File Streams ```````````` The file streams offered by are :class:`TFOut`, which is used for file writing, and :class:`TFIn`, which is used for file reading. TFOut ===== .. class:: TFOut(FNm) Creates a :class:`TFOut` object that can be used to write the contents of the file specified by the path *FNm*. If a file with name *FNm* does not already exist, it creates a new file. If a file with name *FNm* exists, its contents will be overwritten. Below is a list of functions supported by the :class:`TFOut` class: .. describe:: PutCh(Ch) Writes the character *Ch* to the curret file stream position. .. describe:: Flush() Flushes the write buffer for the stream. .. describe:: New(FNm) Returns a new :class:`TFOut` object for the file with name *FNm*. Below is some code demonstrating the use of the :class:`TFOut` type, which creates a file with name 'test.graph' in the working directory: >>> Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000) >>> FOut = snap.TFOut("test.graph") >>> Graph.Save(FOut) >>> FOut.Flush() TFIn ==== .. class:: TFIn(FNm) Creates a :class:`TFIn` object that can be used to read the contents of the file specified by the path *FNm*. Raises the exception :class:`RuntimeError` if a file with name *FNm* cannot be found. Below is a list of functions supported by the :class:`TFIn` class: .. describe:: Eof() Returns a boolean indicating whether the end of the file has been reached. .. describe:: Len() Returns the length of the remainder of the file starting at the current file stream position. .. describe:: GetCh() Returns the next character in the file and updates the file stream position to the next character in the file. .. describe:: PeekCh() Returns the next character in the file without updating the file stream position. .. describe:: Reset() Resets the file stream to the beginning of the file. .. describe:: New(FNm) Returns a new :class:`TFIn` object for the file with name *FNm*. Below is some code demonstrating the use of the :class:`TFIn` type, which assumes a file with name 'test.graph' exists in the working directory: >>> FIn = snap.TFIn("test.graph") >>> Graph = snap.TNGraph.Load(FIn) >>> FIn.Len() 11445