Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library. It is written in C++ and easily scales to massive networks with hundreds of millions of nodes, and billions of edges. It efficiently manipulates large graphs, calculates structural properties, generates regular and random graphs, and supports attributes on nodes and edges. SNAP is also available through the NodeXL which is a graphical front-end that integrates network analysis into Microsoft Office and Excel.
You can go to to download latest version of SNAP. Then, after unzipping, go into directory examples and open SnapExamples.sln (Visual Studio required). If your system is UNIX-based, there is also Makefile in the directory examples.
For Linux system, you have to install g++ first. Then, we have example Makefile in directory examples/kronfit. Take a look at that Makefile and
you will find that under Linux, you should uncomment the two lines:
#CXXFLAGS += -std=c++98 -Wall #LDFLAGS += -lrt
Under Windows system, you should install Visual Studio first. Then, open Visual Studio and create a project, add "#include YOUR_SNAP_PATH/snap/Snap.h" in your main .cpp file and include the Snap.h/cpp into your project. Also, due to the settings of SNAP, the character set must be set to Multi-byte. You can right-click on your project and go to Properties --> Configuration Properties --> General --> Projects Defaults --> Character Set --> Select "Use Multi-Byte Character Set". Then you can enjoy the powerful arsenal of SNAP!
SNAP contains a STL-like library, specified in directory glib. It contains basic data structures, like vectors, hash-tables and strings. These data structures perform efficiently and supports serialization for loading and saving.
TInt a=5; cout << a << endl; --- 5 //In C style, use printf("%d\n", a.Val); ************************************** TStr a="abc"; TStr b="ccc"; cout << a.CStr() << endl; --- abc cout << a.Len() << endl; --- 3 cout << a[0] << endl; --- a cout << (a==b) << endl; --- 0
TPair<TInt, TFlt> a; a.Val1=1; a.Val2=2.3;
TVec<TInt> a; a.Add(10); a.Add(20); a.Add(30); cout << a[0] << endl; --- 10 cout << a.Len() << endl; --- 3 *********************************** THash<TInt, TStr> a; a.AddDat(12)="abc"; a.AddDat(34)="def"; cout << a.GetKey(0) << endl; --- 12 cout << a[0].CStr() << endl; --- abc cout << a.GetKeyId(12) << endl; --- 0 cout << a.GetDat(34).CStr() << endl; --- def *********************************** THashSet<TInt> a; a.AddKey(12); a.AddKey(34); a.AddKey(56); cout << a.GetKey(2) << endl; --- 56
SNAP supports serialization for all the data structures aforementioned, as well as the network/graph structures to be introduced.
It is much more efficient to store a data structure to binary files than to text format. Saving and loading binary files for
data structures in SNAP is very simple, just via function Save and Load.
TVec<TInt> a; a.Add(10); a.Add(20); a.Add(30); {TFOut fout("a.bin"); a.Save(fout);} {TFIn fin("a.bin"); a.Load(fin);}
Example .cpp for basic data structure and data type in SNAP: BasicDS_DT_SNAP.cpp
SNAP contains a powerful graph manupulation library, specified in directory snap. It can deal with generating, manipulating as well as analyzing graphs/networks.
When creating a graph/network, use smart pointer (e.g. TPt<TNGraph> g) whenever possible to let the library automatically allocating/de-allocating the space for you.
Furthermore, when adding an edge, make sure the two nodes have already been added.
PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(); //PNGraph is defined in SNAP as TPt<TNGraph> Graph->AddNode(1); Graph->AddNode(5); Graph->AddEdge(1,5); cout << Graph->GetNodes() << endl; --- 2 //number of nodes cout << Graph->GetEdges() << endl; --- 1 //number of edges ****************************** PNGraph Graph = TSnap::GenRndGnm<PNGraph>(100, 1000); //create a directed random graph on 100 nodes and 1,000 edges
We can use SNAP library to explore and analyze a graph easily.
1. Traverse a graph //traverse the nodes for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) printf("%d %d %d\n", NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg(), NI.GetInDeg()); //traverse the edges for (TNGraph::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) printf("edge (%d, %d)\n", EI.GetSrcNId(), EI.GetDstNId()); //we can traverse the edges also like this for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) printf("edge (%d %d)\n", NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(e)); 2. Get properties of a graph // generate a network using Forest Fire model PNGraph G = TSnap::GenForestFire(1000, 0.35, 0.35); //get the largest weakly connected component of G PNGraph WccG = TSnap::GetMxWcc(G); //get a subgraph induced on nodes {0,1,2,3,4} PNGraph SubG = TSnap::GetSubGraph(G, TIntV::GetV(0,1,2,3,4)); TVec<TPair<TInt, TInt> > CntV; // vector of pairs of integers (size, count) //get distribution of connected components (component size, count) TSnap::GetWccSzCnt(G, CntV); //get degree distribution pairs (degree, count) TSnap::GetOutDegCnt(G, CntV); //convert to undirected graph TUNGraph PUNGraph UG = TSnap::ConvertGraph<PUNGraph, PNGraph>(G);
1. Generate a G(n,m) graph (Erdos-Renyi model): Gnm.cpp
2. Get size for connected components in an undirected graph: getCC.cpp
Loading and saving network data mentioned above is similar to that of data structures. Here's an example for data as20graph.txt in the directory
example of SNAP.
Top lines of as20graph.txt: # Directed Node Graph # Autonomous systems (graph is undirected, each edge is saved twice) # Nodes: 6474 Edges: 26467 # SrcNId DstNId 1 3 1 6 1 32 1 48 1 70 1 63 ... Loading: PUNGraph g=TSnap::LoadEdgeList<PUNGraph>("as20graph.txt",0,1); //0 is the column id for source node //1 is the column id for target node Saving: TSnap::SaveEdgeList<PUNGraph>(g, "as20graph.txt", "");
Making a plot in SNAP requires installing the software Gnuplot. Gnuplot is a plotting software with its own
grammar. Make sure that the path containing wgnuplot.exe (for Windows) or gnuplot (for Linux) is in your environmental variable $PATH.
Fortunately, SNAP contains interfaces to help you directly generate Gnuplot scripts and run Gnuplot for you. Here's a typical example of
plotting two curves with known (x,y) coordinates:
TVec<TPair<TFlt,TFlt> > XY1, XY2; for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { XY1.Add(TPair<TFlt,TFlt>(i+0.0,i+0.0)); XY2.Add(TPair<TFlt,TFlt>(i+0.0,i*i+0.0)); } TGnuPlot Gp("fileName", "titleName"); Gp.AddPlot(XY1, gpwLinesPoints, "curve1"); Gp.AddPlot(XY2, gpwPoints, "curve2"); Gp.SetXYLabel("x-axis name", "y-axis name"); Gp.SavePng(); //or Gp.SaveEps(); //You can also use log-log scale via Gp.SetScale(gpsLog10XY);
Typically, the plotting interface of SNAP will generate three types of files for each plot:
Example .cpp to plot exponential and Poisson distribution using Gnuplot: Gnuplot_example.cpp
Visualize a graph in SNAP requires installing the software GraphViz. GraphViz is a graph-visualization software.
Make sure that the path of bin in your GraphViz directory is in your environmental variable $PATH. Like TGnuplot, SNAP contains interfaces to
help you directly manipulate GraphViz. Here's a typical example of visualizing a simple directed graph:
PNGraph g=TNGraph::New(); g->AddNode(1); g->AddNode(2); g->AddNode(3); g->AddNode(4); g->AddEdge(1,2); g->AddEdge(2,3); g->AddEdge(1,3); g->AddEdge(2,4); g->AddEdge(3,4); TIntStrH name; //node labels name.AddDat(1)="David"; name.AddDat(2)="Emma"; name.AddDat(3)="Jim"; name.AddDat(4)="Sam"; TGraphViz::Plot<PNGraph>(g, gvlDot, "gviz_plot.png", "", name);