Source code for deepsnap.dataset

import copy
import math
import types
import random
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import torch
import deepsnap
from deepsnap.graph import Graph
from deepsnap.hetero_graph import HeteroGraph
import pdb
from typing import (
import warnings

[docs]class Generator(object): r""" Abstract class of on the fly generator used in the dataset. It generates on the fly graphs, which will be fed into the model. """ def __init__(self, sizes, size_prob=None, dataset_len=0): self.sizes = sizes if sizes is not None: if size_prob is None: self.size_prob = np.ones(len(sizes)) / len(sizes) else: self.size_prob = size_prob # by default length of generator dataset is 0 self._len = dataset_len def __len__(self): return self._len def set_len(self, dataset_len): self._len = dataset_len def _get_size(self, size=None): if size is None: return np.random.choice( self.sizes, size=1, replace=True, p=self.size_prob )[0] else: return size @property def num_node_labels(self): return 0 @property def num_nodes(self): return 0 @property def num_edge_labels(self): return 0 @property def num_edges(self): return 0 @property def num_graph_labels(self): return 0
[docs] def generate(self): r""" Overwrite in subclass. Generates and returns a :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` object Returns: :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph`: A DeepSNAP graph object. """ return Graph(nx.Graph())
[docs]class EnsembleGenerator(Generator): def __init__(self, generators, gen_prob=None, dataset_len=0): r""" A generator that is an ensemble of many generators. Args: generators (List[:class:`Generator`]): A list of Generators. gen_prob (Array like): An array like (list) probabilities with the same length as generators. It specifies the probability of sampling from each generator. If it is `None`, the :class:`EnsembleGenerator` will uniformly sample a generator. """ super(EnsembleGenerator, self).__init__(None, dataset_len=dataset_len) if gen_prob is None: self.gen_prob = np.ones(len(generators)) / len(generators) else: self.gen_prob = gen_prob self.generators = generators @property def num_node_labels(self): r""" Returns number of the node labels in the generated graphs. Returns: int: The number of node labels. """ # TODO: change to unique as what we did in return max([gen.num_node_labels for gen in self.generators]) @property def num_nodes(self): r""" Returns number of the nodes in each generated graphs. Returns: list: List of the number of nodes. """ return [gen.num_nodes for gen in self.generators] @property def num_edge_labels(self): r""" Returns number of the edge labels in the generated graphs. Returns: int: The number of edge labels. """ # TODO: change to unique as what we did in return max([gen.num_edge_labels for gen in self.generators]) @property def num_edges(self): r""" Returns number of the edges in each generated graphs. Returns: list: List of the number of edges. """ return [gen.num_edges for gen in self.generators] @property def num_graph_labels(self): r""" Returns number of the graph labels in the generated graphs. Returns: int: The number of graph labels. """ # TODO: change to unique as what we did in return max([gen.num_graph_labels for gen in self.generators])
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): r""" Generate a list of graphs. Returns: list: Generated a list of :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` objects. """ gen = np.random.choice(self.generators, 1, p=self.gen_prob)[0] return gen.generate(**kwargs)
[docs]class GraphDataset(object): r""" A plain python object modeling a list of :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` objects with various (optional) attributes. Args: graphs (list, optional): A list of :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph`. task (str): The task that this :class:`GraphDataset` is used for (task = `node` or `edge` or `link_pred` or `graph`). custom_split_graphs (list): A list of 2 (train and val) or 3 (train, val and test) lists of splitted graphs, used in custom split of the `graph` task. edge_negative_sampling_ratio (float): The number of negative samples compared to that of positive edges. Default value is 1. edge_message_ratio (float): The number of message passing edges compared to that of training supervision edges. Default value is 0.8. edge_train_mode (str): Use `all` or `disjoint`. In `all` mode, training supervision edges are same with the message passing edges. In `disjoint` mode, training supervision objectives are different from the message passing edges. The difference between these two modes please see the `DeepSNAP link prediction Colab <https://colab.research. usp=sharing>`_. edge_split_mode (str): Use `exact` or `approximate`. This mode is designed for the heterogeneous graph. If the mode is `exact`, split the heterogeneous graph according to both the ratio and the split type. If the mode is `approximate`, split the heterogeneous graph regardless of the split type. minimum_node_per_graph (int): If the number of nodes of a graph is smaller than the minimum node per graph, that graph will be filtered out. generator (:class:`Generator`): The dataset will be on-the-fly generated. The on-the-fly generator will be used, if the :obj:`self.graphs` is empty or `None`, and the generator (:class:`Generator`) is provided with an overwritten :meth:`generate` method. resample_negatives (bool): Whether to resample negative edges in each iteration of the `link_pred` task. User needs to set this variable in the case of tensor backend for the custom split. resample_disjoint (bool): Whether to resample disjoint training edges in the `disjonint` `link_pred` task. resample_disjoint_period (int): The number of iterations after which the training edges in the `disjoint` mode are resampled. negative_label_val (int, optional): The value of negative edges generated in link_pred task. User needs to set this variable in the case of tensor backend custom split. netlib (types.ModuleType, optional): The graph backend module. Currently DeepSNAP supports the NetworkX and SnapX (for SnapX only the undirected homogeneous graph) as the graph backend. Default graph backend is the NetworkX. """ def __init__( self, graphs: List[Graph] = None, task: str = "node", custom_split_graphs: List[Graph] = None, edge_negative_sampling_ratio: float = 1, edge_message_ratio: float = 0.8, edge_train_mode: str = "all", edge_split_mode: str = "exact", minimum_node_per_graph: int = 5, generator=None, resample_negatives: bool = False, resample_disjoint: bool = False, resample_disjoint_period: int = 1, negative_label_val: int = None, netlib=None ): if netlib is not None: deepsnap._netlib = netlib if graphs is not None: # make sure graphs is a list if not isinstance(graphs, list): graphs = [graphs] # support user' input a list of netlib.Graph instead of Graph for i, graph in enumerate(graphs): if not isinstance(graph, Graph): graphs[i] = Graph(graph, netlib=netlib) # validity check for `task` if task not in ["node", "edge", "link_pred", "graph"]: raise ValueError( "task must be one of node, edge, link_pred or graph." ) # validity check for `edge_train_mode` if edge_train_mode not in ["all", "disjoint"]: raise ValueError("edge_train_mode must be all or disjoint.") # validity check for `edge_split_mode` if edge_split_mode not in ["exact", "approximate"]: raise ValueError( "edge_split_mode must be exact or approximate." ) # validity check for `resample_negatives` if resample_negatives and (task != "link_pred"): raise ValueError( "resample_negatives set to True only make sense " "when self.task is link_pred." ) # validity check for `resample_disjoint` # if resample_negatives and (self.task != "link_pred"): if ( resample_disjoint and ( (task != "link_pred") or (edge_train_mode != "disjoint") ) ): raise ValueError( "resample_disjoint set to True only make sense " "when self.task is `link_pred` and edge_train_mode is " "disjoint." ) # validity check for `resample_negatives` if (negative_label_val is not None) and (task != "link_pred"): raise ValueError( "negative_label_val is set only make sense " "when self.task is link_pred." ) # parameter initialization self.graphs = graphs self.task = task self.custom_split_graphs = custom_split_graphs self.edge_message_ratio = edge_message_ratio self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio = edge_negative_sampling_ratio self.edge_train_mode = edge_train_mode self.edge_split_mode = edge_split_mode self.minimum_node_per_graph = minimum_node_per_graph self.resample_negatives = resample_negatives self.resample_disjoint = resample_disjoint self.resample_disjoint_period = resample_disjoint_period self.negative_label_val = negative_label_val # set private parameters self._split_types = None self._is_tensor = False # graphs preprocessing if graphs is None or len(graphs) == 0: if generator is None: raise ValueError("Graphs are None") else: # on-the-fly dataset self.generator = generator self.graphs = None self.otf_device = None elif generator is not None: raise ValueError( "Both graphs and on-the-fly generator are " "provided (only one should be provided." ) else: # by default on-the-fly generator is not used # when generator is not provide self.generator = None # filter graphs that are too small if self.minimum_node_per_graph > 0: graphs_filter = [] for idx, graph in enumerate(self.graphs): if isinstance(graph, Graph): if isinstance(graph, HeteroGraph): if ( sum(graph.num_nodes().values()) >= self.minimum_node_per_graph ): graphs_filter.append(graph) else: warnings.warn( f"the {idx}-th graph in self.graphs is " "filtered out as it contains " f"{sum(graph.num_nodes().values())} nodes," " which is less than " "self.minimum_node_per_graph: " f"{self.minimum_node_per_graph}." ) else: if graph.num_nodes >= self.minimum_node_per_graph: graphs_filter.append(graph) else: warnings.warn( f"the {idx}-th graph in self.graphs is " "filtered out as it contains " f"{graph.num_nodes} nodes," " which is less than " "self.minimum_node_per_graph: " f"{self.minimum_node_per_graph}." ) else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) self.graphs = graphs_filter # update graph in self.graphs with appropriate custom # split component for graph in self.graphs: if not hasattr(graph, "_custom_update_flag"): # assign task to graph graph.task = self.task # custom support if isinstance(graph, Graph): if isinstance(graph, HeteroGraph): mapping = { x: x for x in range(sum(graph.num_nodes().values())) } else: mapping = {x: x for x in range(graph.num_nodes)} else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) graph._custom_update(mapping) # update graph in self.graphs with negative_label_val if self.task == "link_pred": if self.negative_label_val is None: negative_label_val = 0 for graph in self.graphs: if ( hasattr(graph, "edge_label") and (graph.edge_label is not None) and (self.task == "link_pred") ): if isinstance(graph, Graph): if isinstance(graph, HeteroGraph): for message_type in graph.edge_label: negative_label_val = max( negative_label_val, torch.max( graph.edge_label[message_type] ).item() + 1 ) else: negative_label_val = max( negative_label_val, torch.max(graph.edge_label).item() + 1 ) else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) self.negative_label_val = negative_label_val for graph in self.graphs: graph.negative_label_val = ( copy.deepcopy(negative_label_val) ) self._update_tensor_negative_edges() self._custom_mode_update() self._reset_cache() def _update_tensor_negative_edges(self): r""" Create negative edges and labels for tensor backend link_pred case. """ if self.task != "link_pred": return if not all([graph.G is None for graph in self.graphs]): return any_negative_edges = any( ["negative_edge" in graph.keys for graph in self.graphs] ) all_negative_edges = all( ["negative_edge" in graph.keys for graph in self.graphs] ) if (not all_negative_edges) and any_negative_edges: raise ValueError( "either all graphs have negative edges or no graphs have " "negative edges." ) else: self._is_tensor = True for graph in self.graphs: graph._edge_label = copy.deepcopy(graph.edge_label) graph._edge_label_index = copy.deepcopy(graph.edge_label_index) if all_negative_edges: graph._custom_create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio, resample=False ) else: graph._create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio, resample=False ) def __len__(self) -> int: r""" Returns: int: The number of graph in graphs. """ if self.graphs is None: return len(self.generator) else: return len(self.graphs) @property def num_node_features(self) -> int: r""" Returns the node feature dimension. Returns: int: The node feature dimension for the graphs in the dataset. """ return self._graph_example.num_node_features @property def num_node_labels(self) -> int: r""" Returns the number of node labels. Returns: int: The number of node labels for the graphs in the dataset. """ if self._num_node_labels is None: if self.graphs is None: self._num_node_labels = self.generator.num_node_labels else: unique_node_labels = torch.LongTensor([]) for graph in self.graphs: unique_node_labels =[ unique_node_labels, graph.get_num_labels("node_label") ]) self._num_node_labels = torch.unique( unique_node_labels ).shape[0] return self._num_node_labels @property def num_nodes(self) -> List[int]: r""" Return the number of nodes for the graphs in the dataset. Returns: list: A list of number of nodes for the graphs in the dataset. """ if self._num_nodes is None: if self.graphs is None: self._num_nodes = self.generator.num_nodes else: self._num_nodes = ( [graph.num_nodes for graph in self.graphs] ) return self._num_nodes @property def num_edge_features(self) -> int: r""" Returns the edge feature dimension. Returns: int: The edge feature dimension for the graphs in the dataset. """ return self._graph_example.num_edge_features @property def num_edge_labels(self) -> int: r""" Returns the number of edge labels. Returns: int: The number of edge labels for the graphs in the dataset. """ if self._num_edge_labels is None: if self.graphs is None: self._num_edge_labels = self.generator.num_edge_labels else: unique_edge_labels = torch.LongTensor([]) for graph in self.graphs: unique_edge_labels =[ unique_edge_labels, graph.get_num_labels("edge_label") ]) self._num_edge_labels = torch.unique( unique_edge_labels ).shape[0] return self._num_edge_labels @property def num_edges(self) -> List[int]: r""" Return the number of edges for the graphs in the dataset. Returns: list: A list of number of edges for the graphs in the dataset. """ if self._num_edges is None: if self.graphs is None: self._num_edges = self.generator.num_edges else: self._num_edges = ( [graph.num_edges for graph in self.graphs] ) return self._num_edges @property def num_graph_features(self) -> int: r""" Returns the graph feature dimension. Returns: int: The graph feature dimension for the graphs in the dataset. """ return self._graph_example.num_graph_features @property def num_graph_labels(self) -> int: r""" Returns the number of graph labels. Returns: int: The number of graph labels for the graphs in the dataset. """ if self._num_graph_labels is None: if self.graphs is None: self._num_graph_labels = self.generator.num_graph_labels else: unique_graph_labels = torch.LongTensor([]) for graph in self.graphs: unique_graph_labels =[ unique_graph_labels, graph.get_num_labels("graph_label") ]) self._num_graph_labels = torch.unique( unique_graph_labels ).shape[0] return self._num_graph_labels @property def num_labels(self) -> int: r""" A General wrapper that returns the number of labels depending on the task. Returns: int: The number of labels, depending on the task. """ if self.task == "node": return self.num_node_labels elif self.task == "edge" or self.task == "link_pred": return self.num_edge_labels elif self.task == "graph": return self.num_graph_labels else: raise ValueError(f"Task {self.task} not supported")
[docs] def num_dims_dict(self) -> Dict[str, int]: r""" Dimensions of all fields. Returns: dict: Dimensions of all fields. For example, if graphs have two attributes the `node_feature` and the `graph_label`. The returned dictionary will have two keys, `node_feature` and `graph_label`, and two values, node feature dimension and graph label dimension. """ dim_dict = {} for key in self._graph_example.keys: tensor = self._graph_example[key] if not torch.is_tensor(tensor): continue if tensor.ndim == 1: dim_dict[key] = 1 elif tensor.ndim == 2: dim_dict[key] = tensor.size()[-1] else: raise ValueError(f"Dimension of tensor {key} exceeds 2.") return dim_dict
def _custom_mode_update(self): r""" Update self.general_splits_mode, self.disjoint_split_mode & self.negative_edges_mode to indicate whether we are working on custom support for: (1) general transductive or inductive custom split or (2) disjoint train custom split in disjoint link_pred task or (3) custom negative edges in link_pred task """ custom_keys = ["general_splits", "disjoint_split", "negative_edges"] for custom_key in custom_keys: self[f"{custom_key}_mode"] = "random" # make sure custom appeared in all graphs or no custom appeared # in any graphs custom_in_graphs = all( (graph.custom is not None) for graph in self.graphs ) custom_not_in_graphs = all( (graph.custom is None) for graph in self.graphs ) if not custom_in_graphs and not custom_not_in_graphs: raise ValueError( "custom needs to be in all graphs or not in any graphs" ) if custom_in_graphs: for custom_key in custom_keys: custom_key_in_custom = all( (custom_key in graph.custom) for graph in self.graphs ) custom_key_not_in_custom = all( (custom_key not in graph.custom) for graph in self.graphs ) if not custom_key_in_custom and not custom_key_not_in_custom: raise ValueError( f"{custom_key} needs to be in all `graph.custom`s or " "not in any `graph.custom`s" ) if custom_key_in_custom: self[f"{custom_key}_mode"] = "custom" # custom inductive splits if self.custom_split_graphs is not None: self.general_splits_mode = "custom" def _split_transductive( self, split_ratio: List[float], split_types: List[str] = None, shuffle: bool = True ) -> List[Graph]: r""" Split the dataset assuming training process is transductive. Args: split_ratio: number of data splitted into train, validation (and test) set. Returns: list: A list of 3 (2) lists of :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` object corresponding to train, validation (and test) set. """ split_graphs = [] for graph in self.graphs: if self.general_splits_mode == "custom": split_graph = graph._custom_split( task=self.task ) elif self.general_splits_mode == "random": if isinstance(graph, Graph): if isinstance(graph, HeteroGraph): split_graph = graph.split( task=self.task, split_types=split_types, split_ratio=split_ratio, edge_split_mode=self.edge_split_mode, shuffle=shuffle ) else: split_graph = graph.split( self.task, split_ratio, shuffle=shuffle ) else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) split_graphs.append(split_graph) split_graphs = list(map(list, zip(*split_graphs))) if self.disjoint_split_mode == "custom": # resample_disjoint when in disjoint split custom mode # would override the custom disjoint split edges self.resample_disjoint = False for i, graph in enumerate(split_graphs[0]): if ( self.task == "link_pred" and self.edge_train_mode == "disjoint" ): graph = graph._custom_split_link_pred_disjoint() split_graphs[0][i] = graph elif self.disjoint_split_mode == "random": for i, graph in enumerate(split_graphs[0]): if ( self.task == "link_pred" and self.edge_train_mode == "disjoint" ): if isinstance(graph, Graph): # store the original edge_label graph_edge_label = None if ( self.resample_disjoint and hasattr(graph, "edge_label") ): graph_edge_label = graph.edge_label if isinstance(graph, HeteroGraph): graph = graph.split_link_pred( split_types=split_types, split_ratio=self.edge_message_ratio, edge_split_mode=self.edge_split_mode )[1] else: graph = graph.split_link_pred( self.edge_message_ratio )[1] graph._is_train = True split_graphs[0][i] = graph # save the original edge_label if graph_edge_label is not None: graph._edge_label = copy.deepcopy(graph_edge_label) else: graph._edge_label = None else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) # list of num_splits datasets # (e.g. [train dataset, val dataset, test dataset]) dataset_return = [] if self.negative_edges_mode == "random": for x in split_graphs: dataset_current = copy.copy(self) dataset_current.graphs = x if self.task == "link_pred": for graph_temp in dataset_current.graphs: if isinstance(graph_temp, Graph): if isinstance(graph_temp, HeteroGraph): graph_temp._create_neg_sampling( negative_sampling_ratio=( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio ), split_types=split_types ) else: graph_temp._create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio ) else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) dataset_return.append(dataset_current) elif self.negative_edges_mode == "custom": for i, x in enumerate(split_graphs): dataset_current = copy.copy(self) dataset_current.graphs = x if self.task == "link_pred": for j, graph_temp in enumerate(dataset_current.graphs): if isinstance(graph_temp, Graph): graph_temp.negative_edge = ( graph_temp.negative_edges[i] ) if isinstance(graph_temp, HeteroGraph): graph_temp._custom_create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio, split_types=split_types ) else: graph_temp._custom_create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio ) else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) dataset_return.append(dataset_current) # resample negatives for train split (only for link prediction) dataset_return[0].resample_negatives = True return dataset_return def _split_inductive( self, split_ratio: List[float], split_types: List[str] = None, shuffle: bool = True ) -> List[Graph]: r""" Split the dataset assuming training process is inductive. Args: split_ratio: number of data splitted into train, validation (and test) set. Returns: List[Graph]: a list of 3 (2) lists of graph object corresponding to train, validation (and test) set. """ if self.general_splits_mode == "custom": split_graphs = self.custom_split_graphs elif self.general_splits_mode == "random": num_graphs = len(self.graphs) if num_graphs < len(split_ratio): raise ValueError( "in _split_inductive num of graphs are smaller than the " "number of splitted parts" ) if shuffle: self._shuffle() # a list of num_splits list of graphs # (e.g. [train graphs, val graphs, test graphs]) split_graphs = [] # If the `default split` policy would result in empty splited # graphs, `secure split` policy would be used instead split_empty_flag = False split_offset = 0 # perform `default split` for i, split_ratio_i in enumerate(split_ratio): if i != len(split_ratio) - 1: num_split_i = int(split_ratio_i * num_graphs) graphs_split_i = ( self.graphs[split_offset:split_offset + num_split_i] ) split_offset += num_split_i else: graphs_split_i = self.graphs[split_offset:] if len(graphs_split_i) == 0: split_empty_flag = True split_offset = 0 split_graphs = [] break split_graphs.append(graphs_split_i) if split_empty_flag: # perform `secure split` s.t. guarantees all splitted graph # list contains at least one graph. for i, split_ratio_i in enumerate(split_ratio): if i != len(split_ratio) - 1: num_split_i = ( 1 + int( split_ratio_i * (num_graphs - len(split_ratio)) ) ) graphs_split_i = ( self.graphs[ split_offset:split_offset + num_split_i ] ) split_offset += num_split_i else: graphs_split_i = self.graphs[split_offset:] split_graphs.append(graphs_split_i) # create objectives for link_pred task if self.task == "link_pred": # if disjoint, this will split all graph's edges into 2: # message passing and objective edges # which is returned by the [1] of the split graphs if self.edge_train_mode == "disjoint": split_start = 0 # in all mode, train graph has all edges used for both # message passing and objective. elif self.edge_train_mode == "all": split_start = 1 for i in range(split_start, len(split_graphs)): for j in range(len(split_graphs[i])): graph_temp = split_graphs[i][j] if isinstance(graph_temp, Graph): # store the original edge_label graph_edge_label = None if ( self.resample_disjoint and (i == 0) and hasattr(graph_temp, "edge_label") ): graph_edge_label = graph_temp.edge_label if isinstance(graph_temp, HeteroGraph): graph_temp = ( graph_temp.split_link_pred( split_types, self.edge_message_ratio, self.edge_split_mode )[1] ) else: graph_temp = ( graph_temp.split_link_pred( self.edge_message_ratio )[1] ) # save the original edge_label if graph_edge_label is not None: graph_temp._edge_label = ( copy.deepcopy(graph_edge_label) ) else: graph_temp._edge_label = None # set is_train flag if i == 0: graph_temp._is_train = True split_graphs[i][j] = graph_temp else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type." ) # list of num_splits datasets dataset_return = [] for graphs in split_graphs: dataset_current = copy.copy(self) dataset_current.graphs = graphs if self.task == "link_pred": for graph_temp in dataset_current.graphs: if isinstance(graph_temp, Graph): if isinstance(graph_temp, HeteroGraph): graph_temp._create_neg_sampling( negative_sampling_ratio=( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio ), split_types=split_types ) else: graph_temp._create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio ) else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) dataset_return.append(dataset_current) # resample negatives for train split (only for link prediction) dataset_return[0].resample_negatives = True return dataset_return
[docs] def split( self, transductive: bool = True, split_ratio: List[float] = None, split_types: Union[str, List[str]] = None, shuffle: bool = True ) -> List[Graph]: r""" Split the dataset into train, validation (and test) sets. Args: transductive (bool): Whether the learning is transductive (`True`) or inductive (`False`). Inductive split is always used for the graph-level task, :obj:`self.task` equals to `graph`. split_ratio (list): A list of ratios such as `[train_ratio, validation_ratio, test_ratio]`. split_types (str or list): Types splitted on. Default is `None`. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle data for the splitting. Returns: list: A list of 3 (2) :class:`deepsnap.dataset.GraphDataset` objects corresponding to the train, validation (and test) sets. """ if self.graphs is None: raise RuntimeError( "Split is not supported for on-the-fly dataset. " "Construct different on-the-fly datasets for train, val " "and test. Or perform split at batch level." ) if split_ratio is None: split_ratio = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] if not isinstance(split_ratio, list): raise TypeError("Split ratio must be a list.") if len(split_ratio) > 3: raise ValueError( "Split ratio must contain less than or equal to three values." ) if not math.isclose(sum(split_ratio), 1.0): raise ValueError("Split ratio must sum up to 1.") if not all( isinstance(split_ratio_i, float) for split_ratio_i in split_ratio ): raise TypeError("Split ratio must contain all floats.") if not all(split_ratio_i > 0 for split_ratio_i in split_ratio): raise ValueError("Split ratio must contain all positivevalues.") # store the most recent split types self._split_types = split_types # check self._is_tensor if self._is_tensor: for graph in self.graphs: graph.edge_label_index = graph._edge_label_index graph.edge_label = graph._edge_label # list of num_splits datasets dataset_return = [] if transductive: if self.task == "graph": raise ValueError( "in transductive mode, self.task is graph does not " "make sense." ) dataset_return = ( self._split_transductive( split_ratio, split_types, shuffle=shuffle ) ) else: dataset_return = ( self._split_inductive( split_ratio, split_types, shuffle=shuffle ) ) return dataset_return
[docs] def resample_disjoint(self): r""" Resample splits of the message passing and supervision edges in the `disjoint` mode. .. note:: If :meth:`apply_transform` (on the message passing graph) was used before this resampling, it needs to be re-applied after resampling, to update some of the (supervision) edges that were in the objectives. """ if self.graphs is None: raise RuntimeError( "Resampling disjoint is not needed for on-the-fly dataset. " "Split the on-the-fly data as the batch arrives." ) graphs = [] for graph in self.graphs: graphs.append(graph.resample_disjoint(self.edge_message_ratio)) self.graphs = graphs
def _reset_cache(self): r""" Resets internal cache for graph examples, num_node_labels etc. """ self._num_node_labels = None self._num_nodes = None self._num_edge_labels = None self._num_edges = None self._num_graph_labels = None # TODO: consider the heterogeneous graph case if self.graphs is None: self._graph_example = self.generator.generate() if not isinstance(self._graph_example, Graph): self._graph_example = Graph(self._graph_example) else: self._graph_example = self.graphs[0]
[docs] def apply_transform( self, transform, update_tensor: bool = True, update_graph: bool = False, deep_copy: bool = False, **kwargs ): r""" Applies transformation to all graph objects. All graphs in :obj:`self.graphs` will be run by the specified :meth:`transform` function, and then a new :class:`GraphDataset` object will be returned. Args: transform (callable): User-defined transformation function. update_tensor (bool): If the graphs have changed, use the graph to update the stored tensor attributes. update_graph (bool): If the tensor attributes have changed, use the attributes to update the graphs. deep_copy (bool): If `True`, all graphs will be deepcopied and then fed into the :meth:`transform` function. In this case, the :meth:`transform` function also might need to return a `Graph` object. **kwargs (optional): Parameters used in the :meth:`transform` function for each `Graph` object. Returns: :class:`GraphDataset`: A new :class:`GraphDataset` object with transformed graphs. """ # currently does not support transform for on-the-fly dataset if self.graphs is None: raise ValueError( "On-the-fly datasets do not support transform. " "Transform can be done at the batch level." ) # TODO: parallel apply new_dataset = copy.copy(self) new_dataset.graphs = [ graph.apply_transform( transform, update_tensor, update_graph, deep_copy, **kwargs ) for graph in self.graphs ] # update example graph used for num_node_features etc. new_dataset._reset_cache() return new_dataset
[docs] def filter(self, filter_fn, deep_copy: bool = False, **kwargs): r""" Filter the graphs in the dataset. Discarding a graph `G` when `filter_fn(G)` is `False`. :meth:`apply_transform` is an analog of the Python `map` function, while :meth:`filter` is an analog of the Python `filter` function. Args: filter_fn: User-defined filter function that returns `True` (keep) or `False` (discard) the graph object in the dataset. deep_copy: If `True`, all graphs will be deepcopied and then fed into the :meth:`filter` function. **kwargs: Parameters used in the :meth:`filter` function. Returns: :class:`GraphDataset`: A new :class:`GraphDataset` object with graphs filtered. """ # currently does not support filter for on-the-fly dataset if self.graphs is None: raise ValueError( "On-the-fly datasets do not support transform." "Filter can be done at the batch level." ) new_dataset = copy.copy(self) new_dataset.graphs = [ graph for graph in self.graphs if filter_fn(graph, **kwargs)] # update example graph used for num_node_features etc. new_dataset._reset_cache() return new_dataset
[docs] def to(self, device): r""" Transfer the graphs in the dataset to specified device. Args: device (str): Specified device name, such as `cpu` or `cuda`. """ if self.graphs is None: self.otf_device = device else: for graph in self.graphs:
def _shuffle(self): r""" shuffle Graph object in graphs. """ if self.graphs is not None: random.shuffle(self.graphs)
[docs] @staticmethod def pyg_to_graphs( dataset, verbose: bool = False, fixed_split: bool = False, tensor_backend: bool = False, netlib=None ) -> List[Graph]: r""" Transform a :class:`` object to a list of :class:`deepsnap.grpah.Graph` objects. Args: dataset (:class:``): A :class:`` object that will be transformed to a list of :class:`deepsnap.grpah.Graph` objects. verbose (bool): Whether to print information such as warnings. fixed_split (bool): Whether to load the fixed data split from the original PyTorch Geometric dataset. tensor_backend (bool): `True` will use pure tensors for graphs. netlib (types.ModuleType, optional): The graph backend module. Currently DeepSNAP supports the NetworkX and SnapX (for SnapX only the undirected homogeneous graph) as the graph backend. Default graph backend is the NetworkX. Returns: list: A list of :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` objects. """ if fixed_split: graphs = [ Graph.pyg_to_graph( data, verbose=verbose, fixed_split=True, tensor_backend=tensor_backend, netlib=netlib ) for data in dataset ] graphs_split = [[graph] for graph in graphs[0]] return graphs_split else: return [ Graph.pyg_to_graph( data, verbose=verbose, tensor_backend=tensor_backend, netlib=netlib ) for data in dataset ]
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Union[Graph, List[Graph]]: r""" Takes in an integer (or a list of integers) returns a single Graph object (a subset of graphs). Args: idx: index to be selected from graphs. Returns: Union[:class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph`, List[:class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph`]]: A single :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` object or subset of :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` objects. """ # TODO: add the hetero graph equivalent of these functions if self.graphs is None: graph = self.generator.generate() if not isinstance(graph, Graph): graph = Graph(graph) # generated an networkx graph if self.otf_device is not None: elif isinstance(idx, int): graph = self.graphs[idx] else: # sliceing of dataset dataset = self._index_select(idx) return dataset # resample disjoint training data only when the task is # disjoint link_pred and self.resample_disjoint is set to True if ( self.task == "link_pred" and self.edge_train_mode == "disjoint" and self.resample_disjoint and graph._is_train ): if not hasattr(graph, "resample_disjoint_period"): graph.resample_disjoint_period = self.resample_disjoint_period if isinstance(graph, Graph): if isinstance(graph, HeteroGraph): graph = graph.resample_disjoint( split_types=self._split_types, message_ratio=self.edge_message_ratio ) else: graph = graph.resample_disjoint(self.edge_message_ratio) else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type." ) if self.task == "link_pred" and self.resample_negatives: resample_negative_flag = True # after graph just resampled disjoint training data # graph.edge_label is reset to original state, # the negative sampling process needs to utilize # resample=False mode. if ( hasattr(graph, "_resample_disjoint_flag") and graph._resample_disjoint_flag ): resample_negative_flag = False # resample negative examples if isinstance(graph, Graph): if isinstance(graph, HeteroGraph): if self.negative_edges_mode == "random": graph._create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio, split_types=self._split_types, resample=resample_negative_flag ) elif self.negative_edges_mode == "custom": graph._custom_create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio, split_types=self._split_types, resample=resample_negative_flag ) else: if self.negative_edges_mode == "random": graph._create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio, resample=resample_negative_flag ) elif self.negative_edges_mode == "custom": graph._custom_create_neg_sampling( self.edge_negative_sampling_ratio, resample=resample_negative_flag ) else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type." ) if self.graphs is not None and isinstance(idx, int): self.graphs[idx] = graph return graph def __setitem__(self, key: str, value): """Sets the attribute :obj:`key` to :obj:`value`.""" setattr(self, key, value) def _index_select(self, idx: int) -> List[Graph]: r""" Takes in a list of integers, returns a subset of graphs corresponding to the list of integers. Args: idx: index to be selected from graphs. Returns: List[Graph]: a single Graph object or subset of graphs. """ if self.graphs is None: # _index_select is only called when self.graphs is not None raise NotImplementedError( "Index select is not available for on-the-fly dataset." ) if isinstance(idx, slice): dataset = copy.copy(self) dataset.graphs = self.graphs[idx] elif torch.is_tensor(idx): if ( idx.dtype == torch.long or idx.dtype == ): dataset = self._index_select(idx.tolist()) elif idx.dtype == torch.bool: dataset = self._index_select(idx.nonzero().flatten().tolist()) else: raise TypeError( f"your index type is {idx.dtype}, only tensor of type " "torch.long, or torch.bool are accepted." ) elif isinstance(idx, list) or isinstance(idx, tuple): dataset = copy.copy(self) dataset.graphs = [self.graphs[x] for x in idx] else: raise IndexError( "Only integers, slices (`:`), list, tuples, and long or bool " f"tensors are valid indices (got {type(idx).__name__})." ) return dataset def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover descriptor = ( len(self) if self.graphs is not None else self.generator.__class__ ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({descriptor})"