
GetShortPath(Graph, SrcNId, NIdToDistH, IsDir=false, MaxDist=TInt::Mx)

Returns the length of the shortest path from node SrcNId to all other nodes in the network.


  • Graph: graph (input)

    A graph or a network.

  • SrcNId: int (input)

    Node id for source node.

  • NIdToDistH: TIntH, a hash table with integer keys and values (output)

    Maps node id to shortest path distance. Only contains nodes that are reachable from SrcNId.

  • IsDir: bool (input)

    Indicates whether the edges should be considered directed or undirected.

  • MaxDist: int (input)

    Maximum number of hops that BFS expands to. This is helpful for speeding-up the code if one in interested only in nodes less than MaxDist away from SrcNId.

Return value:

  • int

    The length of the shortest path from SrcNId to all other nodes.

The following example shows how to calculate the length of the shortest path in TNGraph, TUNGraph, and TNEANet:

import snap

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)
NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH()
shortestPath = snap.GetShortPath(Graph, 10, NIdToDistH)
for item in NIdToDistH:
    print item, NIdToDistH[item]
print shortestPath

UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000)
NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH()
shortestPath = snap.GetShortPath(UGraph, 10, NIdToDistH)
for item in NIdToDistH:
    print item, NIdToDistH[item]
print shortestPath

Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, 100, 1000)
NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH()
shortestPath = snap.GetShortPath(Network, 10, NIdToDistH)
for item in NIdToDistH:
    print item, NIdToDistH[item]
print shortestPath