

This page is a draft and under revision.

GetTriads(Graph, NIdCOTriadV, SampleNodes=-1)


This function is not yet supported.

Computes the number of open and closed triads for every node in Graph. Considers the graph as undirected.


  • Graph: graph (input)

    A graph or a network

  • NIdCOTriadV: a vector of (integer, integer, integer) triplets (output)

    Triple (node id, open triads: number of pairs of node’s neighbors that are not connected, closed triads: number of pairs of node’s neighbors that are connected between themselves).

  • SampleNodes: integer (input)

    If !=-1 then compute triads only for a random sample of SampleNodes nodes. Useful for approximate but quick computations.

Return value:

  • None

The following example shows how to compute the number of open and closed triads for nodes in TNGraph, TUNGraph, and TNEANet:

import snap

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)
TriadV = snap.TIntTrV()
snap.GetTriads(Graph, TriadV)
for triple in TriadV:
    print triple.Val1(), triple.Val2(), triple.Val3()

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000)
TriadV = snap.TIntTrV()
snap.GetTriads(Graph, TriadV)
for triple in TriadV:
    print triple.Val1(), triple.Val2(), triple.Val3()

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, 100, 1000)
TriadV = snap.TIntTrV()
snap.GetTriads(Graph, TriadV)
for triple in TriadV:
    print triple.Val1(), triple.Val2(), triple.Val3()