GetClosenessCentr (SWIG)ΒΆ

GetClosenessCentr(Graph, NId, Normalized=True, IsDir=False)

Returns closeness centrality of a given node NId in Graph. Closeness centrality is equal to 1/farness centrality.


  • Graph: graph (input)

    A graph or a network.

  • NId: int (input)

    A node id in Graph.

  • Normalized: bool (input)

    Output should be normalized (True) or not (False).

  • IsDir: bool (input)

    Indicates whether the edges should be considered directed (True) or undirected (False).

Return value:

  • float

    The closeness centrality of the node NId in Graph.

The following example shows how to get the closeness centrality for nodes in TNGraph, TUNGraph, and TNEANet:

import snap

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)
for NI in Graph.Nodes():
    CloseCentr = snap.GetClosenessCentr(Graph, NI.GetId())
    print("node: %d centrality: %f" % (NI.GetId(), CloseCentr))

UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000)
for NI in UGraph.Nodes():
    CloseCentr = snap.GetClosenessCentr(UGraph, NI.GetId())
    print("node: %d centrality: %f" % (NI.GetId(), CloseCentr))

Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, 100, 1000)
for NI in Network.Nodes():
    CloseCentr = snap.GetClosenessCentr(Network, NI.GetId())
    print("node: %d centrality: %f" % (NI.GetId(), CloseCentr))