- GetBiCon(Graph, BiCnComV)¶
Returns all bi-connected components of a Graph.
- Graph: undirected graph (input)
A undirected graph.
- BiCnComV: TCnComV, a vector of connected components (output)
A vector of bi-connected components. Each component is defined by the IDs of its member nodes.
Return value:
- None
The following example shows how to print out representations of the bi-connected components of a TUNGraph:
import snap
UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000)
V = snap.TCnComV()
snap.GetBiCon(UGraph, V)
for CnCom in V:
for NI in CnCom:
print NI
print "---------------"