GetInvParticipRat ''''''''''''''''' .. function:: GetInvParticipRat(Graph, MaxEigVecs, TimeLimit, EigValIprV) Computes Inverse participation ratio of a given graph. Parameters: - *Graph*: undirected graph (input) A undirected graph. - *EigVecs*: int (input) Maximum number of eigenvectors to return. - *TimeLimit*: int (input) Maximum number seconds to search. - *EigValIprV*: :class:`TFltPrV`, a vector of (float, float) pairs (output) The output inverse participation ratios. Return value: - None See Spectra of "real-world" graphs: Beyond the semicircle law by Farkas, Derenyi, Barabasi and Vicsek URL: The following example computes the inverse participation ratio for :class:`TNGraph`:: import snap UGraph = snap.TUNGraph.New() UGraph.AddNode(1) UGraph.AddNode(2) UGraph.AddNode(3) UGraph.AddNode(4) UGraph.AddNode(5) UGraph.AddNode(6) UGraph.AddEdge(1, 2) UGraph.AddEdge(2, 3) UGraph.AddEdge(3, 5) UGraph.AddEdge(4, 6) UGraph.AddEdge(4, 1) EigValIprV = snap.TFltPrV() snap.GetInvParticipRat(UGraph, 20, 1000, EigValIprV) for item in EigValIprV: print '%f, %f' % (item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2())