SnapVX Reference Manual

This document is a reference guide to SnapVX functionality.

SnapVX is a python-based convex optimization solver for problems defined on graphs. For problems of this form, SnapVX provides a fast and scalable solution with guaranteed global convergence. It combines the graph capabilities of with the convex solver from CVXPY.

To use SnapVX in Python, import the snapvx module:

>>> import snapvx

The code in this document assumes that SnapVX has been imported as shown above.

The core functionality of SnapVX lies in the TGraphVX class, a subclass of TUNGraph from TGraphVX has extended functionality to incorporate CVXPY elements.


class TGraphVX
class TGraphVX(Graph)

Returns a new TGraphVX initialized with the same nodes and edges specified by optional parameter Graph. If no Graph is given, then the TGraphVX starts an empty graph.

In addition to all of the methods of TUNGraph from, below is a list of new methods supported by the TGraphVX class:

The following basic methods assist in constructing a TGraphVX while incorporating CVXPY elements:

AddNode(NId, Objective=norm(0), Constraints=[])

Adds a node with id NId (int) and the given CVXPY Objective and Constraints (List).

SetNodeObjective(NId, Objective)

Sets the CVXPY Objective of node with id NId (int) to be Objective.


Returns the CVXPY Objective of the node with id NId (int).

SetNodeConstraints(NId, Constraints)

Sets the CVXPY constraints of node with id NId (int) to be Constraints (List).


Returns the CVXPY constraints (List) of the node with id NId (int).

AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId, ObjectiveFunc=None, Objective=norm(0), Constraints=[])

Adds an undirected edge {SrcNId, DstNId} (int, int). ObjectiveFunc is a function that allows the user to use the CVXPY Variables at each node endpoint without needing to maintain reference. It should accept two arguments, which will be a Dictionary for the source and destination nodes, respectively. The dictionaries are of the form {string varName : CVXPY Variable}. ObjectiveFunc should return a tuple containing (CVXPY Objective, CVXPY constraints (List)). If ObjectiveFunc is None, then the CVXPY Objective and constraints (List) parameters are used.

SetEdgeObjective(SrcNId, DstNId, Objective)

Set the CVXPY Objective of the edge {SrcNId, DstNId} (int, int) to be Objective.

GetEdgeObjective(SrcNId, DstNId)

Returns the CVXPY Objective of the edge {SrcNId, DstNId} (int, int).

SetEdgeConstraints(SrcNId, DstNId, Constraints)

Set the CVXPY constraints of the edge {SrcNId, DstNId} (int, int) to be Constraints (List).

GetEdgeConstraints(SrcNId, DstNId)

Returns the CVXPY constraints (List) of the of the edge {SrcNId, DstNId} (int, int).


Returns a generator for the nodes in the graph.


Returns a generator for the edges in the graph.

The following methods allow bulk loading of nodes and edges:

AddNodeObjectives(Filename, ObjFunc, NodeIDs=None, IdCol=None)

Bulk loads CVXPY Objectives for nodes, using the data in the CSV file with name Filename (string). The file will be parsed line by line, and ObjFunc will be called once per line. ObjFunc should accept one argument, which will be a List[string] containing data from that particular line. ObjFunc should return a tuple containing (CVXPY Objective, CVXPY constraints (List)) for that particular node. If NodeIDs (List[int]) is specified, ObjFunc will be called for the nodes with ids matching those in the list. Otherwise, if IdCol (int) is specified, then ObjFunc will be called on the node with the id matching the data value at that column in the CSV line. If both NodeIDs and IdCol are None, then ObjFunc will be called for nodes with ids in increasing order.

AddEdgeObjectives(ObjFunc, Filename=None, EdgeIDs=None, SrcIdCol=None, DstIdCol=None)

Bulk loads CVXPY Objectives for edges. ObjFunc is a function that allows the user to use the CVXPY Variables at each node endpoint without needing to maintain reference. It should accept three arguments. The first two arguments will Dictionary for the source and destination nodes, respectively. The dictionaries are of the form {string varName : CVXPY Variable}. The third argument is valid if a given CSV file with name Filename (string) is specified. If so, the third argument will be a List[string] containing data from that particular line. Otherwise, it will be None. ObjFunc should return a tuple containing (CVXPY Objective, CVXPY constraints (List)). If EdgeIDs (List[(int, int)]) is specified, ObjFunc will be called for the edge with ids matching those in the list. Otherwise, if SrcIdCol (int) and DstIdCol (int) are specified, then ObjFunc will be called on the edge with endpoints matching the data values at those columns in the CSV line. If EdgeIDs, SrcIdCol, and DstIdCol are None, then ObjFunc will called for edges with ids in increasing order.

The following methods solve the optimization problem represented by the TGraphVX and offer various ways to extract the solution:

Solve(M=Minimize, UseADMM=True, NumProcessors=0, Rho=1.0, MaxIters=250, EpsAbs=0.01, EpsRel=0.01, Verbose=False, UseClustering=False, ClusterSize = 1000)

Adds CVXPY Objectives and constraints over all nodes and edges to form one collective CVXPY Problem and solves it. M can be the CVXPY function Maximize or Minimize. UseADMM (bool) specifies whether the backend algorithm should use ADMM or one serial solver. UseClustering specifies whether the problem is to be solved for a supergraph with each node being a cluster of nodes in the original graph. clusterSize specifies the maximum variable size that can be present in the supernode of the supergraph. Verbose (bool) can be specified for verbose output. The rest of the parameters are relevant only is ADMM is used. NumProcessors specifies how many threads should be used in parallel. If NumProcessors is 0, then the number of CPUs is used as a default. Rho, EpsAbs, and EpsRel (float) are all parameters used in the calculation of the convergence criteria. EpsAbs and EpsRel are the primal and dual thresholds, respectively. MaxIters (int) is the maximum number of iterations for ADMM.


After Solve is called, prints the solution to the collective CVXPY Problem, organized by node. Prints to the file with name Filename (string), if specified. Otherwise, prints to the console.

GetNodeValue(NId, Name)

After Solve is called, gets the value of the CVXPY Variable with name Name (string) at node with id NId (int).


After Solve is called, returns a dictionary of all CVXPY Variables at the node with id NId (int). The dictionary is of the form {string name : CVXPY Variable}.

Static Functions


Initializes a TGraphVX based off the data given in the file with name Filename (string). There should be one edge specified per line, written as “srcID dstID”. Commented lines that begin with ‘#’ are ignored.


Updates the value of rho used in the convergence criteria. If Rho (float) is None, then the default rho value of 1.0 is used.


Allows for the user to dynamically update the rho value at the end of each ADMM iteration. The function Func should accept five arguments. The first argument if the old value of rho. The next two arguments are the primal residual and threshold values from calculating the convergence criteria in that iteration. The last two arguments are the dual residual and threshold value. Func should return the new value of rho. If Func is None, then the default behavior of not updating rho is set.

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