SNAP Library , User Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #ifndef snap_mag_h
00002 #define snap_mag_h
00004 #include "Snap.h"
00005 #include "kronecker.h"
00008 // MAG affinity matrix
00010 class TMAGAffMtx {
00011   static const double NInf;
00012 private:
00013   TInt MtxDim;
00014   TFltV SeedMtx;
00015 public:
00016   TMAGAffMtx() : MtxDim(-1), SeedMtx() { }
00017   TMAGAffMtx(const int& Dim) : MtxDim(Dim), SeedMtx(Dim*Dim) { }
00018   TMAGAffMtx(const TFltV& SeedMatrix);
00019   TMAGAffMtx(const TMAGAffMtx& Kronecker) : MtxDim(Kronecker.MtxDim), SeedMtx(Kronecker.SeedMtx) { }
00020   TMAGAffMtx& operator = (const TMAGAffMtx& Kronecker);
00021   bool operator == (const TMAGAffMtx& Kronecker) const { return SeedMtx==Kronecker.SeedMtx; }
00022   int GetPrimHashCd() const { return SeedMtx.GetPrimHashCd(); }
00023   int GetSecHashCd() const { return SeedMtx.GetSecHashCd(); }
00025   // seed matrix
00026   int GetDim() const { return MtxDim; }
00027   int Len() const { return SeedMtx.Len(); }
00028   bool Empty() const { return SeedMtx.Empty(); }
00029   bool IsProbMtx() const; // probability (not log-lihelihood) matrix
00031   TFltV& GetMtx() { return SeedMtx; }
00032   const TFltV& GetMtx() const { return SeedMtx; }
00033   void SetMtx(const TFltV& ParamV) { SeedMtx = ParamV; }
00034   void SetRndMtx(TRnd& Rnd, const int& PrmMtxDim = 2, const double& MinProb = 0.0);
00035   void PutAllMtx(const double& Val) { SeedMtx.PutAll(Val); }
00036   void GenMtx(const int& Dim) { MtxDim=Dim;  SeedMtx.Gen(Dim*Dim); }
00037   void SetEpsMtx(const double& Eps1, const double& Eps0, const int& Eps1Val=1, const int& Eps0Val=0);
00038   void AddRndNoise(TRnd& Rnd, const double& SDev);
00039   TStr GetMtxStr() const;
00041   const double& At(const int& Row, const int& Col) const { return SeedMtx[MtxDim*Row+Col].Val; }
00042   double& At(const int& Row, const int& Col) { return SeedMtx[MtxDim*Row+Col].Val; }
00043   const double& At(const int& ValN) const { return SeedMtx[ValN].Val; }
00044   double& At(const int& ValN) { return SeedMtx[ValN].Val; }
00046   double GetMtxSum() const;
00047   double GetRowSum(const int& RowId) const;
00048   double GetColSum(const int& ColId) const;
00049   double Normalize();
00051   void GetLLMtx(TMAGAffMtx& LLMtx);
00052   void GetProbMtx(TMAGAffMtx& ProbMtx);
00053   void Swap(TMAGAffMtx& Mtx);
00055   void Dump(const TStr& MtxNm = TStr(), const bool& Sort = false) const;
00056   static double GetAvgAbsErr(const TMAGAffMtx& Mtx1, const TMAGAffMtx& Mtx2); // avg L1 on (sorted) parameters
00057   static double GetAvgFroErr(const TMAGAffMtx& Mtx1, const TMAGAffMtx& Mtx2); // avg L2 on (sorted) parameters
00058   static TMAGAffMtx GetMtx(TStr MatlabMtxStr);
00059   static TMAGAffMtx GetRndMtx(TRnd& Rnd, const int& Dim = 2, const double& MinProb = 0.0);
00060 };
00062 typedef TVec<TMAGAffMtx> TMAGAffMtxV;
00065 // Simple MAG node attributes (Same Bernoulli for every attribute)
00067 class TMAGNodeSimple {
00068 public:
00069         static TRnd Rnd;
00070 private:
00071         TFlt Mu;
00072         TInt Dim;
00073 public:
00074         TMAGNodeSimple() : Mu(0.5), Dim(-1) {}
00075         TMAGNodeSimple(const int& _Dim, const double& _Mu = 0.5) : Dim(_Dim) {  IAssert(_Mu >= 0.0 && _Mu <= 1.0);  Mu = _Mu;  }
00076         TMAGNodeSimple(const TMAGNodeSimple& Simple) : Mu(Simple.Mu), Dim(Simple.Dim) {}
00078         TMAGNodeSimple& operator=(const TMAGNodeSimple& Simple) {  Mu = Simple.Mu;  Dim = Simple.Dim;  return (*this);  }
00080         void LoadTxt(const TStr& InFNm);
00081         void SaveTxt(TStrV& OutStrV) const;
00082         void AttrGen(TIntVV& AttrVV, const int& NNodes);
00083 };
00086 // MAG node attributes with (different) Bernoulli 
00088 class TMAGNodeBern {
00089 public:
00090         static TRnd Rnd;
00091 private:
00092         TFltV MuV;
00093         TInt Dim;
00094 public:
00095         TMAGNodeBern() : MuV(), Dim(-1) {}
00096         TMAGNodeBern(const int& _Dim, const double& _Mu = 0.5) : MuV(_Dim), Dim(_Dim) {  IAssert(_Mu >= 0.0 && _Mu <= 1.0);  MuV.PutAll(_Mu);  }
00097         TMAGNodeBern(const TFltV& _MuV) : MuV(_MuV), Dim(_MuV.Len()) {}
00098         TMAGNodeBern(const TMAGNodeBern& Dist) : MuV(Dist.MuV), Dim(Dist.Dim) {}
00100         TMAGNodeBern& operator=(const TMAGNodeBern& Dist);
00102         void SetMuV(const TFltV& _MuV) {  MuV = _MuV;  }
00103         const TFltV& GetMuV() const {  return MuV;  }
00104         void SetMu(const int& Attr, const double& Prob) {  IAssert(Prob >= 0.0 && Prob <= 1.0);  MuV[Attr] = Prob;  }
00105         double GetMu(const int& Attr) const {  return MuV[Attr];  }
00107         void LoadTxt(const TStr& InFNm);
00108         void SaveTxt(TStrV& OutStrV) const;
00109         void AttrGen(TIntVV& AttrVV, const int& NNodes);
00110 };
00113 // MAG node attributes with Beta + Bernoulli family
00115 class TMAGNodeBeta {
00116 public:
00117         static TRnd Rnd;
00118 private:
00119         TFltV AlphaV;
00120         TFltV BetaV;
00121         TFltV MuV;
00122         TInt Dim;
00123         TBool Dirty;
00124 public:
00125         TMAGNodeBeta() : AlphaV(), BetaV(), MuV(), Dim(-1), Dirty(true) {}
00126         TMAGNodeBeta(const int& _Dim, const double& Alpha = 1, const double& Beta = 1) : AlphaV(_Dim), BetaV(_Dim), MuV(_Dim), Dim(_Dim), Dirty(true) {  AlphaV.PutAll(Alpha);  BetaV.PutAll(Beta);  }
00127         TMAGNodeBeta(const TFltV& _AlphaV, const TFltV& _BetaV) : AlphaV(_AlphaV), BetaV(_BetaV), Dirty(true) {  IAssert(_AlphaV.Len() == _BetaV.Len());  Dim = _AlphaV.Len();  MuV.Gen(Dim);  }
00129         TMAGNodeBeta& operator=(const TMAGNodeBeta& Dist);
00131         void SetBeta(const int& Attr, const double& Alpha, const double& Beta);
00132         void GetBeta(const int& Attr, double& Alpha, double& Beta) const {  IAssert(Attr < Dim);  Alpha = AlphaV[Attr];  Beta = BetaV[Attr];  }
00133         void SetBetaV(const TFltV& _AlphaV, const TFltV& _BetaV);
00134         void GetBetaV(TFltV& _AlphaV, TFltV& _BetaV) const {  _AlphaV = AlphaV;  _BetaV = BetaV;  }
00135         bool GetMuV(TFltV& _MuV) const {  if(!Dirty)  {  _MuV = MuV;  }  return Dirty; }
00137         void LoadTxt(const TStr& InFNm);
00138         void SaveTxt(TStrV& OutStrV) const;
00139         void AttrGen(TIntVV& AttrVV, const int& NNodes);
00140 };
00143 // MAG model param. (node attribtes + affinity matrices)
00145 template <class TNodeAttr>
00146 class TMAGParam {
00147 public:
00148         static TRnd Rnd;
00149 private:
00150         TInt NNodes;
00151         TInt NAttrs;
00152         TNodeAttr NodeAttr;
00153         TMAGAffMtxV AffMtxV;
00155 public:
00156         TMAGParam() : NNodes(-1), NAttrs(-1), NodeAttr(), AffMtxV() {}
00157         TMAGParam(const int& NumNodes, const int& NumAttrs) : NNodes(NumNodes), NAttrs(NumAttrs), NodeAttr(), AffMtxV(NumAttrs) {}
00158         TMAGParam(const int& NumNodes, const TMAGAffMtxV& MtxV) : NNodes(NumNodes), NAttrs(MtxV.Len()), NodeAttr(), AffMtxV(MtxV) {}
00159         TMAGParam(const int& NumNodes, const TStr& ConfFNm) : NNodes(NumNodes) { LoadTxt(ConfFNm); }
00160         TMAGParam(const TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>& MAGParam) : NNodes(MAGParam.NNodes), NAttrs(MAGParam.NAttrs), NodeAttr(MAGParam.NodeAttr), AffMtxV(MAGParam.AffMtxV) {}
00161         TMAGParam(const int& NumNodes, const int& NumAttrs, const TNodeAttr& Dist) : NNodes(NumNodes), NAttrs(NumAttrs), NodeAttr(Dist), AffMtxV(NumAttrs) {}
00163         TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>& operator=(const TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>& MAGParam);
00165         void Clr() {  AffMtxV.Clr();  }
00167         void LoadTxt(const TStr& InFNm);
00168         void SaveTxt(const TStr& OutFNm) const;
00170         void SetNodes(const int& Nodes) {  NNodes = Nodes;  }
00171         const int GetNodes() const {  return NNodes;  }
00173         void SetAttrs(const int& Attrs);
00174         const int GetAttrs() const {  return NAttrs;  }
00176         void SetNodeAttr(const TNodeAttr& Dist) {  NodeAttr = Dist;  }
00177         const TNodeAttr& GetNodeAttr() const {  return NodeAttr;  }
00179         const int GetDim(const int& Attr) const {  return AffMtxV[Attr].GetDim();  }
00180         void GetDimV(TIntV& DimV) const;
00182         void SetMtxVal(const int& Attr, const int& Row, const int& Col, const double& Val) {  AffMtxV[Attr].At(Row, Col) = Val;  }
00183         void SetMtx(const int& Attr, const TMAGAffMtx& Mtx) {  AffMtxV[Attr] = Mtx;  }
00184         void SetMtxV(const TMAGAffMtxV& MtxV) {  NAttrs = AffMtxV.Len();  AffMtxV = MtxV;  }
00185         void SetMtxAll(const TMAGAffMtx& Mtx) {  AffMtxV.PutAll(Mtx);  }
00186         const double GetMtxVal(const int& Attr, const int& Row, const int& Col) const {  return AffMtxV[Attr].At(Row, Col);  }
00187         const TMAGAffMtx& GetMtx(const int& Attr) const {  return AffMtxV[Attr];  }
00188         void GetMtxV(TMAGAffMtxV& MtxV) const {  MtxV = AffMtxV;  }
00190         PNGraph GenMAG(TIntVV& AttrVV, const bool& IsDir = false, const int& Seed = 1);
00191         PNGraph GenAttrMAG(const TIntVV& AttrVV, const bool& IsDir = false, const int& Seed = 1);
00192 };
00194 template <class TNodeAttr>
00195 TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>& TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>::operator=(const TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>& MAGParam) {
00196         NNodes = MAGParam.NNodes;
00197         NAttrs = MAGParam.NAttrs;
00198         AffMtxV = MAGParam.AffMtxV;
00199         NodeAttr = MAGParam.NodeAttr;
00201         return (*this);
00202 };
00204 template <class TNodeAttr>
00205 void TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>::LoadTxt(const TStr& InFNm) {
00206         NodeAttr.LoadTxt(InFNm);
00208         char buf[1024];
00209         FILE *fp = fopen(InFNm.CStr(), "r");
00210         NAttrs = 0;
00211         AffMtxV.Gen(10, 0);
00212         while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
00213                 strtok(buf, "&");
00214                 char *token = strtok(NULL, "\r\n");
00215                 NAttrs++;
00216                 AffMtxV.Add(TMAGAffMtx::GetMtx(TStr(token)));
00217         }
00218         fclose(fp);
00219 };
00221 template <class TNodeAttr>
00222 void TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>::SaveTxt(const TStr& OutFNm) const {
00223         TStrV OutStrV;
00224         NodeAttr.SaveTxt(OutStrV);
00226         FILE *fp = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "w");
00227         fprintf(fp, "# %d nodes with %d attributes\n", NNodes(), NAttrs());
00228         for(int i = 0; i < NAttrs; i++) {
00229                 TStr MtxStr = AffMtxV[i].GetMtxStr();
00230                 fprintf(fp, "%s & %s\n", OutStrV[i].CStr(), MtxStr.GetSubStr(1, MtxStr.Len()-2).CStr());
00231         }
00232         fclose(fp);
00233 };
00235 template <class TNodeAttr>
00236 void TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>::SetAttrs(const int& Attrs) {
00237         NAttrs = Attrs;
00238         AffMtxV.Gen(Attrs);
00239 };
00241 template <class TNodeAttr>
00242 void TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>::GetDimV(TIntV& DimV) const {
00243         DimV.Gen(NAttrs);
00244         for(int i = 0; i < NAttrs; i++) {
00245                 DimV[i] = AffMtxV[i].GetDim();
00246         }
00247 };
00249 template <class TNodeAttr>
00250 PNGraph TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>::GenAttrMAG(const TIntVV& AttrVV, const bool& IsDir, const int& Seed) {
00251         PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(NNodes, -1);
00252         for(int i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
00253                 Graph->AddNode(i);
00254         }
00256         if(Seed > 0) {
00257                 TNodeAttr::Rnd.PutSeed(Seed);
00258         }
00260         IAssert(AttrVV.GetYDim() == NAttrs);
00261         for(int i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
00262                 for(int l = 0; l < NAttrs; l++) {
00263                         IAssert(AttrVV.At(i, l) < AffMtxV[l].GetDim());
00264                 }
00265         }
00267         for(int i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
00268                 for(int j = i; j < NNodes; j++) {
00269                         double Prob = 1.0;
00270                         for(int l = 0; l < NAttrs; l++) {
00271                                 Prob *= AffMtxV[l].At(AttrVV.At(i, l), AttrVV.At(j, l));
00272                         }
00274                         if(TNodeAttr::Rnd.GetUniDev() < Prob) {
00275                                 Graph->AddEdge(i, j);
00276                                 if(! IsDir && i != j) {  Graph->AddEdge(j, i);  }
00277                         }
00279                         if(IsDir && i != j) {
00280                                 Prob = 1.0;
00281                                 for(int l = 0; l < NAttrs; l++) {
00282                                         Prob *= AffMtxV[l].At(AttrVV.At(j, l), AttrVV.At(i, l));
00283                                 }
00284                                 if(TNodeAttr::Rnd.GetUniDev() < Prob) {
00285                                         Graph->AddEdge(j, i);
00286                                 }
00287                         }
00288                 }
00289         }
00291         return Graph;
00292 };
00294 template <class TNodeAttr>
00295 PNGraph TMAGParam<TNodeAttr>::GenMAG(TIntVV& AttrVV, const bool& IsDir, const int& Seed) {
00296         TNodeAttr::Rnd.PutSeed(Seed);
00297         NodeAttr.AttrGen(AttrVV, NNodes);
00299         IAssert(AttrVV.GetYDim() == NAttrs);
00300         for(int i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
00301                 for(int l = 0; l < NAttrs; l++) {
00302                         IAssert(AttrVV.At(i, l) < AffMtxV[l].GetDim());
00303                 }
00304         }
00306         PNGraph Graph = GenAttrMAG(AttrVV, IsDir, 0);
00307         return Graph;
00309 /*
00310         for(int i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
00311                 for(int j = i; j < NNodes; j++) {
00312                         double Prob = 1.0;
00313                         for(int l = 0; l < NAttrs; l++) {
00314                                 Prob *= AffMtxV[l].At(AttrVV.At(i, l), AttrVV.At(j, l));
00315                         }
00316                         if(TNodeAttr::Rnd.GetUniDev() < Prob) {
00317                                 Graph->AddEdge(i, j);
00318                                 if(! IsDir && i != j) {  Graph->AddEdge(j, i);  }
00319                         }
00321                         if(IsDir && i != j) {
00322                                 Prob = 1.0;
00323                                 for(int l = 0; l < NAttrs; l++) {
00324                                         Prob *= AffMtxV[l].At(AttrVV.At(j, l), AttrVV.At(i, l));
00325                                 }
00326                                 if(TNodeAttr::Rnd.GetUniDev() < Prob) {
00327                                         Graph->AddEdge(j, i);
00328                                 }
00329                         }
00330                 }
00331         }
00333         return Graph;
00334 */
00335 };
00339 // MAGFit with Bernoulli node attributes
00341 class TMAGFitBern {
00342 private:
00343         TFltVV PhiVV;
00344         TBoolVV KnownVV;
00345         PNGraph Graph;
00346         TMAGParam<TMAGNodeBern> Param;
00347         bool ESpeedUp, MSpeedUp, Debug;
00348         TFltV AvgPhiV;
00349         TFltVV AvgPhiPairVV;
00350         TFlt NormConst;
00352         TVec<TFltV> MuHisV;
00353         TVec<TMAGAffMtxV> MtxHisV;
00354         TFltV LLHisV;
00356 public:
00357         TMAGFitBern() : PhiVV(), KnownVV(), Graph(), Param(), ESpeedUp(true), MSpeedUp(true), Debug(false), AvgPhiV(), AvgPhiPairVV(), NormConst(1.0)  { }
00358         TMAGFitBern(const PNGraph& G, const int& NAttrs) : PhiVV(G->GetNodes(), NAttrs), KnownVV(G->GetNodes(), NAttrs), Graph(G), Param(G->GetNodes(), NAttrs), ESpeedUp(true), MSpeedUp(true), Debug(false), AvgPhiV(NAttrs), AvgPhiPairVV(NAttrs, NAttrs), NormConst(1.0) { }
00360         TMAGFitBern(const PNGraph& G, const TStr& InitFNm) : Param(G->GetNodes(), InitFNm), ESpeedUp(true), MSpeedUp(true), Debug(false), NormConst(1.0) {
00361                 const int NNodes = G->GetNodes();
00362                 const int NAttrs = Param.GetAttrs();
00364                 printf("NAttrs = %d\n", NAttrs);
00365                 SetGraph(G);
00366                 PhiVV.Gen(NNodes, NAttrs);
00367                 KnownVV.Gen(NNodes, NAttrs);
00368                 AvgPhiV.Gen(NAttrs);
00369                 AvgPhiPairVV.Gen(NAttrs, NAttrs);
00370         }
00372         void Clr() {  PhiVV.Clr();  KnownVV.Clr();  }
00373         void SaveTxt(const TStr& FNm);
00375         const int GetNodes() const { return Param.GetNodes(); }
00376         const int GetAttrs() const { return Param.GetAttrs(); }
00377         const TMAGParam<TMAGNodeBern>& GetParams() const { return Param; }
00378         const TMAGNodeBern& GetNodeAttr() const {  return Param.GetNodeAttr();  }
00379         const TFltV& GetMuV() const {  const TMAGNodeBern& Dist = Param.GetNodeAttr();  return Dist.GetMuV();  }
00380         void SetMuV(const TFltV& MuV) {  TMAGNodeBern Dist = Param.GetNodeAttr();  Dist.SetMuV(MuV);  Param.SetNodeAttr(Dist);  }
00381         void GetMtxV(TMAGAffMtxV& MtxV) const {  Param.GetMtxV(MtxV);  }
00382         void SetMtxV(const TMAGAffMtxV& MtxV) {  Param.SetMtxV(MtxV);  }
00383         PNGraph GetGraph() {  return Graph;  }
00384         void SetGraph(const PNGraph& GraphPt);
00386         void SetDebug(const bool _Debug) {  Debug = _Debug;  }
00387         void SetAlgConf(const bool EStep = true, const bool MStep = true)  {  ESpeedUp = EStep;  MSpeedUp = MStep;  }
00389         void Init(const TFltV& MuV, const TMAGAffMtxV& AffMtxV);
00390 //      void PerturbInit(const TFltV& MuV, const TMAGAffMtxV& AffMtxV, const double& PerturbRate);
00391         void RandomInit(const TFltV& MuV, const TMAGAffMtxV& AffMtxV, const int& Seed);
00392         const TFltVV& GetPhiVV() const { return PhiVV; }
00393         void SetPhiVV(const TIntVV& AttrVV, const int KnownIds = 0);
00394         void SetPhiVV(const TFltVV& AttrVV, const int KnownIds = 0) {  PhiVV = AttrVV;  KnownVV.Gen(PhiVV.GetXDim(), PhiVV.GetYDim());  KnownVV.PutAll(false);  for(int i = 0; i < KnownIds; i++) {  KnownVV.PutY(i, true); } }
00396         const double GetInCoeff(const int& i, const int& j, const int& l, const int& A, const TMAGAffMtx& Theta) const;
00397         const double GetAvgInCoeff(const int& i, const int& AId, const int& A, const TMAGAffMtx& Theta) const;
00398         const double GetOutCoeff(const int& i, const int& j, const int& l, const int& A, const TMAGAffMtx& Theta) const;
00399         const double GetAvgOutCoeff(const int& i, const int& AId, const int& A, const TMAGAffMtx& Theta) const;
00400         const double GetProbPhi(const int& NId1, const int& NId2, const int& AId, const int& Attr1, const int& Attr2) const;
00401         const double GetProbMu(const int& NId1, const int& NId2, const int& AId, const int& Attr1, const int& Attr2, const bool Left = false, const bool Right = false) const;
00402         const double GetThetaLL(const int& NId1, const int& NId2, const int& AId) const;
00403         const double GetAvgThetaLL(const int& NId1, const int& NId2, const int& AId, const bool Left = false, const bool Right = false) const;
00404         const double GetSqThetaLL(const int& NId1, const int& NId2, const int& AId) const;
00405         const double GetAvgSqThetaLL(const int& NId1, const int& NId2, const int& AId, const bool Left = false, const bool Right = false) const;
00406         const double GetProdLinWeight(const int& NId1, const int& NId2) const;
00407         const double GetAvgProdLinWeight(const int& NId1, const int& NId2, const bool Left = false, const bool Right = false) const;
00408         const double GetProdSqWeight(const int& NId1, const int& NId2) const;
00409         const double GetAvgProdSqWeight(const int& NId1, const int& NId2, const bool Left = false, const bool Right = false) const;
00411         const double GetEstNoEdgeLL(const int& NId, const int& AId) const;
00412         const double GradPhiMI(const double& x, const int& NId, const int& AId, const double& Lambda, const double& DeltaQ, const TFltVV& CntVV);
00413         const double ObjPhiMI(const double& x, const int& NId, const int& AId, const double& Lambda, const double& Q0, const double& Q1, const TFltVV& CntVV);
00414         const double UpdatePhiMI(const double& Lambda, const int& NId, const int& AId, double& Phi);
00415         const double UpdateApxPhiMI(const double& Lambda, const int& NId, const int& AId, double& Phi, TFltVV& ProdVV);
00416         const double UpdatePhi(const int& NId, const int& AId, double& Phi);
00417         const double UpdateMu(const int& AId);
00418         const void PrepareUpdateAffMtx(TFltVV& ProdVV, TFltVV& SqVV);
00419         const void PrepareUpdateApxAffMtx(TFltVV& ProdVV, TFltVV& SqVV);
00421         const double UpdateAffMtx(const int& AId, const double& LrnRate, const double& MaxGrad, const double& Lambda, TFltVV& ProdVV, TFltVV& SqVV, TMAGAffMtx& NewMtx);
00422         const double UpdateAffMtxV(const int& GradIter, const double& LrnRate, const double& MaxGrad, const double& Lambda, const int& NReal = 0);
00423         const void GradAffMtx(const int& AId, const TFltVV& ProdVV, const TFltVV& SqVV, const TMAGAffMtx& CurMtx, TFltV& GradV);
00424         const void GradApxAffMtx(const int& AId, const TFltVV& ProdVV, const TFltVV& SqVV, const TMAGAffMtx& CurMtx, TFltV& GradV);
00426         /* EM algorithm */
00427         double DoEStepOneIter(const TFltV& TrueMuV, TFltVV& NewPhi, const double& Lambda);
00428         double DoEStepApxOneIter(const TFltV& TrueMuV, TFltVV& NewPhi, const double& Lambda);
00429         double DoEStep(const TFltV& TrueMuV, const int& NIter, double& LL, const double& Lambda);
00430         void DoMStep(const int& GradIter, const double& LrnRate, const double& MaxGrad, const double& Lambda, const int& NReal = 0);
00431         void DoEMAlg(const int& NStep, const int& NEstep, const int& NMstep, const double& LrnRate, const double& MaxGrad, const double& Lambda, const double& ReInit, const int& NReal = 0);
00433         void CountAttr(TFltV& EstMuV) const;
00434         void SortAttrOrdering(const TFltV& TrueMuV, TIntV& IndexV) const;
00436         const double ComputeJointOneLL(const TIntVV& AttrVV) const;
00437         const double ComputeJointLL(int NSample) const;
00438         const double ComputeJointAdjLL(const TIntVV& AttrVV) const;
00439         const double ComputeApxLL() const;
00440         const double ComputeApxAdjLL() const;
00442         void MakeCCDF(const TFltPrV& RawV, TFltPrV& CcdfV);
00443         void PlotProperties(const TStr& FNm);
00445         static const double ComputeMI(const TIntVV& AttrV, const int AId1, const int AId2);
00446         static const double ComputeMI(const TFltVV& AttrV, const int AId1, const int AId2);
00447         static const double ComputeMI(const TIntVV& AttrV);
00448         static const double ComputeMI(const TFltVV& AttrV);
00449         void NormalizeAffMtxV(TMAGAffMtxV& MtxV, const bool UseMu = false);
00450         void UnNormalizeAffMtxV(TMAGAffMtxV& MtxV, const bool UseMu = false);
00451 private:
00452         const bool NextPermutation(TIntV& IndexV) const;
00453 };
00455 const double LogSumExp(const double LogVal1, const double LogVal2);
00456 const double LogSumExp(const TFltV& LogValV);
00457 const double LogSumExp(const double *LogValArray, const int Len);
00459 #endif  //      snap_mag_h