 int cp = h.GetKey(i); TUniChInfo &ci = h[i];
01358                 if (ci.simpleLowerCaseMapping < 0) ci.simpleLowerCaseMapping = cp;
01359                 if (ci.simpleUpperCaseMapping < 0) ci.simpleUpperCaseMapping = cp;
01360                 if (ci.simpleTitleCaseMapping < 0) ci.simpleTitleCaseMapping = cp;
01361                 if (ci.script < 0) ci.script = scriptUnknown;
01362         }
01363         IAssert(h.Len() == oldHLen);
01364 }
01366 void TUniChDb::SaveBin(const TStr& fnBinUcd)
01367 {
01368         PSOut SOut=TFOut::New(fnBinUcd);
01369         Save(*SOut);
01370 }
01372 void TUniChDb::InitAfterLoad()
01373 {
01374         scriptUnknown = GetScriptByName(GetScriptNameUnknown()); IAssert(scriptUnknown >= 0);
01375 }
01377 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01378 // TUniChDb -- main test driver
01379 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01381 void TUniChDb::Test(const TStr& basePath)
01382 {
01383         TStr fnBin = CombinePath(basePath, GetBinFn());
01384         if (true || ! TFile::Exists(fnBin))
01385         {
01386                 // Test LoadTxt.
01387                 LoadTxt(basePath);
01388                 // Test Save.
01389                 {PSOut SOut = TFOut::New(fnBin);
01390                 Save(*SOut);}
01391         }
01392         // Test Load.
01393         this->~TUniChDb();
01394         new(this) TUniChDb();
01395         {PSIn SIn = TFIn::New(fnBin);
01396         Load(*SIn);}
01397         // Test the case folding.
01398         caseFolding.Test();
01399         // Test the word breaking.
01400         TestWbFindNonIgnored();
01401         // Test the sentence breaking.
01402         TestFindNextWordOrSentenceBoundary(basePath, true);
01403         TestFindNextWordOrSentenceBoundary(basePath, false);
01404         // Test composition and decomposition.
01405         TestComposition(basePath);
01406         // Test the case conversions.
01407         TestCaseConversions();
01408 }
01410 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01411 // T8BitCodec -- a class for converting between 8-bit encodings and Unicode
01412 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01414 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01415 // ISO-8859-2
01416 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01418 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_2::toUnicodeTable[6 * 16] =
01419 {
01420         /* 0xa0 */ 0x00a0, 0x0104, 0x02d8, 0x0141, 0x00a4, 0x013d, 0x015a, 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x0160, 0x015e, 0x0164, 0x0179, 0x00ad, 0x017d, 0x017b,
01421         /* 0xb0 */ 0x00b0, 0x0105, 0x02db, 0x0142, 0x00b4, 0x013e, 0x015b, 0x02c7, 0x00b8, 0x0161, 0x015f, 0x0165, 0x017a, 0x02dd, 0x017e, 0x017c,
01422         /* 0xc0 */ 0x0154, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x0102, 0x00c4, 0x0139, 0x0106, 0x00c7, 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0118, 0x00cb, 0x011a, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x010e,
01423         /* 0xd0 */ 0x0110, 0x0143, 0x0147, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x0150, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, 0x0158, 0x016e, 0x00da, 0x0170, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x0162, 0x00df,
01424         /* 0xe0 */ 0x0155, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x0103, 0x00e4, 0x013a, 0x0107, 0x00e7, 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x0119, 0x00eb, 0x011b, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x010f,
01425         /* 0xf0 */ 0x0111, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x0151, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, 0x0159, 0x016f, 0x00fa, 0x0171, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x0163, 0x02d9
01426 };
01428 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_2::fromUnicodeTable1[14 * 16] = {
01429         /* U+00a0 */ 0x00a0,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a4,     -1,     -1, 0x00a7, 0x00a8,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ad,     -1,     -1,
01430         /* U+00b0 */ 0x00b0,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b4,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b8,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01431         /* U+00c0 */     -1, 0x00c1, 0x00c2,     -1, 0x00c4,     -1,     -1, 0x00c7,     -1, 0x00c9,     -1, 0x00cb,     -1, 0x00cd, 0x00ce,     -1,
01432         /* U+00d0 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d3, 0x00d4,     -1, 0x00d6, 0x00d7,     -1,     -1, 0x00da,     -1, 0x00dc, 0x00dd,     -1, 0x00df,
01433         /* U+00e0 */     -1, 0x00e1, 0x00e2,     -1, 0x00e4,     -1,     -1, 0x00e7,     -1, 0x00e9,     -1, 0x00eb,     -1, 0x00ed, 0x00ee,     -1,
01434         /* U+00f0 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00f3, 0x00f4,     -1, 0x00f6, 0x00f7,     -1,     -1, 0x00fa,     -1, 0x00fc, 0x00fd,     -1,     -1,
01435         /* U+0100 */     -1,     -1, 0x00c3, 0x00e3, 0x00a1, 0x00b1, 0x00c6, 0x00e6,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c8, 0x00e8, 0x00cf, 0x00ef,
01436         /* U+0110 */ 0x00d0, 0x00f0,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ca, 0x00ea, 0x00cc, 0x00ec,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01437         /* U+0120 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01438         /* U+0130 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c5, 0x00e5,     -1,     -1, 0x00a5, 0x00b5,     -1,
01439         /* U+0140 */     -1, 0x00a3, 0x00b3, 0x00d1, 0x00f1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d2, 0x00f2,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01440         /* U+0150 */ 0x00d5, 0x00f5,     -1,     -1, 0x00c0, 0x00e0,     -1,     -1, 0x00d8, 0x00f8, 0x00a6, 0x00b6,     -1,     -1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba,
01441         /* U+0160 */ 0x00a9, 0x00b9, 0x00de, 0x00fe, 0x00ab, 0x00bb,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d9, 0x00f9,
01442         /* U+0170 */ 0x00db, 0x00fb,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ac, 0x00bc, 0x00af, 0x00bf, 0x00ae, 0x00be,     -1
01443 };
01445 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_2::fromUnicodeTable2[2 * 16] = {
01446         /* U+02c0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b7,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01447         /* U+02d0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a2, 0x00ff,     -1, 0x00b2,     -1, 0x00bd,     -1,     -1
01448 };
01450 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01451 // ISO-8859-3
01452 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01454 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_3::toUnicodeTable[6 * 16] = {
01455         /* 0xa0 */ 0x00a0, 0x0126, 0x02d8, 0x00a3, 0x00a4,     -1, 0x0124, 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x0130, 0x015e, 0x011e, 0x0134, 0x00ad,     -1, 0x017b,
01456         /* 0xb0 */ 0x00b0, 0x0127, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x0125, 0x00b7, 0x00b8, 0x0131, 0x015f, 0x011f, 0x0135, 0x00bd,     -1, 0x017c,
01457         /* 0xc0 */ 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2,     -1, 0x00c4, 0x010a, 0x0108, 0x00c7, 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00cc, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf,
01458         /* 0xd0 */     -1, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x0120, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, 0x011c, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x016c, 0x015c, 0x00df,
01459         /* 0xe0 */ 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2,     -1, 0x00e4, 0x010b, 0x0109, 0x00e7, 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ec, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef,
01460         /* 0xf0 */     -1, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x0121, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, 0x011d, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x016d, 0x015d, 0x02d9
01461 };
01463 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_3::fromUnicodeTable1[14 * 16] = {
01464         /* U+00a0 */ 0x00a0,     -1,     -1, 0x00a3, 0x00a4,     -1,     -1, 0x00a7, 0x00a8,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ad,     -1,     -1,
01465         /* U+00b0 */ 0x00b0,     -1, 0x00b2, 0x00b3, 0x00b4, 0x00b5,     -1, 0x00b7, 0x00b8,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00bd,     -1,     -1,
01466         /* U+00c0 */ 0x00c0, 0x00c1, 0x00c2,     -1, 0x00c4,     -1,     -1, 0x00c7, 0x00c8, 0x00c9, 0x00ca, 0x00cb, 0x00cc, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x00cf,
01467         /* U+00d0 */     -1, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00d3, 0x00d4,     -1, 0x00d6, 0x00d7,     -1, 0x00d9, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc,     -1,     -1, 0x00df,
01468         /* U+00e0 */ 0x00e0, 0x00e1, 0x00e2,     -1, 0x00e4,     -1,     -1, 0x00e7, 0x00e8, 0x00e9, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00ec, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x00ef,
01469         /* U+00f0 */     -1, 0x00f1, 0x00f2, 0x00f3, 0x00f4,     -1, 0x00f6, 0x00f7,     -1, 0x00f9, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01470         /* U+0100 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c6, 0x00e6, 0x00c5, 0x00e5,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01471         /* U+0110 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d8, 0x00f8, 0x00ab, 0x00bb,
01472         /* U+0120 */ 0x00d5, 0x00f5,     -1,     -1, 0x00a6, 0x00b6, 0x00a1, 0x00b1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01473         /* U+0130 */ 0x00a9, 0x00b9,     -1,     -1, 0x00ac, 0x00bc,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01474         /* U+0140 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01475         /* U+0150 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00de, 0x00fe, 0x00aa, 0x00ba,
01476         /* U+0160 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00dd, 0x00fd,     -1,     -1,
01477         /* U+0170 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00af, 0x00bf,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01478 };
01479 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_3::fromUnicodeTable2[2] = {
01480         /* U+02d8 */ 0x00a2, 0x00ff
01481 };
01483 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01484 // ISO-8859-4
01485 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01487 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_4::toUnicodeTable[6 * 16] = {
01488         /* 0xa0 */ 0x00a0, 0x0104, 0x0138, 0x0156, 0x00a4, 0x0128, 0x013b, 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x0160, 0x0112, 0x0122, 0x0166, 0x00ad, 0x017d, 0x00af,
01489         /* 0xb0 */ 0x00b0, 0x0105, 0x02db, 0x0157, 0x00b4, 0x0129, 0x013c, 0x02c7, 0x00b8, 0x0161, 0x0113, 0x0123, 0x0167, 0x014a, 0x017e, 0x014b,
01490         /* 0xc0 */ 0x0100, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c3, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c6, 0x012e, 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0118, 0x00cb, 0x0116, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x012a,
01491         /* 0xd0 */ 0x0110, 0x0145, 0x014c, 0x0136, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, 0x00d8, 0x0172, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc, 0x0168, 0x016a, 0x00df,
01492         /* 0xe0 */ 0x0101, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6, 0x012f, 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x0119, 0x00eb, 0x0117, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x012b,
01493         /* 0xf0 */ 0x0111, 0x0146, 0x014d, 0x0137, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, 0x00f8, 0x0173, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc, 0x0169, 0x016b, 0x02d9
01494 };
01496 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_4::fromUnicodeTable1[14 * 16] = {
01497         /* U+00a0 */ 0x00a0,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a4,     -1,     -1, 0x00a7, 0x00a8,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ad,     -1, 0x00af,
01498         /* U+00b0 */ 0x00b0,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b4,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b8,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01499         /* U+00c0 */     -1, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x00c3, 0x00c4, 0x00c5, 0x00c6,     -1,     -1, 0x00c9,     -1, 0x00cb,     -1, 0x00cd, 0x00ce,     -1,
01500         /* U+00d0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d4, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, 0x00d8,     -1, 0x00da, 0x00db, 0x00dc,     -1,     -1, 0x00df,
01501         /* U+00e0 */     -1, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x00e3, 0x00e4, 0x00e5, 0x00e6,     -1,     -1, 0x00e9,     -1, 0x00eb,     -1, 0x00ed, 0x00ee,     -1,
01502         /* U+00f0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00f4, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, 0x00f8,     -1, 0x00fa, 0x00fb, 0x00fc,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01503         /* U+0100 */ 0x00c0, 0x00e0,     -1,     -1, 0x00a1, 0x00b1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c8, 0x00e8,     -1,     -1,
01504         /* U+0110 */ 0x00d0, 0x00f0, 0x00aa, 0x00ba,     -1,     -1, 0x00cc, 0x00ec, 0x00ca, 0x00ea,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01505         /* U+0120 */     -1,     -1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a5, 0x00b5, 0x00cf, 0x00ef,     -1,     -1, 0x00c7, 0x00e7,
01506         /* U+0130 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d3, 0x00f3, 0x00a2,     -1,     -1, 0x00a6, 0x00b6,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01507         /* U+0140 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d1, 0x00f1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00bd, 0x00bf, 0x00d2, 0x00f2,     -1,     -1,
01508         /* U+0150 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a3, 0x00b3,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01509         /* U+0160 */ 0x00a9, 0x00b9,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ac, 0x00bc, 0x00dd, 0x00fd, 0x00de, 0x00fe,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01510         /* U+0170 */     -1,     -1, 0x00d9, 0x00f9,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ae, 0x00be,     -1,
01511 };
01513 const int TEncoding_ISO8859_4::fromUnicodeTable2[2 * 16] = {
01514         /* U+02c0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b7,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01515         /* U+02d0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ff,     -1, 0x00b2,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1
01516 };
01518 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01519 // CP 437
01520 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01522 const int TEncoding_CP437::toUnicodeTable[8 * 16] = {
01523         /* 0x80 */ 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x00e0, 0x00e5, 0x00e7, 0x00ea, 0x00eb, 0x00e8, 0x00ef, 0x00ee, 0x00ec, 0x00c4, 0x00c5,
01524         /* 0x90 */ 0x00c9, 0x00e6, 0x00c6, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x00f2, 0x00fb, 0x00f9, 0x00ff, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x00a2, 0x00a3, 0x00a5, 0x20a7, 0x0192,
01525         /* 0xa0 */ 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x00f1, 0x00d1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba, 0x00bf, 0x2310, 0x00ac, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00a1, 0x00ab, 0x00bb,
01526         /* 0xb0 */ 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x255c, 0x255b, 0x2510,
01527         /* 0xc0 */ 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x255e, 0x255f, 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x2567,
01528         /* 0xd0 */ 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256b, 0x256a, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258c, 0x2590, 0x2580,
01529         /* 0xe0 */ 0x03b1, 0x00df, 0x0393, 0x03c0, 0x03a3, 0x03c3, 0x00b5, 0x03c4, 0x03a6, 0x0398, 0x03a9, 0x03b4, 0x221e, 0x03c6, 0x03b5, 0x2229,
01530         /* 0xf0 */ 0x2261, 0x00b1, 0x2265, 0x2264, 0x2320, 0x2321, 0x00f7, 0x2248, 0x00b0, 0x2219, 0x00b7, 0x221a, 0x207f, 0x00b2, 0x25a0, 0x00a0
01531 };
01533 const int TEncoding_CP437::fromUnicodeTable1[6 * 16] = {
01534         /* U+00a0 */ 0x00ff, 0x00ad, 0x009b, 0x009c,     -1, 0x009d,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a6, 0x00ae, 0x00aa,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01535         /* U+00b0 */ 0x00f8, 0x00f1, 0x00fd,     -1,     -1, 0x00e6,     -1, 0x00fa,     -1,     -1, 0x00a7, 0x00af, 0x00ac, 0x00ab,     -1, 0x00a8,
01536         /* U+00c0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x008e, 0x008f, 0x0092, 0x0080,     -1, 0x0090,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01537         /* U+00d0 */     -1, 0x00a5,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x0099,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x009a,     -1,     -1, 0x00e1,
01538         /* U+00e0 */ 0x0085, 0x00a0, 0x0083,     -1, 0x0084, 0x0086, 0x0091, 0x0087, 0x008a, 0x0082, 0x0088, 0x0089, 0x008d, 0x00a1, 0x008c, 0x008b,
01539         /* U+00f0 */     -1, 0x00a4, 0x0095, 0x00a2, 0x0093,     -1, 0x0094, 0x00f6,     -1, 0x0097, 0x00a3, 0x0096, 0x0081,     -1,     -1, 0x0098,
01540 };
01542 const int TEncoding_CP437::fromUnicodeTable2[4 * 16] = {
01543         /* U+0390 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00e2,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00e9,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01544         /* U+03a0 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00e4,     -1,     -1, 0x00e8,     -1,     -1, 0x00ea,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01545         /* U+03b0 */     -1, 0x00e0,     -1,     -1, 0x00eb, 0x00ee,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01546         /* U+03c0 */ 0x00e3,     -1,     -1, 0x00e5, 0x00e7,     -1, 0x00ed,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01547 };
01549 const int TEncoding_CP437::fromUnicodeTable3[6 * 16] = {
01550         /* U+2210 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00f9, 0x00fb,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ec,     -1,
01551         /* U+2220 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ef,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01552         /* U+2230 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01553         /* U+2240 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00f7,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01554         /* U+2250 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01555         /* U+2260 */     -1, 0x00f0,     -1,     -1, 0x00f3, 0x00f2,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01556 };
01558 const int TEncoding_CP437::fromUnicodeTable4[11 * 16] = {
01559         /* U+2500 */ 0x00c4,     -1, 0x00b3,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00da,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01560         /* U+2510 */ 0x00bf,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c0,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d9,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c3,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01561         /* U+2520 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b4,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c2,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01562         /* U+2530 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c5,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01563         /* U+2540 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01564         /* U+2550 */ 0x00cd, 0x00ba, 0x00d5, 0x00d6, 0x00c9, 0x00b8, 0x00b7, 0x00bb, 0x00d4, 0x00d3, 0x00c8, 0x00be, 0x00bd, 0x00bc, 0x00c6, 0x00c7,
01565         /* U+2560 */ 0x00cc, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b9, 0x00d1, 0x00d2, 0x00cb, 0x00cf, 0x00d0, 0x00ca, 0x00d8, 0x00d7, 0x00ce,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01566         /* U+2570 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01567         /* U+2580 */ 0x00df,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00dc,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00db,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00dd,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01568         /* U+2590 */ 0x00de, 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01569         /* U+25a0 */ 0x00fe,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1
01570 };
01571 //      /* U+0190 */     -1,     -1, 0x009f,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01572 //      /* U+2070 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00fc,
01573 //      /* U+20a0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x009e,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01574 //      /* U+2310 */ 0x00a9,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01575 //      /* U+2320 */ 0x00f4, 0x00f5,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01577 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01578 // CP 852
01579 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01581 const int TEncoding_CP852::toUnicodeTable[8 * 16] = {
01582         /* 0x80 */ 0x00c7, 0x00fc, 0x00e9, 0x00e2, 0x00e4, 0x016f, 0x0107, 0x00e7, 0x0142, 0x00eb, 0x0150, 0x0151, 0x00ee, 0x0179, 0x00c4, 0x0106,
01583         /* 0x90 */ 0x00c9, 0x0139, 0x013a, 0x00f4, 0x00f6, 0x013d, 0x013e, 0x015a, 0x015b, 0x00d6, 0x00dc, 0x0164, 0x0165, 0x0141, 0x00d7, 0x010d,
01584         /* 0xa0 */ 0x00e1, 0x00ed, 0x00f3, 0x00fa, 0x0104, 0x0105, 0x017d, 0x017e, 0x0118, 0x0119, 0x00ac, 0x017a, 0x010c, 0x015f, 0x00ab, 0x00bb,
01585         /* 0xb0 */ 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x011a, 0x015e, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255d, 0x017b, 0x017c, 0x2510,
01586         /* 0xc0 */ 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x251c, 0x2500, 0x253c, 0x0102, 0x0103, 0x255a, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256c, 0x00a4,
01587         /* 0xd0 */ 0x0111, 0x0110, 0x010e, 0x00cb, 0x010f, 0x0147, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x011b, 0x2518, 0x250c, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x0162, 0x016e, 0x2580,
01588         /* 0xe0 */ 0x00d3, 0x00df, 0x00d4, 0x0143, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x0160, 0x0161, 0x0154, 0x00da, 0x0155, 0x0170, 0x00fd, 0x00dd, 0x0163, 0x00b4,
01589         /* 0xf0 */ 0x00ad, 0x02dd, 0x02db, 0x02c7, 0x02d8, 0x00a7, 0x00f7, 0x00b8, 0x00b0, 0x00a8, 0x02d9, 0x0171, 0x0158, 0x0159, 0x25a0, 0x00a0
01590 };
01592 const int TEncoding_CP852::fromUnicodeTable1[14 * 16] = {
01593         /* U+00a0 */ 0x00ff,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00cf,     -1,     -1, 0x00f5, 0x00f9,     -1,     -1, 0x00ae, 0x00aa, 0x00f0,     -1,     -1,
01594         /* U+00b0 */ 0x00f8,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ef,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00f7,     -1,     -1, 0x00af,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01595         /* U+00c0 */     -1, 0x00b5, 0x00b6,     -1, 0x008e,     -1,     -1, 0x0080,     -1, 0x0090,     -1, 0x00d3,     -1, 0x00d6, 0x00d7,     -1,
01596         /* U+00d0 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00e0, 0x00e2,     -1, 0x0099, 0x009e,     -1,     -1, 0x00e9,     -1, 0x009a, 0x00ed,     -1, 0x00e1,
01597         /* U+00e0 */     -1, 0x00a0, 0x0083,     -1, 0x0084,     -1,     -1, 0x0087,     -1, 0x0082,     -1, 0x0089,     -1, 0x00a1, 0x008c,     -1,
01598         /* U+00f0 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a2, 0x0093,     -1, 0x0094, 0x00f6,     -1,     -1, 0x00a3,     -1, 0x0081, 0x00ec,     -1,     -1,
01599         /* U+0100 */     -1,     -1, 0x00c6, 0x00c7, 0x00a4, 0x00a5, 0x008f, 0x0086,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ac, 0x009f, 0x00d2, 0x00d4,
01600         /* U+0110 */ 0x00d1, 0x00d0,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x00b7, 0x00d8,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01601         /* U+0120 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01602         /* U+0130 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x0091, 0x0092,     -1,     -1, 0x0095, 0x0096,     -1,
01603         /* U+0140 */     -1, 0x009d, 0x0088, 0x00e3, 0x00e4,     -1,     -1, 0x00d5, 0x00e5,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01604         /* U+0150 */ 0x008a, 0x008b,     -1,     -1, 0x00e8, 0x00ea,     -1,     -1, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x0097, 0x0098,     -1,     -1, 0x00b8, 0x00ad,
01605         /* U+0160 */ 0x00e6, 0x00e7, 0x00dd, 0x00ee, 0x009b, 0x009c,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00de, 0x0085,
01606         /* U+0170 */ 0x00eb, 0x00fb,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x008d, 0x00ab, 0x00bd, 0x00be, 0x00a6, 0x00a7,     -1
01607 };
01609 const int TEncoding_CP852::fromUnicodeTable2[2* 16] = {
01610         /* U+02c0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00f3,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01611         /* U+02d0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00f4, 0x00fa,     -1, 0x00f2,     -1, 0x00f1,     -1,     -1
01612 };
01614 const int TEncoding_CP852::fromUnicodeTable3[11 * 16] = {
01615         /* U+2500 */ 0x00c4,     -1, 0x00b3,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00da,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01616         /* U+2510 */ 0x00bf,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c0,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d9,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c3,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01617         /* U+2520 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b4,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c2,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01618         /* U+2530 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c5,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01619         /* U+2540 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01620         /* U+2550 */ 0x00cd, 0x00ba,     -1,     -1, 0x00c9,     -1,     -1, 0x00bb,     -1,     -1, 0x00c8,     -1,     -1, 0x00bc,     -1,     -1,
01621         /* U+2560 */ 0x00cc,     -1,     -1, 0x00b9,     -1,     -1, 0x00cb,     -1,     -1, 0x00ca,     -1,     -1, 0x00ce,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01622         /* U+2570 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01623         /* U+2580 */ 0x00df,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00dc,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00db,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01624         /* U+2590 */     -1, 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x00b2,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01625         /* U+25a0 */ 0x00fe,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1
01626 };
01628 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01629 // Windows-1250
01630 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01632 const int TEncoding_CP1250::toUnicodeTable[8 * 16] = {
01633         /* 0x80 */ 0x20ac,     -1, 0x201a,     -1, 0x201e, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021,     -1, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x015a, 0x0164, 0x017d, 0x0179,
01634         /* 0x90 */     -1, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014,     -1, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203a, 0x015b, 0x0165, 0x017e, 0x017a,
01635         /* 0xa0 */ 0x00a0, 0x02c7, 0x02d8, 0x0141, 0x00a4, 0x0104, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x00a9, 0x015e, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae, 0x017b,
01636         /* 0xb0 */ 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x02db, 0x0142, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, 0x00b8, 0x0105, 0x015f, 0x00bb, 0x013d, 0x02dd, 0x013e, 0x017c,
01637         /* 0xc0 */ 0x0154, 0x00c1, 0x00c2, 0x0102, 0x00c4, 0x0139, 0x0106, 0x00c7, 0x010c, 0x00c9, 0x0118, 0x00cb, 0x011a, 0x00cd, 0x00ce, 0x010e,
01638         /* 0xd0 */ 0x0110, 0x0143, 0x0147, 0x00d3, 0x00d4, 0x0150, 0x00d6, 0x00d7, 0x0158, 0x016e, 0x00da, 0x0170, 0x00dc, 0x00dd, 0x0162, 0x00df,
01639         /* 0xe0 */ 0x0155, 0x00e1, 0x00e2, 0x0103, 0x00e4, 0x013a, 0x0107, 0x00e7, 0x010d, 0x00e9, 0x0119, 0x00eb, 0x011b, 0x00ed, 0x00ee, 0x010f,
01640         /* 0xf0 */ 0x0111, 0x0144, 0x0148, 0x00f3, 0x00f4, 0x0151, 0x00f6, 0x00f7, 0x0159, 0x016f, 0x00fa, 0x0171, 0x00fc, 0x00fd, 0x0163, 0x02d9
01641 };
01643 const int TEncoding_CP1250::fromUnicodeTable1[14 * 16] = {
01644         /* U+00a0 */ 0x00a0,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a4,     -1, 0x00a6, 0x00a7, 0x00a8, 0x00a9,     -1, 0x00ab, 0x00ac, 0x00ad, 0x00ae,     -1,
01645         /* U+00b0 */ 0x00b0, 0x00b1,     -1,     -1, 0x00b4, 0x00b5, 0x00b6, 0x00b7, 0x00b8,     -1,     -1, 0x00bb,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01646         /* U+00c0 */     -1, 0x00c1, 0x00c2,     -1, 0x00c4,     -1,     -1, 0x00c7,     -1, 0x00c9,     -1, 0x00cb,     -1, 0x00cd, 0x00ce,     -1,
01647         /* U+00d0 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d3, 0x00d4,     -1, 0x00d6, 0x00d7,     -1,     -1, 0x00da,     -1, 0x00dc, 0x00dd,     -1, 0x00df,
01648         /* U+00e0 */     -1, 0x00e1, 0x00e2,     -1, 0x00e4,     -1,     -1, 0x00e7,     -1, 0x00e9,     -1, 0x00eb,     -1, 0x00ed, 0x00ee,     -1,
01649         /* U+00f0 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00f3, 0x00f4,     -1, 0x00f6, 0x00f7,     -1,     -1, 0x00fa,     -1, 0x00fc, 0x00fd,     -1,     -1,
01650         /* U+0100 */     -1,     -1, 0x00c3, 0x00e3, 0x00a5, 0x00b9, 0x00c6, 0x00e6,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c8, 0x00e8, 0x00cf, 0x00ef,
01651         /* U+0110 */ 0x00d0, 0x00f0,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00ca, 0x00ea, 0x00cc, 0x00ec,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01652         /* U+0120 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1 /* blank */,
01653         /* U+0130 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00c5, 0x00e5,     -1,     -1, 0x00bc, 0x00be,     -1,
01654         /* U+0140 */     -1, 0x00a3, 0x00b3, 0x00d1, 0x00f1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d2, 0x00f2,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01655         /* U+0150 */ 0x00d5, 0x00f5,     -1,     -1, 0x00c0, 0x00e0,     -1,     -1, 0x00d8, 0x00f8, 0x008c, 0x009c,     -1,     -1, 0x00aa, 0x00ba,
01656         /* U+0160 */ 0x008a, 0x009a, 0x00de, 0x00fe, 0x008d, 0x009d,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00d9, 0x00f9,
01657         /* U+0170 */ 0x00db, 0x00fb,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x008f, 0x009f, 0x00af, 0x00bf, 0x008e, 0x009e,     -1,
01658 };
01660 const int TEncoding_CP1250::fromUnicodeTable2[2 * 16] = {
01661         /* U+02c0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01662         /* U+02d0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x00a2, 0x00ff,     -1, 0x00b2,     -1, 0x00bd,     -1,     -1,
01663 };
01665 const int TEncoding_CP1250::fromUnicodeTable3[3 * 16] = {
01666         /* U+2010 */     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x0096, 0x0097,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x0091, 0x0092, 0x0082,     -1, 0x0093, 0x0094, 0x0084,     -1,
01667         /* U+2020 */ 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0095,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x0085,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01668         /* U+2030 */ 0x0089,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x008b, 0x009b,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01669 };
01670 //      /* U+20a0 */     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1, 0x0080,     -1,     -1,     -1,
01671 //      /* U+2120 */     -1,     -1, 0x0099,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1,     -1
01673 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01674 // YU-ASCII
01675 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01677 //                                                C acute c acute C caron c caron S caron s caron Z caron z caron D stroke d stroke
01678 const int TEncoding_YuAscii::uniChars[10] =     {  0x106,  0x107,  0x10c,  0x10d,  0x160,  0x161,  0x17d,  0x17e,   0x110,  0x111  };
01679 const int TEncoding_YuAscii::yuAsciiChars[10] = {   0x5d,   0x7d,   0x5e,   0x7e,   0x5b,   0x7b,   0x40,   0x60,    0x5c,   0x7c  };
01680 //                                                   ']'     '}'     '^'    '~'     '['     '{'     '@'     '`'      '\\'    '|'
01683 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01684 // TUnicode - codec registry
01685 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01687 void TUnicode::InitCodecs()
01688 {
01689         ClrCodecs();
01690         RegisterCodec("ISO-8859-1 ISO_8859-1 ISO_8859-1:1987 ISO-IR-100 CP819 IBM819 LATIN1 L1 csISOLatin1 ISO8859-1 ISO8859_1 CP28591", TCodecBase::New<TCodec_ISO8859_1>());
01691         RegisterCodec("ISO-8859-2 ISO_8859-2 ISO_8859-2:1987 ISO-IR-101 LATIN2 L2 csISOLatin2 ISO8859-2 ISO8859_2 CP28592", TCodecBase::New<TCodec_ISO8859_2>());
01692         RegisterCodec("ISO-8859-3 ISO_8859-3 ISO_8859-3:1988 ISO-IR-109 LATIN3 L3 csISOLatin3 ISO8859-3 ISO8859_3 CP28593", TCodecBase::New<TCodec_ISO8859_3>());
01693         RegisterCodec("ISO-8859-4 ISO_8859-4 ISO_8859-4:1988 ISO-IR-110 LATIN4 L4 csISOLatin4 ISO8859-4 ISO8859_4 CP28594", TCodecBase::New<TCodec_ISO8859_4>());
01694         RegisterCodec("YUASCII YU-ASCII YU_ASCII", TCodecBase::New<TCodec_YuAscii>());
01695         RegisterCodec("CP1250 Windows-1250 MS-EE", TCodecBase::New<TCodec_CP1250>());
01696         RegisterCodec("CP852 cp852_DOSLatin2 DOSLatin2", TCodecBase::New<TCodec_CP852>());
01697         RegisterCodec("CP437 cp437_DOSLatinUS DOSLatinUS", TCodecBase::New<TCodec_CP437>());
01698 }