Source code for deepsnap.batch

import torch
from deepsnap.graph import Graph
from deepsnap.hetero_graph import HeteroGraph
from typing import (

[docs]class Batch(Graph): r""" A plain old python object modeling a batch of :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` objects as one big (disconnected) graph, with :class:`` being the base class that all its methods can also be used here. In addition, graphs can be reconstructed via the assignment vector :obj:`batch`, which maps each node to its respective graph identifier. .. note:: For more detailed use of :class:`deepsnap.batch.Batch`, see the `examples <>`_ folder. """ def __init__(self, batch=None, **kwargs): super(Batch, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.batch = batch self.__data_class__ = Graph self.__slices__ = None @staticmethod def collate(follow_batch=[], transform=None, **kwargs): return lambda batch: Batch.from_data_list( batch, follow_batch, transform, **kwargs )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_data_list( data_list: List[Graph], follow_batch: List = None, transform: Callable = None, **kwargs ): r""" Constructs A :class:`deepsnap.batch.Batch` object from a python list holding :class:`` objects. The assignment vector :obj:`batch` is created on the fly. Additionally, creates assignment batch vectors for each key in :obj:`follow_batch`. Args: data_list (list): A list of :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` objects. follow_batch (list): Creates assignment batch vectors for each key. transform (callable): If it is not `None`, apply transform when batching. **kwargs: Other parameters. """ if follow_batch is None: follow_batch = [] if transform is not None: data_list = [ data.apply_transform( transform, deep_copy=True, **kwargs, ) for data in data_list ] keys = [set(data.keys) for data in data_list] keys = list(set.union(*keys)) assert "batch" not in keys batch, cumsum = Batch._init_batch_fields(keys, follow_batch) batch.__data_class__ = data_list[0].__class__ batch.batch = [] for i, data in enumerate(data_list): # Note: in heterogeneous graph, __inc__ logic is different Batch._collate_dict( data, cumsum, batch.__slices__, batch, data, follow_batch, i=i ) if isinstance(data, Graph): if isinstance(data, HeteroGraph): num_nodes = sum(data.num_nodes().values()) else: num_nodes = data.num_nodes else: raise TypeError( "element in self.graphs of unexpected type" ) if num_nodes is not None: item = torch.full((num_nodes, ), i, dtype=torch.long) batch.batch.append(item) if num_nodes is None: batch.batch = None Batch._dict_list_to_tensor(batch, data_list[0]) return batch.contiguous()
@staticmethod def _init_batch_fields(keys, follow_batch): batch = Batch() batch.__slices__ = {key: [0] for key in keys} for key in keys: batch[key] = [] for key in follow_batch: batch[f"{key}_batch"] = [] cumsum = {key: 0 for key in keys} return batch, cumsum @staticmethod def _collate_dict( curr_dict, cumsum: Dict[str, int], slices, batched_dict, graph, follow_batch, i=None ): r""" Called in from_data_list to collate a dictionary. This can also be applied to Graph object, since it has support for keys and __getitem__(). Args: curr_dict: current dictionary to be added to the collated dictionary. cumsum: cumulative sum to be used for indexing. slices: a dictionary of the same structure as batched_dict, slices[key] indicates the indices to slice batch[key] into tensors for all graphs in the batch. batched_dict: the batched dictionary of the same structure as curr_dict. But all graph data are batched together. """ if isinstance(curr_dict, dict): keys = curr_dict.keys() else: keys = curr_dict.keys for key in keys: item = curr_dict[key] if isinstance(item, dict): # recursively collate every key in the dictionary if isinstance(batched_dict[key], list): # nested dictionary not initialized yet assert len(batched_dict[key]) == 0 # initialize the nested dictionary for batch cumsum[key] = {inner_key: 0 for inner_key in item.keys()} slices[key] = {inner_key: [0] for inner_key in item.keys()} batched_dict[key] = {} for inner_key in item.keys(): batched_dict[key][inner_key] = [] for inner_key in follow_batch: batched_dict[key][f"{key}_batch"] = [] Batch._collate_dict( item, cumsum[key], slices[key], batched_dict[key], graph, follow_batch, i=i ) continue if torch.is_tensor(item) and item.dtype != torch.bool: item = item + cumsum[key] if torch.is_tensor(item): size = item.size(graph.__cat_dim__(key, curr_dict[key])) else: size = 1 slices[key].append(size + slices[key][-1]) cumsum[key] = cumsum[key] + graph.__inc__(key, item) batched_dict[key].append(item) if key in follow_batch: item = torch.full((size, ), i, dtype=torch.long) batched_dict[f"{key}_batch"].append(item) @staticmethod def _dict_list_to_tensor(dict_of_list, graph): r"""Convert a dict/Graph with list as values to a dict/Graph with concatenated/stacked tensor as values. """ if isinstance(dict_of_list, dict): keys = dict_of_list.keys() else: keys = dict_of_list.keys for key in keys: if isinstance(dict_of_list[key], dict): # recursively convert the dictionary of list to dict of tensor Batch._dict_list_to_tensor(dict_of_list[key], graph) continue item = dict_of_list[key][0] if torch.is_tensor(item): if ( Graph._is_graph_attribute(key) and item.ndim == 1 and (not item.dtype == torch.long) and "feature" in key ): # special consideration: 1D tensor for graph # attribute (classification) # named as: "graph_xx_feature" # batch by stacking the first dim dict_of_list[key] = torch.stack( dict_of_list[key], dim=0 ) else: # concat at the __cat_dim__ dict_of_list[key] = dict_of_list[key], dim=graph.__cat_dim__(key, item) ) elif isinstance(item, (float, int)): dict_of_list[key] = torch.tensor(dict_of_list[key])
[docs] def to_data_list(self): r""" Reconstructs the list of :class:`` objects from the batch object. The batch object must have been created via :meth:`from_data_list` in order to be able to reconstruct the initial objects. """ if self.__slices__ is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot reconstruct data list from batch because the " "batch object was not created using Batch.from_data_list()" ) keys = [key for key in self.keys if key[-5:] != "batch"] cumsum = {key: 0 for key in keys} data_list = [] for i in range(len(self.__slices__[keys[0]]) - 1): # i: from 0 up to num graphs in the batch data = self.__data_class__() self._reconstruct_dict( i, keys, data, cumsum, self.__slices__, self, data ) data_list.append(data) return data_list
def _reconstruct_dict( self, graph_idx: int, keys, data_dict, cumsum: Dict[str, int], slices, batched_dict, graph): for key in keys: if isinstance(batched_dict[key], dict): # recursively unbatch the dict data_dict[key] = {} inner_keys = [ inner_key for inner_key in batched_dict[key].keys() if inner_key[-5:] != "batch" ] inner_cumsum = {inner_key: 0 for inner_key in inner_keys} inner_slices = slices[key] self._reconstruct_dict( graph_idx, inner_keys, data_dict[key], inner_cumsum, inner_slices, batched_dict[key], graph ) continue if torch.is_tensor(batched_dict[key]): data_dict[key] = batched_dict[key].narrow( graph.__cat_dim__(key, batched_dict[key]), slices[key][graph_idx], slices[key][graph_idx + 1] - slices[key][graph_idx] ) if batched_dict[key].dtype != torch.bool: data_dict[key] = data_dict[key] - cumsum[key] else: data_dict[key] = ( batched_dict[key][ slices[key][graph_idx]:slices[key][graph_idx + 1] ] ) cumsum[key] = cumsum[key] + graph.__inc__(key, data_dict[key]) @property def num_graphs(self) -> int: r""" Returns the number of graphs in the batch. Returns: int: The number of graphs in the batch. """ return self.batch[-1].item() + 1
[docs] def apply_transform( self, transform, update_tensor: bool = True, update_graph: bool = False, deep_copy: bool = False, **kwargs ): r""" Applies a transformation to each graph object in parallel by first calling `to_data_list`, applying the transform, and then perform re-batching again to a `Batch`. A transform should edit the graph object, including changing the graph structure, or adding node / edge / graph level attributes. The rest are automatically handled by the :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph` object, including everything ended with `index`. Args: transform (callable): Transformation function applied to each graph object. update_tensor (bool): Whether use nx graph to update tensor attributes. update_graph (bool): Whether use tensor attributes to update nx graphs. deep_copy (bool): :obj:`True` if a new deep copy of batch is returned. This option allows modifying the batch of graphs without changing the graphs in the original dataset. kwargs: Parameters used in the transform function for each :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph`. Returns: A batch object containing all transformed graph objects. """ # TODO: transductive setting, assert update_tensor == True return self.from_data_list( [ Graph(graph).apply_transform( transform, update_tensor, update_graph, deep_copy, **kwargs ) for graph in self.G ] )
[docs] def apply_transform_multi( self, transform, update_tensors: bool = True, update_graphs: bool = False, deep_copy: bool = False, **kwargs ): r""" Compared to :meth:`apply_transform`, this allows multiple graph objects to be returned by the given transform function. Args: transform (callable): (Multiple return value) tranformation function applied to each graph object. It needs to return a tuple of Graph objects. update_tensors (bool): Whether use nx graph to update tensor attributes. update_graphs (bool): Whether use tensor attributes to update nx graphs. deep_copy (bool): :obj:`True` if a new deep copy of batch is returned. This option allows modifying the batch of graphs without changing the graphs in the original dataset. kwargs: Parameters used in the transform function for each :class:`deepsnap.graph.Graph`. Returns: A tuple of batch objects. The i-th batch object contains the i-th return value of the transform function applied to all graphs in the batch. """ g_lists = ( zip( *[ Graph(graph).apply_transform_multi( transform, update_tensors, update_graphs, deep_copy, **kwargs, ) for graph in self.G ] ) ) return (self.from_data_list(g_list) for g_list in g_lists)