GenCopyModel '''''''''''' .. function:: GenCopyModel (Nodes, Beta, Rnd=TRnd) Generates a random scale-free network with *Nodes* nodes using the Copying Model. The generating process operates as follows: Node u is added to a graph, it selects a random node v, and with probability *Beta* it links to v, with 1 - *Beta* links u links to neighbor of v. Parameters: - *Nodes*: int (input) Number of nodes in the generated graph. - *Beta*: float (input) Probability used in the generating process. - *Rnd*: :class:`TRnd` (input) Random number generator. Return value: - directed graph A directed graph generated using the Copying Model. The following example shows how to generate a :class:`TNGraph` using :func:`GenCopyModel`:: import snap Graph = snap.GenCopyModel(20, 0.4, snap.TRnd()) print "Resulting Graph: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (Graph.GetNodes(), Graph.GetEdges())