GenRndPowerLaw '''''''''''''' .. function:: GenRndPowerLaw (Nodes, PowerExp, ConfModel=True, Rnd=TRnd) Generates a random scale-free graph with power-law degree distribution with exponent *PowerExp*. The method uses either the Configuration model (fast but the result is approximate) or the Edge Rewiring method (slow but exact). Parameters: - *Nodes*: int (input) Number of nodes. - *PowerExp*: float (input) Power exponent, which must be greater than 1. - *ConfModel*: bool (input) Whether the method uses the Configuration model. - *Rnd*: :class:`TRnd` (input) Random number generator. Return value: - undirected graph A undirected, random, scale-free graph. The following example shows how to create :class:`PUNGraph` with this function:: import snap UGraph1 = snap.GenRndPowerLaw (9, 10) for NI in UGraph1.Nodes(): print "node: %d, out-degree %d, in-degree %d" % (NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg(), NI.GetInDeg()) UGraph2 = snap.GenRndPowerLaw (5, 2, False) for NI in UGraph2.Nodes(): print "node: %d, out-degree %d, in-degree %d" % (NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg(), NI.GetInDeg())