There will be 10 Colabs in total: Colab 0 (Spark tutorial), and Colab 1 to 9 (released weekly). Each one of them is worth 3%. Colab 0 is solved in real time in the first Recitation Session video.
There will be 4 homework assignments in total, which should be submitted on Gradescope as a PDF. In addition, you should upload all the code associated with your assignment, following the instructions in the FAQ page.
Students may be awarded extra credit for class attendance and participation, including asking and answering questions on Ed.
Colab notebooks are released on Thursdays, and due exactly one week later (Thursday 11:59 PM PST). The answers obtained in the Colabs must be submitted via Gradescope. Note that we cannot under any circumstances extend the Colab deadline. Once the deadline has passed students will not be able to submit their Colabs.
Four biweekly homeworks that will involve programming, working with Spark, as well as regular numerical/algebraic theory problems.
Questions: We try very hard to make questions unambiguous, but some ambiguities may remain. Ask (i.e., post a question on Ed) if confused, or state your assumptions explicitly. Reasonable assumptions will be accepted in case of ambiguous questions. As per the extra credit policy, you may receive extra credit for pointing out ambiguities in course material.
Honor code: We strongly encourage students to form study groups. Students may discuss and work on homework problems in groups. However, each student must write down the code and solutions independently, and without referring to written notes from the joint session. In other words, each student must understand the solution well enough in order to reconstruct it by him/herself. In addition, each student should write on the problem set the group of people with whom she/he interacted.
Since we occasionally reuse problem set questions from previous years, we expect students not to copy, refer to, or look at the solutions in preparing their answers. It is an honor code violation to intentionally refer to a previous year's solutions. This applies both to the official solutions and to solutions that you or someone else may have written up in a previous year.
Finally, we consider it an Honor Code Violation to post your homework solutions to a place where it is easy for other students to access it. This includes uploading your solutions to publicly-viewable repositories like on GitHub.
The standard penalty for a first offense includes a one-quarter suspension from the University and 40 hours of community service. And the standard penalty for multiple violations (e.g., cheating more than once in the same course) is a three-quarter suspension and 40 or more hours of community service. Stanford Office of Community Standards has more information.
Late assignments: Each student will have a total of two late periods to use for homeworks. A late period ends at midnight, on the following Monday (this means that if the assignment is due on Thursday then the late period expires on the following Monday midnight, 11:59pm Pacific Time.) No assignments will be accepted after the late period is due. Also note that we cannot under any circumstances extend the deadline of Colabs. Students cannot use late periods for Colabs.
Assignment submission: All students (SCPD and non-SCPD) should submit their assignments via Gradescope by 11:59PM on the due date. (We will allow a small 15 minute grace period, but beyond that and late periods, all deadlines are final.) You can typeset or scan your assignment, but you must upload a PDF rather than submitting as images.
Please make sure to tag each part correctly on Gradescope so it is easier for us to grade. There will be a small point deduction for each mistagged page.
Include all code for a particular question into a single compressed file, and upload it via Gradescope. Questions that require you to write code will also require a mandatory code upload. Code must be submitted on a separate Gradescope assignment exclusively dedicated to code, e.g., HW1 (Code).