SNAP Library , User Reference  2013-01-07 14:03:36
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #ifndef snap_cascnetinf_h
00002 #define snap_cascnetinf_h
00004 #include "Snap.h"
00006 // Hit info (timestamp, candidate parent) about a node in a cascade
00007 class THitInfo {
00008 public:
00009   TInt NId, Parent;
00010   TFlt Tm;
00011 public:
00012   THitInfo(const int& NodeId=-1, const double& HitTime=0) : NId(NodeId), Parent(-1), Tm(HitTime) { }
00013   THitInfo(TSIn& SIn) : NId(SIn), Parent(SIn), Tm(SIn) { }
00014   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { NId.Save(SOut); Parent.Save(SOut); Tm.Save(SOut); }
00015   bool operator < (const THitInfo& Hit) const {
00016     return Tm < Hit.Tm; }
00017 };
00019 // Cascade
00020 class TCascade {
00021 public:
00022   THash<TInt, THitInfo> NIdHitH;
00023   TFlt CurProb, Alpha, Eps;
00024   TInt Model;
00025 public:
00026   TCascade() : NIdHitH(), CurProb(0), Alpha(1.0), Eps(1e-64), Model(0) { }
00027   TCascade(const double &alpha) : NIdHitH(), CurProb(0), Alpha(alpha), Eps(1e-64), Model(0) { }
00028   TCascade(const double &alpha, const int &model) : NIdHitH(), CurProb(0), Alpha(alpha), Eps(1e-64), Model(model) { }
00029   TCascade(const double &alpha, const double &eps) : NIdHitH(), CurProb(0), Alpha(alpha), Eps(eps), Model(0) { }
00030   TCascade(const double &alpha, const int &model, const double &eps) : NIdHitH(), CurProb(0), Alpha(alpha), Eps(eps), Model(model) { }
00031   TCascade(TSIn& SIn) : NIdHitH(SIn), CurProb(SIn), Alpha(SIn) { }
00032   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const  { NIdHitH.Save(SOut); CurProb.Save(SOut); Alpha.Save(SOut); }
00033   void Clr() { NIdHitH.Clr(); CurProb = 0; Alpha = 1.0; }
00034   int Len() const { return NIdHitH.Len(); }
00035   int GetNode(const int& i) const { return NIdHitH.GetKey(i); }
00036   int GetParent(const int NId) const { return NIdHitH.GetDat(NId).Parent; }
00037   double GetAlpha() const { return Alpha; }
00038   double GetTm(const int& NId) const { return NIdHitH.GetDat(NId).Tm; }
00039   void Add(const int& NId, const double& HitTm) { NIdHitH.AddDat(NId, THitInfo(NId, HitTm)); }
00040   void Del(const int& NId) { NIdHitH.DelKey(NId); }
00041   bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return NIdHitH.IsKey(NId); }
00042   void Sort() { NIdHitH.SortByDat(true); }
00043   double TransProb(const int& NId1, const int& NId2) const;
00044   double GetProb(const PNGraph& G);
00045   void InitProb();
00046   double UpdateProb(const int& N1, const int& N2, const bool& UpdateProb=false);
00047 };
00049 // Node info (name and number of cascades)
00050 class TNodeInfo {
00051 public:
00052   TStr Name;
00053   TInt Vol;
00054 public:
00055   TNodeInfo() { }
00056   TNodeInfo(const TStr& NodeNm, const int& Volume) : Name(NodeNm), Vol(Volume) { }
00057   TNodeInfo(TSIn& SIn) : Name(SIn), Vol(SIn) { }
00058   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Name.Save(SOut); Vol.Save(SOut); }
00059 };
00061 // Edge info (name and number of cascades)
00062 class TEdgeInfo {
00063 public:
00064   TInt Vol;
00065   TFlt MarginalGain, MarginalBound, MedianTimeDiff, AverageTimeDiff; // we can skip MarginalBound for efficiency if not explicitly required
00066 public:
00067   TEdgeInfo() { }
00068   TEdgeInfo(const int& v,
00069         const double& mg,
00070         const double& mb,
00071         const double& mt,
00072       const double& at) : Vol(v), MarginalGain(mg), MarginalBound(mb), MedianTimeDiff(mt), AverageTimeDiff(at) { }
00073   TEdgeInfo(const int& v,
00074         const double& mg,
00075         const double& mt,
00076       const double& at) : Vol(v), MarginalGain(mg), MarginalBound(0), MedianTimeDiff(mt), AverageTimeDiff(at) { }
00077   TEdgeInfo(TSIn& SIn) : Vol(SIn), MarginalGain(SIn), MarginalBound(SIn), MedianTimeDiff(SIn), AverageTimeDiff(SIn) { }
00078   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Vol.Save(SOut); SOut.Save(MarginalGain); SOut.Save(MarginalBound); SOut.Save(MedianTimeDiff); SOut.Save(AverageTimeDiff); } //
00079 };
00081 // NETINF algorithm class
00082 class TNetInfBs {
00083 public:
00084   TVec<TCascade> CascV;
00085   THash<TInt, TNodeInfo> NodeNmH;
00086   THash<TIntPr, TEdgeInfo> EdgeInfoH;
00087   TVec<TPair<TFlt, TIntPr> > EdgeGainV;
00089   THash<TIntPr, TIntV> CascPerEdge; // To implement localized update
00090   PNGraph Graph, GroundTruth;
00091   bool BoundOn, CompareGroundTruth;
00092   TFltPrV PrecisionRecall;
00094   TIntPrFltH Alphas, Betas;
00096 public:
00097   TNetInfBs( ) { BoundOn = false; CompareGroundTruth=false; }
00098   TNetInfBs(bool bo, bool cgt) { BoundOn=bo; CompareGroundTruth=cgt; }
00099   TNetInfBs(TSIn& SIn) : CascV(SIn), NodeNmH(SIn) { }
00100   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { CascV.Save(SOut); NodeNmH.Save(SOut); }
00102   void LoadCascadesTxt(TSIn& SIn, const int& Model, const double& alpha);
00103   void LoadGroundTruthTxt(TSIn& SIn);
00105   void AddGroundTruth(PNGraph& gt) { GroundTruth = gt; }
00107   void AddCasc(const TStr& CascStr, const int& Model=0, const double& alpha=1.0);
00108   void AddCasc(const TCascade& Cascade) { CascV.Add(Cascade); }
00109   void GenCascade(TCascade& C, const int& TModel, const double &window, TIntPrIntH& EdgesUsed, const double& delta,
00110                  const double& std_waiting_time=0, const double& std_beta=0);
00111   TCascade & GetCasc(int c) { return CascV[c]; }
00112   int GetCascs() { return CascV.Len(); }
00114   int GetNodes() { return Graph->GetNodes(); }
00115   void AddNodeNm(const int& NId, const TNodeInfo& Info) { NodeNmH.AddDat(NId, Info); }
00116   TStr GetNodeNm(const int& NId) const { return NodeNmH.GetDat(NId).Name; }
00117   TNodeInfo GetNodeInfo(const int& NId) const { return NodeNmH.GetDat(NId); }
00118   bool IsNodeNm(const int& NId) const { return NodeNmH.IsKey(NId); }
00120   void Init();
00121   double GetAllCascProb(const int& EdgeN1, const int& EdgeN2);
00122   TIntPr GetBestEdge(double& CurProb, double& LastGain, bool& msort, int &attempts);
00123   double GetBound(const TIntPr& Edge, double& CurProb);
00124   void GreedyOpt(const int& MxEdges);
00126   void SavePajek(const TStr& OutFNm);
00127   void SavePlaneTextNet(const TStr& OutFNm);
00128   void SaveEdgeInfo(const TStr& OutFNm);
00129   void SaveObjInfo(const TStr& OutFNm);
00131   void SaveGroundTruth(const TStr& OutFNm);
00132   void SaveCascades(const TStr& OutFNm);
00133 };
00135 #endif