
LoadConnListStr(GraphType, InFNm, StrToNIdH)

Loads a (directed, undirected, or multi) graph from a text file, InFNm, with 1 node and all its edges in a single line.

InFNm is a whitespace separated file of several columns: <source node name> <destination node name 1> <destination node name 2> ... First column of each line contains a source node name followed by ids of the destination nodes. For example, ‘A B C’ encodes edges A–>B and A–>C. Note that this format allows for saving isolated nodes.


  • GraphType: graph class (input)

    Class of output graph – one of PNGraph, PNEANet, or PUNGraph.

  • InFNm: string (input)

    Filename with the description of the graph nodes and edges.

  • StrToNIdH: TStrIntH, a hash table of string keys and int values (output)

    Stores the mapping from node names to node ids.

Return value:

  • graph

    A Snap.py graph of the specified type GraphType.

The following example shows how to load each of the graph types from a file named “test.dat”:

import snap

H = snap.TStrIntH()
snap.LoadConnListStr(snap.PNGraph, "test.dat", H)

H = snap.TStrIntH()
snap.LoadConnListStr(snap.PNEANet, "test.dat", H)

H = snap.TStrIntH()
snap.LoadConnListStr(snap.PUNGraph, "test.dat", H)