Project in Mining Massive Data Sets
Spring 2013
CS341 is an advanced project based course. Students will work on data mining and machine learning algorithms for analyzing very large amounts of data. Both interesting big datasets as well as computational infrastructure (large MapReduce cluster) will be provided by course staff.


Course information:


Jure Leskovec (jure@cs.stanford.edu)

Anand Rajaraman (datawocky@gmail.com)

Jeff Ullman (ullman@gmail.com)

Class meetings:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:15PM - 5:30PM in 420-041 (Jordan Hall, Psychology building).

This is a project course. There will be only a few weekly lectures, and only one or two introductory homeworks. We will spend the quarter working in teams on different large scale data mining related projects. Teams will individually meet with the assigned mentor.

Teaching assistant:

Sébastien Robaszkiewicz (robi@cs.stanford.edu)
Office Hours: upon request (send me an email).


You can reach us at cs341-spr1213-staff@lists.stanford.edu
Use Piazza to post class related questions: http://piazza.com/class#spring2013/cs341
(Piazza usually requires @stanford.edu email address to register. If you do not have @stanford.edu address, use the access code "cs341" to subscribe to the class.)

Previous versions of the course:

CS341: Spring 2012

CS341: Spring 2011


The course is generously supported by Amazon by giving us access to their EC2 platform.