GetMxWccSz '''''''''' .. function:: GetMxWccSz() A graph method that returns the fraction of nodes in the largest weakly connected component of a graph. Parameters: - None Return value: - float The fraction of nodes in the largest weakly connected component of a graph. The following code shows how to calculate the relative size of the maximum weakly connected component for nodes in :class:`TNGraph`, :class:`TUNGraph`, and :class:`TNEANet`:: import snap Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNGraph, 20, 10) print('Relative size of WCC in Directed Graph:', Graph.GetMxWccSz()) UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TUNGraph, 20, 10) print('Relative size of WCC in Undirected Graph:', UGraph.GetMxWccSz()) Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNEANet, 20, 10) print('Relative size of WCC in Network:', Network.GetMxWccSz())