This HOWTO describes how to run an MPI job on the cluster. Wikipedia would call this article a stub. As I have very little experience with running MPI jobs, I am more or less pasting the script from = The submission script = {{{#!highlight bash #!/bin/bash #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=4 # Make sure that we are in the same subdirectory as where the qsub command # is issued. cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # make a list of allocated nodes(cores) cat $PBS_NODEFILE > nodes # How many cores total do we have? NO_OF_CORES=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | egrep -v '^#'\|'^$' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` NODE_LIST=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE ` # Just for kicks, see which nodes we got. echo $NODE_LIST # Run the executable. *DO NOT PUT* a '&' at the end!! mpirun -np $NO_OF_CORES -machinefile nodes ./pi3 >& log }}}