This page is a draft and under revision.
- GetNodeTriads(Graph, NId, GroupSet)¶
This function is not yet supported.
Returns the number of closed triads a node NId participates in. OR, if the parameter GroupSet is included, returns the number of triads between NId and a subset of its neighbors (given by GroupSet). Considers Graph to be undirected.
- Graph: graph (input)
A graph or a network
- NId: int (input)
NId of the node of interest
- GroupSet: TIntSet (input) (optional)
Set of NIds representing a subset of the neighbors of the node of interest
Return value:
- ClosedTriads: int
Number of triads the node of interest (NId) participates in
- InGroupEdges: int
Number of triads between the node of interest (NId) and a subset of its neighbors (GroupSet)
This function does not currently perform as indicated. It is not yet implemented in The error message is as follows: “if type(tspec) == PNGraph : return GetNodeTriads_PNGraph(tspec, * args) NameError: global name ‘GetNodeTriads_PNGraph’ is not defined.” The example code below is theoretical and has not been tested.
The following example shows how to calculate the number of triads a node participates in for nodes in TNGraph, TUNGraph, and TNEANet:
import snap
Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)
NId = 1
print GetNodeTriads(Graph, NId)
Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000)
NId = 1
print GetNodeTriads(Graph, NId)
Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, 100, 1000)
NId = 1
print GetNodeTriads(Graph, NId)