GetKCoreEdges ''''''''''''' .. function:: GetKCoreEdges() A graph method that returns the number of edges in each core of order K (where K=0, 1, ...). Parameters: - None Return value: - int The number of cores. - :class:`TIntPrV`, a vector of (int, int) pairs (output) A vector of (order K, number of edges of the given order) pairs. The following example shows how to get the number of edges for a given k-core in :class:`TNGraph`, :class:`TUNGraph`, and :class:`TNEANet`:: import snap Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNGraph, 100, 1000) kValue, CoreIDSzV = Graph.GetKCoreEdges() for item in CoreIDSzV: print("order: %d edges: %d" % (item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2())) UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TUNGraph, 100, 1000) kValue, CoreIDSzV = UGraph.GetKCoreEdges() for item in CoreIDSzV: print("order: %d edges: %d" % (item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2())) Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNEANet, 100, 1000) kValue, CoreIDSzV = Network.GetKCoreEdges() for item in CoreIDSzV: print("order: %d edges: %d" % (item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2()))