SNAP Library, Developer Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
SNAP, a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library
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00002 // forward declarations
00003 class TLinAlg;
00004 class TLAMisc;
00007 // Matrix
00008 class TMatrix {
00009 private:
00010     bool Transposed;
00011 protected:
00012     virtual void PMultiply(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const = 0;
00013     virtual void PMultiply(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const = 0;
00014     virtual void PMultiplyT(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const = 0;
00015     virtual void PMultiplyT(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const = 0;
00017     virtual int PGetRows() const = 0;
00018     virtual int PGetCols() const = 0;
00019 public:
00020     TMatrix(): Transposed(false) {}
00021     virtual ~TMatrix() { }
00023     // Result = A * B(:,ColId)
00024     void Multiply(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const {
00025         if (Transposed) { PMultiplyT(B, ColId, Result); }
00026         else { PMultiply(B, ColId, Result); }
00027     }
00028     // Result = A * Vec
00029     void Multiply(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const {
00030         if (Transposed) { PMultiplyT(Vec, Result); }
00031         else { PMultiply(Vec, Result); }
00032     }
00033     // Result = A' * B(:,ColId)
00034     void MultiplyT(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const {
00035         if (Transposed) { PMultiply(B, ColId, Result); }
00036         else { PMultiplyT(B, ColId, Result); }
00037     }
00038     // Result = A' * Vec
00039     void MultiplyT(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const{
00040         if (Transposed) { PMultiply(Vec, Result); }
00041         else { PMultiplyT(Vec, Result); }
00042     }
00044     // number of rows
00045     int GetRows() const { return Transposed ? PGetCols() : PGetRows(); }
00046     // number of columns
00047     int GetCols() const { return Transposed ? PGetRows() : PGetCols(); }
00049     void Transpose() { Transposed = !Transposed; }
00050 };
00053 // Sparse-Column-Matrix
00054 //  matrix is given with columns as sparse vectors
00055 class TSparseColMatrix: public TMatrix {
00056 public:
00057     // number of rows and columns of matrix
00058     int RowN, ColN;
00059     // vector of sparse columns
00060     TVec<TIntFltKdV> ColSpVV;
00061 protected:
00062     // Result = A * B(:,ColId)
00063     virtual void PMultiply(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const;
00064     // Result = A * Vec
00065     virtual void PMultiply(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const;
00066     // Result = A' * B(:,ColId)
00067     virtual void PMultiplyT(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const;
00068     // Result = A' * Vec
00069     virtual void PMultiplyT(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const;
00071     int PGetRows() const { return RowN; }
00072     int PGetCols() const { return ColN; }
00074 public:
00075     TSparseColMatrix(): TMatrix() {}
00076     TSparseColMatrix(TVec<TIntFltKdV> _ColSpVV): TMatrix(), ColSpVV(_ColSpVV) {}
00077     TSparseColMatrix(TVec<TIntFltKdV> _ColSpVV, const int& _RowN, const int& _ColN): 
00078                 TMatrix(), RowN(_RowN), ColN(_ColN), ColSpVV(_ColSpVV) {}
00079     // loads Matlab sparse matrix format: row, column, value.
00080     //   Indexes start with 1.
00081     void Save(TSOut& SOut) {
00082         SOut.Save(RowN); SOut.Save(ColN); ColSpVV.Save(SOut); }
00083     void Load(TSIn& SIn) {
00084         SIn.Load(RowN); SIn.Load(ColN); ColSpVV = TVec<TIntFltKdV>(SIn); }
00085 };
00088 // Sparse-Row-Matrix
00089 //  matrix is given with rows as sparse vectors
00090 class TSparseRowMatrix: public TMatrix {
00091 public:
00092     // number of rows and columns of matrix
00093     int RowN, ColN;
00094     // vector of sparse rows
00095     TVec<TIntFltKdV> RowSpVV;
00096 protected:
00097     // Result = A * B(:,ColId)
00098     virtual void PMultiply(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const;
00099     // Result = A * Vec
00100     virtual void PMultiply(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const;
00101     // Result = A' * B(:,ColId)
00102     virtual void PMultiplyT(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const;
00103     // Result = A' * Vec
00104     virtual void PMultiplyT(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const;
00106     int PGetRows() const { return RowN; }
00107     int PGetCols() const { return ColN; }
00109 public:
00110     TSparseRowMatrix(): TMatrix() {}
00111     TSparseRowMatrix(TVec<TIntFltKdV> _RowSpVV): TMatrix(), RowSpVV(_RowSpVV) {}
00112     TSparseRowMatrix(TVec<TIntFltKdV> _RowSpVV, const int& _RowN, const int& _ColN): 
00113                 TMatrix(), RowN(_RowN), ColN(_ColN), RowSpVV(_RowSpVV) {}
00114         // loads Matlab sparse matrix format: row, column, value.
00115     //   Indexes start with 1.
00116     TSparseRowMatrix(const TStr& MatlabMatrixFNm);
00117     void Save(TSOut& SOut) {
00118         SOut.Save(RowN); SOut.Save(ColN); RowSpVV.Save(SOut); }
00119     void Load(TSIn& SIn) {
00120         SIn.Load(RowN); SIn.Load(ColN); RowSpVV = TVec<TIntFltKdV>(SIn); }
00121 };
00124 // Full-Col-Matrix
00125 //  matrix is given with columns of full vectors
00126 class TFullColMatrix: public TMatrix {
00127 public:
00128     // number of rows and columns of matrix
00129     int RowN, ColN;
00130     // vector of sparse columns
00131     TVec<TFltV> ColV;
00132 protected:
00133     // Result = A * B(:,ColId)
00134     virtual void PMultiply(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const;
00135     // Result = A * Vec
00136     virtual void PMultiply(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const;
00137     // Result = A' * B(:,ColId)
00138     virtual void PMultiplyT(const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& Result) const;
00139     // Result = A' * Vec
00140     virtual void PMultiplyT(const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result) const;
00142     int PGetRows() const { return RowN; }
00143     int PGetCols() const { return ColN; }
00145 public:
00146     TFullColMatrix(): TMatrix() {}
00147     // loads matrix saved in matlab with command:
00148     //  save -ascii Matrix.dat M
00149     TFullColMatrix(const TStr& MatlabMatrixFNm);
00150     void Save(TSOut& SOut) { ColV.Save(SOut); }
00151     void Load(TSIn& SIn) { ColV.Load(SIn); }
00152 };
00155 // Basic Linear Algebra Operations
00156 class TLinAlg {
00157 public:
00158     // <x,y>
00159     static double DotProduct(const TFltV& x, const TFltV& y);
00160     // <X(:,ColIdX), Y(:,ColIdY)>
00161     static double DotProduct(const TFltVV& X, int ColIdX, const TFltVV& Y, int ColIdY);
00162     // <X(:,ColId), Vec>
00163     static double DotProduct(const TFltVV& X, int ColId, const TFltV& Vec);
00164     // sparse dot products:
00165     // <x,y> where x AND y are sparse
00166     static double DotProduct(const TIntFltKdV& x, const TIntFltKdV& y);
00167     // <x,y> where only y is sparse
00168     static double DotProduct(const TFltV& x, const TIntFltKdV& y);
00169     // <X(:,ColId),y> where only y is sparse
00170     static double DotProduct(const TFltVV& X, int ColId, const TIntFltKdV& y);
00172     // z := p * x + q * y
00173     static void LinComb(const double& p, const TFltV& x,
00174         const double& q, const TFltV& y, TFltV& z);
00175     // z := p * x + (1 - p) * y
00176     static void ConvexComb(const double& p, const TFltV& x, const TFltV& y, TFltV& z);
00178     // z := k * x + y
00179     static void AddVec(const double& k, const TFltV& x, const TFltV& y, TFltV& z);
00180     // z := k * x + y
00181     static void AddVec(const double& k, const TIntFltKdV& x, const TFltV& y, TFltV& z);
00182     // y := k * x + y
00183     static void AddVec(const double& k, const TIntFltKdV& x, TFltV& y);
00184     // Y(:,Col) += k * X(:,Col)
00185     static void AddVec(double k, const TFltVV& X, int ColIdX, TFltVV& Y, int ColIdY);
00186     // Result += k * X(:,Col)
00187     static void AddVec(double k, const TFltVV& X, int ColId, TFltV& Result);
00188         // z = x + y
00189     static void AddVec(const TIntFltKdV& x, const TIntFltKdV& y, TIntFltKdV& z);
00191     // Result = SUM(x)
00192     static double SumVec(const TFltV& x);
00193     // Result = SUM(k*x + y)
00194     static double SumVec(double k, const TFltV& x, const TFltV& y);
00196     // Result = ||x-y||^2 (Euclidian)
00197     static double EuclDist2(const TFltV& x, const TFltV& y);
00198     // Result = ||x-y|| (Euclidian)
00199     static double EuclDist(const TFltV& x, const TFltV& y);
00201     // ||x||^2 (Euclidian)
00202     static double Norm2(const TFltV& x);
00203     // ||x|| (Euclidian)
00204     static double Norm(const TFltV& x);
00205     // x := x / ||x||
00206     static void Normalize(TFltV& x);
00208     // ||x||^2 (Euclidian), x is sparse
00209     static double Norm2(const TIntFltKdV& x);
00210     // ||x|| (Euclidian), x is sparse
00211     static double Norm(const TIntFltKdV& x);
00212     // x := x / ||x||, x is sparse
00213     static void Normalize(TIntFltKdV& x);
00215     // ||X(:,ColId)||^2 (Euclidian)
00216     static double Norm2(const TFltVV& X, int ColId);
00217     // ||X(:,ColId)|| (Euclidian)
00218     static double Norm(const TFltVV& X, int ColId);
00220     // L1 norm of x (Sum[|xi|, i = 1..n])
00221     static double NormL1(const TFltV& x);
00222     // L1 norm of k*x+y (Sum[|k*xi+yi|, i = 1..n])
00223     static double NormL1(double k, const TFltV& x, const TFltV& y);
00224     // L1 norm of x (Sum[|xi|, i = 1..n])
00225     static double NormL1(const TIntFltKdV& x);
00226     // x := x / ||x||_inf
00227     static void NormalizeL1(TFltV& x);
00228     // x := x / ||x||_inf
00229     static void NormalizeL1(TIntFltKdV& x);
00231     // Linf norm of x (Max{|xi|, i = 1..n})
00232     static double NormLinf(const TFltV& x);
00233     // Linf norm of x (Max{|xi|, i = 1..n})
00234     static double NormLinf(const TIntFltKdV& x);
00235     // x := x / ||x||_inf
00236     static void NormalizeLinf(TFltV& x);
00237     // x := x / ||x||_inf, , x is sparse
00238     static void NormalizeLinf(TIntFltKdV& x);
00240     // y := k * x
00241     static void MultiplyScalar(const double& k, const TFltV& x, TFltV& y);
00242     // y := k * x
00243     static void MultiplyScalar(const double& k, const TIntFltKdV& x, TIntFltKdV& y);
00245     // y := A * x
00246     static void Multiply(const TFltVV& A, const TFltV& x, TFltV& y);
00247     // C(:, ColId) := A * x
00248     static void Multiply(const TFltVV& A, const TFltV& x, TFltVV& C, int ColId);
00249     // y := A * B(:, ColId)
00250     static void Multiply(const TFltVV& A, const TFltVV& B, int ColId, TFltV& y);
00251     // C(:, ColIdC) := A * B(:, ColIdB)
00252     static void Multiply(const TFltVV& A, const TFltVV& B, int ColIdB, TFltVV& C, int ColIdC);
00254     // y := A' * x
00255     static void MultiplyT(const TFltVV& A, const TFltV& x, TFltV& y);
00257     // C = A * B
00258     static void Multiply(const TFltVV& A, const TFltVV& B, TFltVV& C);
00260         // D = alpha * A(') * B(') + beta * C(')
00261         typedef enum { GEMM_NO_T = 0, GEMM_A_T = 1, GEMM_B_T = 2, GEMM_C_T = 4 } TLinAlgGemmTranspose;
00262         static void Gemm(const double& Alpha, const TFltVV& A, const TFltVV& B, const double& Beta, 
00263                 const TFltVV& C, TFltVV& D, const int& TransposeFlags);
00265         // B = A^(-1)
00266         typedef enum { DECOMP_SVD } TLinAlgInverseType;
00267         static void Inverse(const TFltVV& A, TFltVV& B, const TLinAlgInverseType& DecompType);
00268         // subtypes of finding an inverse
00269         static void InverseSVD(const TFltVV& A, TFltVV& B);
00271         // transpose matrix - B = A'
00272         static void Transpose(const TFltVV& A, TFltVV& B);
00274     // performes Gram-Schmidt ortogonalization on elements of Q
00275     static void GS(TVec<TFltV>& Q);
00276     // Gram-Schmidt on columns of matrix Q
00277     static void GS(TFltVV& Q);
00279     // rotates vector (OldX,OldY) for angle Angle (in radians!)
00280     static void Rotate(const double& OldX, const double& OldY, const double& Angle, double& NewX, double& NewY);
00282     // checks if set of vectors is ortogonal
00283     static void AssertOrtogonality(const TVec<TFltV>& Vecs, const double& Threshold);
00284     static void AssertOrtogonality(const TFltVV& Vecs, const double& Threshold);
00285 };
00288 // Numerical-Recepies-Exception
00289 class TNSException {
00290 public:
00291     TStr Message;
00292 public:
00293     TNSException(const TStr& Msg): Message(Msg) {}
00294 };
00297 // Numerical-Linear-Algebra (copied from Numerical Recepies)
00298 class TNumericalStuff {
00299 private:
00300   static double sqr(double a);
00301   static double sign(double a, double b);
00303   // Computes (a^2 + b^2)^(1/2) without
00304   // destructive underflow or overflow.
00305   static double pythag(double a, double b);
00307   //displays error message to screen
00308   static void nrerror(const TStr& error_text);
00310 public:
00311     // Householder reduction of a real, symmetric matrix a[1..n][1..n].
00312     // On output, a is replaced by the orthogonal matrix Q eecting the
00313     // transformation. d[1..n] returns the diagonal elements of the
00314     // tridiagonal matrix, and e[1..n] the o-diagonal elements, with
00315     // e[1]=0. Several statements, as noted in comments, can be omitted
00316     // if only eigenvalues are to be found, in which case a contains no
00317     // useful information on output. Otherwise they are to be included.
00318     static void SymetricToTridiag(TFltVV& a, int n, TFltV& d, TFltV& e);
00320         // QL algorithm with implicit shifts, to determine the eigenvalues
00321         // and eigenvectors of a real, symmetric, tridiagonal matrix, or of
00322         // a real, symmetric matrix previously reduced by tred2 x11.2. On
00323         // input, d[1..n] contains the diagonal elements of the tridiagonal
00324         // matrix. On output, it returns the eigenvalues. The vector e[1..n]
00325         // inputs the subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix, with
00326         // e[1] arbitrary. On output e is destroyed. When finding only the
00327         // eigenvalues, several lines may be omitted, as noted in the comments.
00328         // If the eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix are desired, the matrix
00329         // z[1..n][1..n] is input as the identity matrix. If the eigenvectors
00330         // of a matrix that has been reduced by tred2 are required, then z is
00331         // input as the matrix output by tred2. In either case, the kth column
00332         // of z returns the normalized eigenvector corresponding to d[k].
00333         static void EigSymmetricTridiag(TFltV& d, TFltV& e, int n, TFltVV& z);
00335         // Given a positive-dedinite symmetric matrix A(n,n), this routine
00336         // constructs its Cholesky decomposition, A = L * L^T . On input, only
00337         // the upper triangle of A need be given; it is not modified. The
00338         // Cholesky factor L is returned in the lower triangle of A, except for
00339         // its diagonal elements which are returned in p(n).
00340         static void CholeskyDecomposition(TFltVV& A, TFltV& p);
00342         // Solves the set of n linear equations A * x = b, where A is a
00343         // positive-definite symmetric matrix. A(n,n) and p[1..n] are input
00344         // as the output of the routine choldc. Only the lower triangle of A
00345         // is accessed. b(n) is input as the right-hand side vector. The
00346         // solution vector is returned in x(n). A  and p are not modified and
00347         // can be left in place for successive calls with diferent right-hand
00348         // sides b. b is not modified unless you identify b and x in the calling
00349         // sequence, which is allowed.
00350         static void CholeskySolve(const TFltVV& A, const TFltV& p, const TFltV& b, TFltV& x);
00352         // Solves system of linear equations A * x = b, where A is symetric
00353         // positive-definite matrix. A is first decomposed using
00354         // CholeskyDecomposition and after solved using CholeskySolve. Only
00355         // upper triangle of A need be given and it is not modified. However,
00356         // lower triangle is modified!
00357         static void SolveSymetricSystem(TFltVV& A, const TFltV& b, TFltV& x);
00359     // solve system A x_i = e_i for i = 1..n, where A and p are output
00360     // from CholeskyDecomposition. Result is stored to upper triangule
00361     // (possible since inverse of symetric matrix is also symetric! Sigh...)
00362     static void InverseSubstitute(TFltVV& A, const TFltV& p);
00364     // Calculates inverse of symetric positiv definit matrix
00365     // Matrix is given as upper triangule of A, result is stored
00366     // in upper triangule of A. Lower triangule is random (actually
00367     // it has part of Choleksy decompositon of A)
00368     static void InverseSymetric(TFltVV& A);
00370     // calcualtes inverse of upper triagonal matrix A
00371     // lower triangle is messed up...
00372     static void InverseTriagonal(TFltVV& A);
00374     // Given a matrix a[1..n][1..n], this routine replaces it by the LU
00375     // decomposition of a rowwise permutation of itself. a and n are input.
00376     // a is output, arranged as in equation (2.3.14) above; indx[1..n] is
00377     // an output vector that records the row permutation efected by the partial
00378     // pivoting; d is output as +-1 depending on whether the number of row
00379     // interchanges was even or odd, respectively. This routine is used in
00380     // combination with lubksb to solve linear equations or invert a matrix.
00381     static void LUDecomposition(TFltVV& A, TIntV& indx, double& d);
00383     // Solves the set of n linear equations A*X = B. Here a[1..n][1..n] is input,
00384     // not as the matrix A but rather as its LU decomposition, determined by the
00385     // routine ludcmp. indx[1..n] is input as the permutation vector returned by
00386     // ludcmp. b[1..n] is input as the right-hand side vector B, and returns with
00387     // the solution vector X. a, n, and indx are not modified by this routine and
00388     // can be left in place for successive calls with diferent right-hand sides b.
00389     // This routine takes into account the possibility that b will begin with many
00390     // zero elements, so it is efficient for use in matrix inversion.
00391     static void LUSolve(const TFltVV& A, const TIntV& indx, TFltV& b);
00393     // Solves system of linear equations A * x = b. A is first decomposed using
00394     // LUDecomposition and after solved using LUSolve. A is modified!
00395     static void SolveLinearSystem(TFltVV& A, const TFltV& b, TFltV& x);
00396 };
00399 // Sparse-SVD
00400 //   Calculates singular-value-decompositon for sparse matrixes.
00401 //   If A is a matrix than A is decomposed to A = U S V'
00402 //   where S is diagonal with singular values on diagonal and U
00403 //   and V are ortogonal (U'*U = V'*V = I).
00404 typedef enum { ssotNoOrto, ssotSelective, ssotFull } TSpSVDReOrtoType;
00405 class TSparseSVD {
00406 private:
00407     // Result = Matrix' * Matrix * Vec(:,ColId)
00408     static void MultiplyATA(const TMatrix& Matrix,
00409         const TFltVV& Vec, int ColId, TFltV& Result);
00410     // Result = Matrix' * Matrix * Vec
00411     static void MultiplyATA(const TMatrix& Matrix,
00412         const TFltV& Vec, TFltV& Result);
00413 public:
00414     // calculates NumEig eigen values of symetric matrix
00415     // if SvdMatrixProductP than matrix Matrix'*Matrix is used
00416     static void SimpleLanczos(const TMatrix& Matrix,
00417         const int& NumEig, TFltV& EigValV,
00418         const bool& DoLocalReortoP = false,
00419         const bool& SvdMatrixProductP = false);
00420     // fast, calculates NumEig largers eigen values and vectors
00421     // kk should be something like 4*NumEig
00422     // if SvdMatrixProductP than matrix Matrix'*Matrix is used
00423     static void Lanczos(const TMatrix& Matrix,
00424         int NumEig, int Iters, const TSpSVDReOrtoType& ReOrtoType,
00425         TFltV& EigValV, TFltVV& EigVecVV,
00426         const bool& SvdMatrixProductP = false);
00427     static void Lanczos2(const TMatrix& Matrix,
00428         int MaxNumEig, int MaxSecs, const TSpSVDReOrtoType& ReOrtoType,
00429         TFltV& EigValV, TFltVV& EigVecVV,
00430         const bool& SvdMatrixProductP = false);
00432     // calculates only singular values (based on SimpleLanczos)
00433     static void SimpleLanczosSVD(const TMatrix& Matrix,
00434         const int& CalcSV, TFltV& SngValV,
00435         const bool& DoLocalReortoP = false);
00436     // fast, calculates NumSV largers SV (based on Lanczos)
00437     static void LanczosSVD(const TMatrix& Matrix,
00438         int NumSV, int Iters, const TSpSVDReOrtoType& ReOrtoType,
00439         TFltV& SgnValV, TFltVV& LeftSgnVecVV, TFltVV& RightSgnVecVV);
00441     // slow - ortogonal iteration
00442     static void OrtoIterSVD(const TMatrix& Matrix,
00443         int NumSV, int IterN, TFltV& SgnValV);
00445     // projects sparse vector to space spanned by columns of matrix U
00446     static void Project(const TIntFltKdV& Vec, const TFltVV& U, TFltV& ProjVec);
00447 };
00450 // Sigmoid  --  made by Janez(TM)
00451 //  (y = 1/[1 + exp[-Ax+B]])
00452 class TSigmoid {
00453 private:
00454     TFlt A;
00455     TFlt B;
00456 private:
00457   // Evaluates how well the sigmoid function fits the data.
00458   // J(A, B) = - ln prod_i P(Y = y_i | Z = z_i).  The 'data' parameter
00459   // should contain (z_i, y_i) pairs.  Smaller J means a better fit.
00460   static double EvaluateFit(const TFltIntKdV& data, const double A, const double B);
00461   // Computes not only J but also its partial derivatives.
00462   static void EvaluateFit(const TFltIntKdV& data, const double A,
00463         const double B, double& J, double& JA, double& JB);
00464   // Let J(lambda) = J(A + lambda U, B + lambda V).
00465     // This function computes J and its first and second derivatives.
00466   // They can be used to choose a good lambda (using Newton's method)
00467     // when minimizing J. -- This method has not been tested yet.
00468   static void EvaluateFit(const TFltIntKdV& data, const double A,
00469         const double B, const double U, const double V, const double lambda,
00470     double& J, double& JJ, double& JJJ);
00471 public:
00472     TSigmoid() { };
00473     TSigmoid(const double& A_, const double& B_): A(A_), B(B_) { };
00474         // Tries to find a pair (A, B) that minimizes J(A, B).
00475     // Uses gradient descent.
00476     TSigmoid(const TFltIntKdV& data);
00478     TSigmoid(TSIn& SIn) { A.Load(SIn); B.Load(SIn); }
00479     void Load(TSIn& SIn) { A.Load(SIn); B.Load(SIn); }
00480     void Save(TSOut& SOut) const {A.Save(SOut); B.Save(SOut);}
00482     double GetVal(const double& x) const {
00483         return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-A * x + B)); }
00484     double operator()(const double& x) const {
00485         return GetVal(x); }
00487     void GetSigmoidAB(double& A_, double& B_) { A_=A; B_=B; }
00488 };
00491 // Useful stuff (hopefuly)
00492 class TLAMisc {
00493 public:
00494         // Dumps vector to file so Excel can read it
00495     static void SaveCsvTFltV(const TFltV& Vec, TSOut& SOut);
00496         // Dumps sparse vector to file so Matlab can read it
00497     static void SaveMatlabTFltIntKdV(const TIntFltKdV& SpV, const int& ColN, TSOut& SOut);
00498         // Dumps vector to file so Matlab can read it
00499     static void SaveMatlabTFltV(const TFltV& m, const TStr& FName);
00500         // Dumps vector to file so Matlab can read it
00501     static void SaveMatlabTIntV(const TIntV& m, const TStr& FName);
00502         // Dumps column ColId from m to file so Matlab can read it
00503     static void SaveMatlabTFltVVCol(const TFltVV& m, int ColId, const TStr& FName);
00504         // Dumps matrix to file so Matlab can read it
00505     static void SaveMatlabTFltVV(const TFltVV& m, const TStr& FName);
00506         // Dumps main minor rowN x colN to file so Matlab can read it
00507         static void SaveMatlabTFltVVMjrSubMtrx(const TFltVV& m, int rowN, int colN, const TStr& FName);
00508     // loads matlab full matrix
00509     static void LoadMatlabTFltVV(const TStr& FNm, TVec<TFltV>& ColV);
00510     // loads matlab full matrix
00511     static void LoadMatlabTFltVV(const TStr& FNm, TFltVV& MatrixVV);
00512     // prints vector to screen
00513     static void PrintTFltV(const TFltV& Vec, const TStr& VecNm);
00514         // print matrixt to screen
00515         static void PrintTFltVV(const TFltVV& A, const TStr& MatrixNm);
00516     // prints vector to screen
00517     static void PrintTIntV(const TIntV& Vec, const TStr& VecNm);
00518     // fills vector with random numbers
00519     static void FillRnd(TFltV& Vec) { TRnd Rnd(0); FillRnd(Vec, Rnd); }
00520     static void FillRnd(TFltV& Vec, TRnd& Rnd);
00521     // set all components
00522     static void Fill(TFltVV& M, const double& Val);
00523     // sets all compnents to zero
00524     static void FillZero(TFltV& Vec) { Vec.PutAll(0.0); }
00525     static void FillZero(TFltVV& M) { Fill(M, 0.0); }
00526     // set matrix to identity
00527     static void FillIdentity(TFltVV& M);
00528     static void FillIdentity(TFltVV& M, const double& Elt);
00529     // sums elements in vector
00530     static int SumVec(const TIntV& Vec);
00531     static double SumVec(const TFltV& Vec);
00532     // converts full vector to sparse
00533     static void ToSpVec(const TFltV& Vec, TIntFltKdV& SpVec,
00534         const double& CutWordWgtSumPrc = 0.0);
00535     // converts sparse vector to full
00536     static void ToVec(const TIntFltKdV& SpVec, TFltV& Vec, const int& VecLen);
00537 };
00540 // Template-ised Sparse Operations
00541 template <class TKey, class TDat>
00542 class TSparseOps {
00543 private:
00544         typedef TVec<TKeyDat<TKey, TDat> > TKeyDatV;
00545 public:
00546         static void SparseMerge(const TKeyDatV& SrcV1, const TKeyDatV& SrcV2, TKeyDatV& DstV) {
00547                 DstV.Clr();
00548                 const int Src1Len = SrcV1.Len();
00549                 const int Src2Len = SrcV2.Len();
00550                 int Src1N = 0, Src2N = 0;
00551                 while (Src1N < Src1Len && Src2N < Src2Len) {
00552                         if (SrcV1[Src1N].Key < SrcV2[Src2N].Key) { 
00553                                 DstV.Add(SrcV1[Src1N]); Src1N++;
00554                         } else if (SrcV1[Src1N].Key > SrcV2[Src2N].Key) { 
00555                                 DstV.Add(SrcV2[Src2N]); Src2N++;
00556                         } else { 
00557                                 DstV.Add(TKeyDat<TKey, TDat>(SrcV1[Src1N].Key, SrcV1[Src1N].Dat + SrcV2[Src2N].Dat));
00558                                 Src1N++;  Src2N++; 
00559                         }
00560                 }
00561                 while (Src1N < Src1Len) { DstV.Add(SrcV1[Src1N]); Src1N++; }
00562                 while (Src2N < Src2Len) { DstV.Add(SrcV2[Src2N]); Src2N++; }
00563         }
00564 };
00566 typedef TSparseOps<TInt, TFlt> TSparseOpsIntFlt;