
DrawGViz(Graph, Layout, PltFNm, Desc=TStr(), NodeLabels=False, NIdColorH=TIntStrH())

Draws the given Graph using a selected GraphViz Layout engine with nodes colored. Useful for drawing small (<100 node) graphs. Creates a file with name PltFNm.


  • Graph: graph (input)

    A Snap.py graph or a network

  • Layout: TGVizLayout (input)

    One of gvlDot, gvlNeato, gvlTwopi, gvlCirco, gvlSfdp. The type of layout for the graph.

  • PltFNm: string (input)

    Output filename (extension .ps, .png, .gif) determines the output format.

  • Desc: string (input)

    A string describing the visualization.

  • NodeLabels: bool (input)

    Whether or not the nodes in image have labels associated with them.

  • NIdColorH: TIntStrH, a hash table with int keys and string values (input)

    Maps node ids to node colors (see GraphViz documentation for more details).

Return value:

  • None

Note that larger graphs (more than a few hundred nodes) may take several minutes to finish generating the image. The following example shows how to make a pretty graph image for nodes in TNGraph, TUNGraph, and TNEANet:

import snap

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 10, 20)
snap.DrawGViz(Graph, snap.gvlDot, "graph.png", "graph 1")

UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 10, 40)
snap.DrawGViz(UGraph, snap.gvlNeato, "graph_undirected.png", "graph 2", True)

NIdColorH = snap.TIntStrH()
NIdColorH[0] = "green"
NIdColorH[1] = "red"
NIdColorH[2] = "purple"
NIdColorH[3] = "blue"
NIdColorH[4] = "yellow"
Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, 5, 10)
snap.DrawGViz(Network, snap.gvlSfdp, "network.png", "graph 3", True, NIdColorH)